Friday, January 17, 2014

Does American Taxes Irritate You?

If you are like most Americans; then you get tired of paying taxes or reading and hearing headlines about the national deficits we are in. You are tired of being aggravated by a Net income to take home versus the Gross income you should be allowed to take home instead by paying taxes.

You maybe exhausted from balancing facts about a tax structure in America that is not fair nor realistic or fair for the working Middle Class that seems to slowly be disappearing into poverty. 

You are not alone. For I feel your irritation, frustrations and constant complaining too. But without  pursuing change to solve this personal problem and actively contribute to stabilizing the national problem of finances - nothing will change. So what can a person do when frustrated about our national financial woes and personal income blows?

Get active. Get involved. The following I have written and sent to my local House of Representatives, Congress and to President Obama. 

Email contact or electronic communications makes it very easy for your voice and concerns to be heard by our government. We can only fail in our attempts to seek a positive and effective change when we do nothing at all. 

Copy and paste is a wonderful electronic feature to compose a letter email to submit your local politicians. Research who the politicians are in your district of the House of Representatives, Congress and President email contact information. Copy and paste this information in a text file that can be compiled and saved documentation of their email address. Then copy and paste your written letter to them. Hit send and it is done.

That way when something bothers you, irritates you, frustrates you or you have a country inquiry or local issue occurs that you would like to express to your elected leaders - you will have their information of contact on electronic speed dial of a saved file.

I have personally for decades written politicians on many matters regarding medical, finances, education, Veterans, children, elderly, disabled, preventing child abuse, building awareness to stop child abuse, and voicing my support of their work and suggesting ideas about my concerns to stop the national and state problems we have. 

It is never for naught. For making an effort to contribute and to seek effective change begins with only one idea that needs to be shared. Sometimes, it is will be a win and sometimes, these communications may appear to be a loss. 

But the only fact of not trying is to fail anyways. So you have nothing to fear, nothing to lose or nothing to gain when communicating to your politicians. They are imperfect human beings as we are. 

Their mistakes affect and impact all of our lives and the equality of humanity we share in America. You deserve to be heard. I deserve to be heard. 

But if we do not take a few minutes to be heard to make it happen - we get the exact country with laws & policies & finances that we consent too by doing nothing. We can not expect change to occur with being active. Humanity takes active contributions to create progression and prevent regressions or oppressions. If we do not progress in our actions to get involved - we regress our society but also our immediate lives too.

A Person I Used to Know instilled in me as a young child that it was an American honor, privelege and rewarding to vote in this country. For this lady I Used to Know was limited in resources, finances, education, and neccessities to live upon most of her life, but the contagious excitement of happiness she had by voting was a happiness expression of reward she proudly displayed upon her smiling face. 

For she had lived and survived the worst inequalities that women struggled with in her day. But her fuel to try and contribute to the political process - with even only a vote- gave fuel to my own compassions to actively vote and communicate in electronic messaging with elected politicians as my extended contributions to our humanity too. This person was my maternal grandmother. 

For our experiences maybe different, but our struggles of finances and economy are the same. For their experiences as a politician may give them another view to see life from than what we see every day - but the value of each individual experience still deserves to be shared. For education by the people and for the people of shared experiences is still the greatest lessons about humanity and socially living to share and to use to create effective change and continue effective progression from. 

I ask anyone who feels compelled to see effective changes in this country to get motivated to communicate to your politicians to seek the change you want to see or to solve the problems that you see exist. They can not know your concerns if you do not tell them. 

For the political process maybe long and lengthy but it is not out of reach or too far fetched to get involved for anyone who cares enough to share their voice. Politicians are people just like us. You may have never been a Person that You Used to Know about politics and who only complained - but once you send that first email to them - to become a Person You Want to Be to promote, seek, and actively pursue positive and effective change in this country; you will feel the rewards of contributions that my grandmother and I do too.

You may copy and paste the information below if you would like ot submit an email to your local district political leaders. Copy and paste the following, if you agree, or you can even view it to get your own composition content together of what you would like to say to them and be heard of by them. But good luck to you to get actively involved. Contributions of our thoughts, ideas, or suggestions or complaints by electronic communications is the greatest assets we as Americans have at our fingertips to help assist our America to become the country we want it to be. But without being active; it is wasted words without evidence or facts and isn't that what most of our politicians and their policies are doing anyways? Create change. Be the change. It starts with each individual in this country.


I would like to Thank You for the job you do to provide service to help Americans. However, some of the controversial Yes & No voting you have done has created hypocrisy about the support you truly represent & factually give in voting on financial matters for our Veterans, elderly, children & disabled individuals in this country along with the Middle Class of Americans who work every day & contribute to paying taxes.

I have a few questions & enlightening financial matter to share with you about taxes in this country.

