Saturday, November 30, 2013

What Do You Escape From?

A Person I Use to Know never used the word, escape, in life. Even though, escape was not really possible for this minor aged girl who was living out a traumatic story where healthy assistance was not readily available to her - she never lost her silent dialectal hope, that one day - she would escape all the pain, heartache and trauma of her heart, gain new health, and grieve the unhealthy mind deposits produced by the unhealthiness of other's actions that were enforced upon her. For their ways were a culture of unhealthy heritage that she completely felt helpless too and for a long time, there was no effectiveness to solve the deepest of her problems.

Now as an adult looking back, this minor aged girl, shares how it was me looking back upon that Person I Use to Know as a victim and survivor in myself. I realize that I have escaped. 

Not without scars and internal wounds of medical damage - but escaped none the less. For wounds and even invisible scars, I do believe can be healed and controlled in a healthier manner through obtaining new skills.

Those of us who do have these invisible scars or wounds medically, emotionally or psychologically done to us by the traumas of circumstances and others - do indeed know the factual tortures of secretly wanting to escape the unhealthy realities we lived in and survived through. 

We know the depths of how far pain, hurt, and scars can travel within the human body and brain. We are testaments to what resilience, endurance, and constant persistence is to overcome the tragedies of our own lives to continue on - past the escapes that trauma gives us.

Many individuals in society, though different, in their escape tactics or individual motivations for escapes too - endure many of the same characteristic traits but in a different manner. But escape binds us all. Every one wants to get out of something. Most won't see it as such, but think about it.

Many choose to read the life of another or creations of another for their escape. Stories in a book to escape or get a break from their reality in a movie. For some, it is truly just a joy as a hobby. 

But for many more, by using methods as a book, movie, hobby, sports or even creativity - is to fulfill in self of that which they are deprived of every day in the comfort of their own life or companionship of their immediate life.

It has been said by many in my experiences of life, that many enjoy or look forward to going to work every day. For the break - they get a work, gives them a focus away from the money or financial troubles or rendering children or continual debate of serious matters with their family or partners at home. To keep up the routine of this, keeps the monotony of their home life and their work in balance for them self or so they keep telling them self that so they can stay or contemptly cope. For change is not motivation to them but instead fear keeps them where they are for even in unhappiness, comfort and familiar of routine is easier to handle than changing what it is. Very few will venture on with change and adaptability of the facts of their life. Most simply escape daily in the devices of their choice. For the comfort of familiar is stronger in them than the uncertainty to move on.

They can go to work putting on a show of what they want others to believe about them and then return home to be something or someone different. Closets live in most individuals - more than the general population will be honest or factual about. 

It's easier to walk around in a closet atmosphere submerged with those who fashion as we or speak the same languages of comfort that we do - than to admit that cobwebs reside in each of us and in every one we meet. 

We seek to do this with familiar company than to be honest or factual. We fear and speculate or assume the worst - if we did anything different when in fact, we deprive self and all those around us by the silent desires to escape instead of facing what ever it is that we do not like about self or our lives.

To escape something or even obtain a moment's break, for our individual self, is what we all seek and try to do every day. Even in - what appears as the best or healthiest quality of life with all the comforts of luxuries that money could buy - that person too - is trying to escape something. 

Whether it be the stresses of their jobs or their inabilities to go out in public unrecognized as celebrities or social public figures wish they could do - at the heart and conscience of each of us - is our closets, our skeletons, and our wish for more, and the external things we do to achieve that break of escape.

The one person that we could talk to about anything who makes us feel like a visual and emotional extension of our self. The person that can literally read our minds before the words touch our lips to give audio validity too. The person who can know by the expressions of our facial expressions what we are enduring with no words spoken. The one person who can lovingly fulfill our core of human sharing pleasures that should never be touched upon with this kind of personal intensity and that kind of depth. Indeed, we all have those escapes - we are running from and those wishes that we dream that will never become true.

Human beings are becoming a species of machinery to me - now in learning all that I am. I accept the validity of these lessons of science, medical, and even religious overtones of Buddhism to contribute to the effectiveness of this therapy but also makes for healthy good common sense for those who wish to believe and effectiveness to gain core healthiness.

The emotional information and factual applications of emotion uses do serve us as tools that need skillful purpose and focus to assist humans in their quest to achieve and be as healthy as they want to be. 

Many times, instead of learning or accepting life in a healthy or unhealthy nature and nurture premise, we escape into the fantasy, hopes, truth, misplaced trusts, and false illusions. 

But the unhealthy and self-provocations of unconscious and ignorance of our perceptions done to us is damaging and very unhealthy. 

We seek to escape the facts or fail to understand our own psyche and face self. Instead - we tend to create and continue on the comfort and familiar of our own personal and individual perceptions that our individual history of: circumstances, experiences and thoughts have taught to us. We seek to escape - but the person or things we use to escape from - is really just the person staring at us in our mirror reflections.

Think about it. Heritage and genetics determine what color our eyes will be - what color and texture our hair will be and even to a degree what our medical folder will consist of before we are birthed with the first touch of oxygen to fill our lungs before we cry. 

Then it is through the nature and nurture of our learning with parental or adult guidance of their biased and beliefs that become our own. 

