Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Do you hate Rules or Laws?

Rules and law are two words that will never go away in life. As youth, rules are what your parents, caregivers, caretakers, teachers, principals, and every adult figure in your life will give you to follow. Laws are a common sharing that we must follow as adults. So in a person's life - they start off with rules and if they live long enough their rules will then become laws that are legal rules that we all must follow.

Children, teenagers, and adolescents can have a difficult time listening and understanding the rules that apply in their life. The consequences or discipline that occurs because the rules are or have been broken can be very hard for an adolescent to understand why their actions were wrong because they choose to break a rule.

The law can be just as confusing to adults and their complaints are just as long, childish, and sometimes, even immature or selfish - when they break the law too. For adults who exemplified a negativity toward the laws to the youth in their immediate life will create disrespectful, controversial and noncompliance to rules and the laws. It disrespecting or cursing the laws - we create controversy for our youth and that can be very confusing and damaging to them when we tell them not to do something but yet, we do it as adults.

It would be like a teacher telling you not to drink out of a toilet - but the teachers do it - so the youth do it. They do what they witness and not what they hear. They figure if it does not hurt, harm or create danger to you then they will do it too. See how that works.

When an adult breaks the laws with excessive speeding tickets and constantly pays a fine or ends up in court while verbally grumbling, complaining or cursing the law because they got the ticket with an adolescent who hears these consequences and actions of breaking the law - they will interpret the rules and laws as is not the individual at fault who commits the crimes - but it is the laws fault for catching them.

The same about rules. If you set guidelines in your home for children and teenagers and guests to follow and you do not do follow these same rules - they will take notice. They will watch you. They will sit silently not calling out your errors - until they break a rule and then the verbal war games begin.

You can argue all day long with a child or a youth about their will to speak what they have to say to justify what they do - but if you do not control the situation with boundaries that you live by of what you tell them then you will lose the battle.

You then become responsible for giving them examples of how to break rules and laws. Then you get angry at the youth for breaking a rule that you do too. Increases the Complaints. Curses. Getting angry. Getting irritated. Getting frustrated. Blaming. Pardon from punishment or discipline is enacted. Excuses are made. No consequences will be set that will teach them because you gave them a loophole that got created by your verbal disputing that the youth learn nothing about rules or the law because you broke them too. To solve the problem of rules or law breaking; one must uphold the words they speak by the actions they do. If you do act as a teacher in your actions to the youth - then you will not be effective in solving your parental problems with the youth in your home either.

A Person I Used to Know hated the law and was scared of the laws but would do anything to follow the rules of the immediate adults in her life. But she hated anyone outside of her immediate life - who would tried to tell her what the laws were and why laws were safe and why laws existed. For this person was a child abuse victim and a child abuse survivor. Without maturity, effective skills and a trusting adult to talk too - she felt like she was living on a solo island of hypocrisy all around her where people did not value truth, trust, facts or honesty.

The rules she was taught as a child at home was to respect others. But then you would curse the legal laws for they would punish criminals who broke laws and treat people badly. The controversy inside this person was difficult and damaging to endure. For she was being told one thing at home about rules and laws - but when she was out in the world - she saw their ways that seemed more right- but it was still imperfect and nothing of what she endured at home. It was confusing.

For her parents and family members were criminals. They had rules to follow in their family and at home but some of these rules and family ways of accepted life did break the legal laws. It was difficult, scary and hard for this person to trust anyone to tell them the facts of this controversial lifestyle she lived in. She was a child and then she became a teenager.  What could she do? What would she do? What were here options of right and wrong - rules and laws and how would her answers be solved? This person used to be me.

I learned through my experiences to appreciate the law and value the healthy and safe rules we have that does exist in society - even if they are imperfect - they were still healthier and safer than the surviving circumstances that I endured with my family of abusers. The abusers stopped hurting me because of these laws.

I learned how to tell on my criminal who served time in jail - for the laws he broke against me. I could not get justice for the other abusers who committed crimes against me in my life - but the main criminal who hurt me as a child and other children before me did go to jail. This helped to keep him from hurting other children and from ever hurting me again. It was not a perfect legal system and it is not now. But rules and laws should help keep a person safe and never harm them.

