Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Age does a Person Mature?

A Person I Used to Know was born as an adult mentally trapped in the mind and body of a child. The extreme circumstances of trauma, survival and abuse she endured left her feeling more mature and acting more maturely than the abusers and the professional adults around her represented in their actions toward her and this unhealthy life she fought to endure.

These extreme circumstances and events lead her to believe that no one is an expert. No one is ever truly mature nor an expert. That every human being out there was just as imperfect her as she was.

Each individual had their positive characteristics, skills and talents but they also possessed negative behaviors, hurtful, harmful and unhealthy decisions and choices and that not one perfect was perfect.

She came to fear no one but to try to respect every one. If she could not tolerate them nor felt safe in their presence anymore - she'd let them be.

She done this to prevent doing harm to her self or mingling with those of immaturity that hadn't progressed to her standards, beliefs, and ways of life. For she owed this life to her self for all she had endured to evaluate, witness, watch, and see their actions versus their words to get to know a person for her self. She respects her self even if no one else does. She accepted the fact that difficult people exist in this world whose problems were as equal or greater than hers. She could not change them but only accept her self for who she was and seek her changes. She could not create change for them if they were unwilling to help them self. If she could not tolerate their lifestyles that were different than hers - she let them be and kept on living her own life and to do no harm or hurt upon anyone.

To evaluate a person by their actions and not merely their words was her motto and still is. To enjoy the world and all individuals in it as human beings. To see society as team players and everything she actively done or participated into was a contribution for the team objectives.

Oh the pain, heartache, hurt, harm and constant vicious cycle of unhealthiness she provoked and brought on herself with her childish yet mature ways of viewing. This person was me.

Which leaves me to socially ask the question - What Age does a Person Mature?

Many would speak intellectually through science or medicine of what the internal brain and body is doing to reach maturity. Personally, I do not feel a person ever reaches a full maturity age until they die for their balance of mature and immaturity must be recognized from with in and change sought to create a balance of both. For some, death will never find them with maturity.

For the brain and body are so much more than mere instruments to be understood of the chemical, blood, and computer processing that lies beneath the skin.

For each process that occurs in the brain or body has a cause and effect that disrupts the mental, physical, psychological, emotional, rational, and logical actions that a person does or what they think to them self in the silence of their conscience thoughts.

So with that said - we are all internally imbalanced with our mature and immaturity too. Until we seek out that of our deficiencies and learn how we are defective or not mature in our ways or thoughts - then and only then - may we seek to grow a maturity balanced.

I have met and enjoyed many colorful, vibrant, adventurous, entertaining and wonderful qualities of fun and happiness in others through out my life.

Adults who were younger than me or even older than me that were matured in their professional lives but their personal lives were in chaos - more so than my own life and history were.

For their levels of development in their childhood and youth may have offered them finances or luxuries or opportunities that I was never afforded but they were void inside too. Deficient and defiant with immaturity even when fronting as a mature professional. I guess that is why there were a hoot. Because we all had the same immature and mature ways that fronted very well. But inside, we were a pile of individuals that had more going on underneath the skin that we cared to admit too or discuss. Sometimes, sharing is even off limits to those closest to us. For if fun or happiness can be increased versus solving a problem - most will take the fun happiness instead as their first choice.

These individuals were honestly immature about their professional and personal life as I was. A rainbow of clueless people who only wanted to escape the unhappiness or stress of their life - as I did - when pursuing fun.

Immaturity of attending school days make it fun to skip out on attendance obligations for young ones that skip school. Adults who escape or skip out on their adult responsibilities, obligations, or their priorities from their children or their spouses or families; do the same thing. Immaturity follows us in different ways. Actions tell what those immature ways are.

You could say the company we will keep and are usually drawn close too are those who share our own personalities, characteristic traits, talents, skills and levels of maturity and immaturity too. In an immature or mature way - the association we keep will deepen the human bond or relationships we feel for those we have closest to us but at the same time - these close bonds can create havoc, produce immature choices and destroy not only your life but others in your life as well.

When close associates of friends, family or partner do advance in maturity or chooses to regress to immaturity in the choices and actions of their life - then relationships, friendships, and even families divide, separate, or forever destruct because of immaturity and maturity issues. Not health. Not finances. Not economical losses. But many actions or choices makes and creates are done with an invisible force known only to be described by facts to be immature or facts of maturity in their actions.

Immaturity and maturity look very different in each person and can only be distinguished by their actions. For what they may excel with maturity and choices that reflect wise, logical, or rational actions could very well be - the immaturity of their emotions, impulsiveness, reckless and careless choices that demise them in life.

When one views immaturity - it should be stated as an unhealthiness. For immaturity makes mistakes and never learns from them.