Then as legality is upon us as adults to function and perform or contribute into society as a one but yet unison community where your efforts will contribute or detriment the survival or devastation of the whole of your career choice - you are expected to balanced, perform, and sustain. 

How many successfully can say they do this without escaping or running away from something? How many successfully say they can achieve and completely be happy and feel healthy with the 5 senses of the corners of their minds or silent thoughts? How many can sit in silence and appreciate the simplicity of the healthy life it gives? How many can be still long enough to feel, hear, and admire the beats of their heart that give them life? How many can look at their hands, face, and body and really admire the visual presence before them with respect? How many more can really answer the personal values of their own healthy or unhealthy qualities? Not just the visual or the obvious but completely, internally, and with emotional facts and psychological honesty? How many even care to venture that road less traveled or a mission that is so abstract?

For when you go to a medical doctor, it is about vitals, blood pressure, blood chemical levels, and visual appearance of healthy or unhealthy. Never it is a questionnaire of your emotional well-being, a numerical rating of how you feel and a rating you would give of the quality of your life or how you control or mismanage the medical conditions you are aware of. Why is their no healthy or unhealthy questions about all that makes up a human being with a doctor? Why must referrals to this experts or that expert be given when in fact, the only expert of healthy or unhealthy of your life reside in you and will die with you by the choices and skillfulness you have or that which you fail to believe in or try?

For the bible and religions speak about an impossible concept of being born again as a little child would. Physically or visually and even genetically, this is never possible nor could be. Only those who speak of religion or being born again can say they are repentant of their sins and have a new mission in life or new beliefs that change who they are. More often than not, religion has been used to conceal, cover-up and discreetly hide the mistakes, errors, and crimes. 

Even without being a religious person or believing in any concept as "born again," what if life is really about becoming an adult and then seeking answers to our most personal questions or individual circumstances that no other can truthfully answer for us but self. What if our answers or effective solutions are waiting patiently in self when we are ready to be honest with no one else but our self first? What if the healthy or unhealthiness of self is the direct result of ignorance and simple failure to learn as we grow older or a failure to become self motivated in life to achieve the healthy or unhealthy we desire - interally and externally?

What if the unhealthy or healthiness of our self is there with us all along but we haven't found the time or made the time to pursue it for our self because we have been accustomed to staying so busy to doing what social order or others adviseof what we should be doing, when in fact, all we should be doing is making sure we are taking care of our self the whole time and seeking to learn from and give healthy alter to the heritage, biased, and genetics of our life and then proceed forward in who or what we want to be.

So much of life is a cause and effect where logic, rational, and reasonable ideology does not reside nor is guided in each of us how to find it, embrace it, learn from it and grow from it. 

Instead, we all are marching in a human race where as individuals we rub elbows together and nothing more. For each of us are present in visuals but our minds, thoughts, emotions, and existence is to create an escape from something we feel powerless or unable to escape from or do not want too.

Joys can be produced by the stillness, peacefulness, serenity, of fulfilling personal desires but only if a person first believes and wants to choose this for their way of life. But how many can really accept that this desire begins and ends first with self? That no external devices are truly needed or that no book can be read to give you - what you long you seek or that no high exists - that you can not find, create, and learn to grow in yourself.

Have we really all become so advanced in the devices and luxuries of escape around us that we have too escaped our self and the healthy or unhealthiness addressing of our own individual core? 

Have we really focused the health we did have at one time to make future way to the unhealthiness of our productions? As if we are all silent contributors to our self but yet loud, boastful, prideful, and external visually appealing machines that lacks a core that is more than merely a machine or a factory of chemicals and electrical impulses but we have accepted others desires and health for our self than what we care to even reveal and understand in our self first?

Philosophy is indeed - a great topic and subject matter to read upon - if you want to learn or gain knowledge as your escape to not only better understand - but to gain a healthier core in yourself. 

For these professionals do not give explanations into the science, medical or genetics of the core of a person or people as a social community but instead focuses on the individual core of solving answers to one's own question without external stimuli. It does help a person to escape to self, if you will, when reading on these topics produced about human beings.

John Locke quoted it best of all I have yet read,"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts."

For in day that he wrote this quote, women were merely servants to their children and husbands and not as social contributions of equality back then. But I think it really speaks about all genders in the human race. Actions will always speak louder than words.

I have given as many questions for readers to ask of them self - as I have clearly assisted in helping anyone to answer their most secretive or problematic issues. 

But in provoking thoughts to others, that they can answer - perhaps, they'll learn or be honest with self to find the effective solutions they need in their life as I am doing my own life.

I can not give you facts of your life to see, believe and understand them - just as you can not do mine for me. 

We all have wonderful intentions in helping to assist others but we will always do as much damage of unhealthiness to them as they do to us. For inside the body and brain are mechanics that perform functions differently in each of us. Our perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and interpretations of what we live and survive are to each their own defining or escapes from or to grow skillfulling new traits and learn from to apply to the factual lessons and information of our own lives.

It's a sad hard truth that even with science and medical advancements; the health we pay to seek could reside in each of us all along - but until we open our minds or hearts to explore the possibilities of skills that do exist that we could learn from and grow healthy from - we are only stationary trees waiting for others to pour water into us to give us life - when indeed - the only person that holds the watering can of life is self. Enlightening. Inquisitive. Personally Fulfilled.

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