I seek no resolution or feedback. But I do strongly request a tax structure change to help our economy & benefit those who do work every day to keep the wheels of this country moving round & round. We need tax structure change to move our country forward. We have stalled financially long enough in this high debt to tax payers contributions ratio.

Our children & future generations should not have to solve our math problems that we failed to be aware of or neglected to fix today. They should not have to be the ones to work humanely, maturely & equally together in financial matters because we failed them by denying these financial problems & failing to give effective corrections to these math problems today. If we can not teach them how to be mature, equal, humane and financially responsible today - then how will they learn tomorrow? Who solves America's financial woes? Who is accountable?

Who is this tax paying system really benefiting & doing a favor?  

The way I view taxes, from where I live, is that we as taxpayers are financing a government loan program financed by tax payers with no interest on these loans to benefit the borrower. 

The standard deductions and exemptions do nothing to help American workers who are raising families who are living under $100,000 income a year.

For every $20 dollars an American employee pays out in their Gross wages to taxes - that's $20 less dollar of Net income these individuals will not have to put food on their table now. $20 dollar less of Net income to have to save to cover their medical care expenses of cash co-pays or expensive cash deductibles. $20 in Net pay they do not have to even reward their child for a good score on their report card. Tax deductions from Gross pay does directly impact the Net lifestyle of working class Americans! This does matter.

The cost of living in America increases faster than the rates that standard deductions & exemptions give  beneficial relief to working class Americans when paying government taxes to financially survive in America! The families and employees of this country feel this Net to Gross monthly burdens. Our government does not.

The down side to paying taxes & working is a dilemma for some working individuals from what others have shared with me. 

It appears that it would be financially wiser for some - these days to give up a full-time career employment position to take a part-time job or minimum wage job to get government benefits - to supplement their neccessity costs of living - than it is to seek a higher paying job that will deduct more from their Net pay than the Gross pay allows an employee to take home!

Net & Gross incomes comes down to filling financial necessities. Housing, electrical, water, medical, & food. This type of dilemma is not what Americans employees should have to consider. If the system was equally & fairly set by law in tax structure than it would give justice for the citizens who try, contribute & want to supply the necessities for their life. But in this unfair, unequal taxation system that we have - what would you choose to do if you were facing these same options about your financial situation for your home and meeting your financial neccessity needs?

America needs a new effective & equal tax structure overhaul to benefit our wealthiest but more importantly to benefit those who do contribute every day in working & lawfully paying their taxes who survive on the crumbs of financial survival that the government gives us.

Many employees sacrifice their time to achieve the financial comfort they want in life. This works for them.

But Middle Class Americans prefer a more stable balance of not seeking fortune or fame but value their time to be with their families to keep family & communities alive & thriving. But without benefits to survive on financially - they can not do this & the very foundation of this country crumbles with it by the disappearing of the Middle Class Americans who can not financially afford to survive. Their time becomes deprived to create a financial survival instead of a financial living with their families.

What would happen if our American government would stop taking Gross tax deductions from employee paychecks and instead allow employees to file their annual taxes with an invoice to pay their taxes in 30 days from date of filing?

Imagine if our government would stop being financed by every working individual in each payday they receive & had to wait upon us to pay them - as we wait upon them with our refunds? Imagine what our government would do then - if they got nothing until the end of the year filing time by the taxpayers?

Do you think that this would pinch their Net & Gross income pockets of their spending --- as it does the American taxpayers who frown upon their Net take home pay versus their Gross pay? I would call this financial equality in America, if it could be done.

Do you think this could solve the wasting of tax dollars in this country if the USA Governmnet had to wait upon the taxpayers - instead of the taxpayers waiting on our government to repay us for the taxes they borrow from us?

Poverty & working class should never mesh in lifestyle neccesity equality - for when it does - as it has been the last few decades - something positive needs to be effectively changed or our government will be creating more government dependants by the programs these employees have to use to supplement their food, medical and necessity needs.

Why can't taxpayers charge our American government interest on the money they take out of our Gross income that they do not use? Isn't that what any smart or wise business person would do in any loaning program?

Just several thoughts, ideas, and suggestions I have for you to ponder when doing your job and dealing with American finances, budgets and tax payer money.

Politics is employment secured by the American people. Please never forget who you work for and be wiser, braver, courageous and humane with maturity to deal with difficult politicians around you to do the right thing for the people of this country who depend on you to do the right thing for them.

There are some of us as citizens -  who do care about our politicians, pray for our country leaders & who do voice our concerns of enlightenment to you. We contribute to the process in our American lives to better our selves but also give hope to assist others in our political process.

Thank you for your time and attention. No feedback is required. Just sharing thoughts about a financial problem that does exist in this country known as our taxes and financial corruption and lack of political accountability.

 I reserve my right to use the tools of the Internet as a resource to try to voice my contributions to living an American dream about a system that I still believe in and those who work to make it possible. Thank you for your time & consideration to these concerns.

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