Rules and laws are facts of human life. Upon every continent around this globe, some one is complaining every second of every day - how this rule does not make sense or is not fair - or that law or legal boundaries is not fair.

The only way to survive the rules and laws that you do not like is to ask your self these things to determine what rules and laws are worth breaking in their consequences and which ones are not when you face a choice to follow a rule or law or break them. Think before you act.

The reason I state this as such is because there are criminals or authority figures who are law breakers every single day and their consequences of committing a crime have not occurred yet in their punishment but it will come. For all bad deeds will never go unpunished.

Take the confusions out of rules and laws. Listen to the rule and ask for it to be written on paper to help you better understand what you can and can not do. Research laws to find out the origin and where it came from and why it is there to better understand it - if you choose to follow it or not. Review the consequences of that crime if you choose to do it - before you do it - so you will know the punishment you will receive if you get caught.

Rules and laws should protect you from harm. Rules and laws should prevent you from getting hurt and keeping your home safe, clean, orderly and functional - so every one can enjoy where they live.  The rules and laws in this world are to protect and keep every one safe too.

Rules and laws help to manage financial budgets and help a person to manage their money wisely so they can pay the bills they can not afford and prevent reckless spending that leads to failures that come from not controlling money.

Rules and laws prevent homes, apartments, and buildings from getting destroyed by preventing fires, water pipe damages and everything else that could damage a place where some one lives or where they work. Rules and laws keep people safe.

Rules and laws keep you safe. Rules and laws keep every one else safe. Rules and laws keep people safe.

Rules and laws help our society, our jobs, and even our homes. Unless a person is a criminal who is hurting you by controlling you with unhealthy rules and unlawful laws that does produce harm upon you sexually, mentally, emotionally or neglectfully -  then it is time to tell some one that you know who does uphold the rules and laws and believes in them so they can help you and to help others to keep them from getting hurt or harmed by the criminal who is harming you.

Life is never be fair nor will rules and laws always be equally and fair either. But many of the ideas, thoughts, and emotions we do have about law and rules come from our youthful days before we become a legal age adult and start learning our own ideas, values and beliefs from the experiences we will control after we achieve legal age adulthood to control our destiny of beliefs and acceptances of the consequences to be endured when choosing to break a law or following it.

The world is created and operates every day by imperfect people. Some imperfect people are advanced in education, financially secure and appear to be better off - than we are - but that is not factual and appearances are deceiving.

But when you view the world as created by imperfect people - no matter who they are - you gain better understanding without feeling intimidated - by anyone who makes a rule, breaks a rule or makes a law or enforces the law.

But in everything about life there is safe limits that must be followed or people get hurt and will die if rules and laws are not followed. Accidents and loss of human life can be prevented by following rules and laws.
When a rule or law is broken then consequences will occur to keep you safe and to keep others safe. Consequences are actions that occur when a person exceeds the limits of healthy, smart, and wise choices. When a person does not think in healthy, smart or a wise way before they act - then rules and laws will get broken. To keep people safe - we must have rules and we must have laws.

The free dictionary - helps give the facts of things about rules and law.

Governing power or its possession or use; authority
An authoritative, prescribed direction for conduct, especially one of the regulations governing procedure in a legislative body or a regulation observed by the players in a game, sport, or contest.
A usual, customary, or generalized course of action or behavior
A standard method or procedure for solving a class of problems
a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior

A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.
A way of life
A general principle or rule that is assumed or that has been proven to hold between expressions.
Take the law into one's own hands, to administer justice as one sees fit without recourse to legal processes.

Think of rules and laws as problem solvers or as math. Math exists to help us find a fact or a truthful answer we seek to solve the number problem we have with numbers.

Rules and laws exist to prevent, stop, and help control people problems. Without rules and laws; every one would be a criminal, law breaker and hurt other people because we would not have learned or know better on how to conduct our self and how to act. So we would have nothing in our lives. We would not be able to accomplish anything in our life. We could not live in a safe world shared by all - without rules and laws.

The good hopeful thing about rules and laws is that when you are an adult - then you will be able to change the rules and laws of your life. You will be able to create your own rules of how you live your life in your home. Laws that you do not like or disagree with can be changed - if you are willing to work to change them.