However, maturity teaches to be aware to the mistakes created and work to solve these problems - so they do not become repeated thus making an individual healthier and the choices they make as well.
Their balance comes from a healthy dose of maturity to counteract the unhealthiness of their immaturity and working or seeking to change this to solve their problems or correct their mistakes.

Once again I refer to the free dictionary online again for facts. Facts of a dictionary give the presentation of words. Not affiliations of words through heritage, history,opinion, biased or prior knowledge learned  through nature and nurture or experiences of our lives. But the dictionary breathes new life on old words to give a person a new view, evaluation, and application of these words to use in a healthier way but to give relief for the many definitions a word represents but also to help assist in solving problems.

Let's look at the Facts of Mature= http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mature
Having reached full natural growth or development
Composed of adults
Having reached the limit of its time; due
To evolve toward or reach full development
Relatively advanced physically, mentally, emotionally, etc; grown-up
To make or become mature
Fully developed in body or mind.
Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation
Accept and make use of one's personality, abilities, and situation
Grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment

Now, let's look at the Facts of Immature= http://www.thefreedictionary.com/immature
Not fully grown or developed
Marked by or suggesting a lack of normal maturity
Deficient in maturity; lacking wisdom, insight, emotional stability, etc
Not mature or ripe.
Emotionally undeveloped; juvenile; childish.
In an early period of life or development or growth

The medical and scientific industry would have a person to believe that they are mentally ill, medically sick or deficient in their body, brains, and imbalanced so it require medications, therapy or expensive treatments to correct or heal or recover from ailing symptoms.

But what if it only comes down to maturity or immaturity in a person? What if the real symptoms an individual feels or possesses is not an actual symptom but a lack of knowing better how to deal or cope or manage their brain, thoughts, emotions, and these immature deficiencies give production to the body to produce the initial symptoms?

Does this sound extreme or wrong? Does this sound impossible? Well you tell me.

For I know my stance of what I feel about myself. I understand all that I have been medically diagnosed with in my life. I understand the mechanical failures of the human brain, body and chemical imbalances.
But I also admit, accept, and realize how nature, nurture, family heritages, history, biased, old information and my experiences has taught me valuables lessons of who I want to be and who I do not to be. I am learning about my own maturity and admitting my own immaturity to change it.

These personal analysis contributes to the process of what an individual person is and who they become too.

Do you seek insight into yourself by asking questions of your own life? Do you seek out information you want to know in others by their opinions or biased comments or do you seek facts to solve the problems of your life? Are you a contributor to your own happiness and production factors to how you live your life or do you merely accept it as such - never feeling like an individual but only a spawn into another's wishes for you and about you?

Maturity and immaturity are very facts about all human life. The questions now left is to ask is: "What ways are you mature? What ways are you immature?" Only you can answer these. Now what do you need to change about your immature ways?

How mature were you yesterday or last year or in the Person You Used to Know of yourself? How immature were you yesterday or last year or what changes or creation would you like to do to become the Person You Want to Be ?

We seek support and others to solve our problems or give us answers that we need to help us. What many fail to be aware of is that usually the answers you seek are already in you but you are afraid or do not ask the right questions of your self and others.

When inquiring of questions to seek answers too - many adults fail to understand the importance of asking questions.

For questions engage. Questions maybe viewed by many as immature or admitting that you do not know something. But in fact, asking questions is maturity growing, progressing, and contributing to the process of individual advancement. Not producing regressions, oppressions or depressions that accepting answers only produce.

Instead of viewing people as healthy or unhealthy with their medical conditions or the issues they speak of - instead - focus on their actions. Are their healthy actions producing maturity in them to help their conditions or are they merely unhealthy contributors to their unhealthy medical conditions in handling their diagnosis with immaturity complicating their life?

Medical diagnosis have evolved and increased over the last few decades due to research, technology, and the expenses has escalated with it. The knowledge of gaining medical and scientific information has not only improved individual lives but it has also created a market for profit.

The prescription drug abuse has escalated with it as well. So be careful. Ask questions. Seek yourself for the answers you require and never be afraid to ask or speak up for yourself.

No one is exempt from being mature or immature - even professionals, documented experts and those you feel intimidated by. We are all immature and mature human beings who process life by our own internal workings and the thoughts and emotions we use to fuel our actions.

No one is perfect. All are imperfect. When you view others in this manner - you can learn how to fear no one while respecting every one and gain who you are and what you will tolerate or will not in your life. You become who you want and not what others wish you to be.

You are the ultimate physician to how well you take care of your self maturely or immaturely. So learn the facts. A dictionary is the only source I would recommend for factual information that you seek answers to about the questions you have of your life and no topic is off limit in the dictionary too.

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