The government and political processes here in American does give American citizens the legal right to pursue changing laws by following established rules and laws in changing them. Many laws and rules are outdated that do not apply anymore but we can change them if we want too. It will take work - but it can happen - if you feel strongly enough about a law that does not suit your life.

Criminals are very good manipulators who can verbally and actively deceive many people. They will use the laws and the rules to hurt other people, harm people and destroy many lives in their choice to break laws and rules. To break a legal law is to commit a crime.

It does not matter what that law is or how stupid or wrong it is to you - if it is against the law - and you choose to do it - you will accept the consequences of your actions when you get caught.

If you get angry, mad, hurt or upset because you broke a rule or a law - think about this - before you impulsively act upon your emotions.

Did you willfully choose to participate in your actions that broke a law or a rule? Do you know that ignorance or not knowing will not save you from your consequences if you do something that breaks a law and you get caught? Did you know that what you were doing was a crime or breaking the rule & if so, why did you choose to do it? Did you know that when you break a rule or a law that you are not only affecting your self in the consequences you deal with - but you will be affecting others too & how unfair is that to the innocent people who you hurt because you choose to make a legal mistake?

Parents, adults, caregivers, teachers and every authority figure that gives an adolescent or youth a request of rules and laws not to break them does suffer too. When you do choose to break a rule or law.
For they are trying to teach you how to be safe, respectful, caring, and sharing with others by making the rules and laws for you and others to follow. They are imperfect - but you should listen to their rules and laws because it could save your life.

When you do not follow their rules, laws, and what they try to teach you that will help you - then it can hurt their feelings, make them angry, create financial expenses upon them that they can not pay for by the actions you choose to break a law. If your actions destroys material possessions, homes or safety to others - it will produce all kinds of emotions upon them too.

Sometimes, laws and rules can be more forgiving to you - but when you constantly repeat the same mistakes of breaking a rule or law without changing your actions - then life will be only become harder for you - because you failed to change to follow the rules and laws. Then that fault only belongs on you and no one else. People will help people who make mistakes and change their ways. But if you do not change your ways after a mistake or a law or rule is broken; they might give up to help you anymore.

In a government, legal laws protect and keep every one safe. Those who break these laws and rules are hurting them self and could hurt others so they must have consequences of discipline in their actions to try to help them to learn to change their legal ways to comply with the laws that protect us all.

The money that finances a government here in America is paid for by every single individual in this country that holds a job every day and pay their taxes. Their money collected from taxes finances the judicial system to allow people to go to court to prove if they are guilty or innocent when they break a law. They use collected evidence to prove facts of guilt or innocence when a law is broken. When guilt is proven, depending on the law broken, a person can go to prison or endure huge financial expenses of court costs that must pay for the crime they committed. Depending on the crime - it will be lifelong attached to this criminal's background check that will make life hard for them to get a job, have a home, have a family and they decrease their quality of life by choosing to become a criminal. The law is created to help protect innocent and lawful people so we can all live a safe life.

To curse the laws or rules is to take your freedom, liberties and your right to choose how you live for granted and the people in your life. For rules and laws keep them safe and keep you safe too.

They are not always fair - but they can be changed in your life when the time comes. So if you focus your immediate seconds or minutes on the punishment you are receiving because you broke a rule or law without changing your actions and realizing that you were imperfect and made a mistake that needs to be changed - then you will always find your self in a slump of never learning, never changing and the fault of what you do will become the blame that you do to others because you do not see you have a problem and you failed to fix your mistakes that broke a rule or the law.

Maturity will teach us in the examples of our lives of who we want to be or who we do not want to be. Maturity gives us a strength to admit our faults, accept our responsibilities for these faults and time to change our ways so we will not make the same mistake twice. Maturity helps us to realize that laws and rules are there to help us and not to hurt us.

When we hate the laws or hate the rules we have in our lives - we hate our lives and the lives of others. We disrespect our self by breaking laws and rules and take a chance on hurting others too.

Focus on a rule or the law and how you would like to change it. Focus on the rule or the law as a problem that needs to be solved. Focus on a future solution to solve the problem of rule and law to change it when you are old enough or mature enough so you can.

No one gives you rules or laws because they hate you. They give you rules and laws because they respect you and love you. Do not confuse the two because if you do - it will only be you - who you will be hurting in your life.

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