Sunday, January 12, 2014

Could Religion be Simple?

Religion is a topic that every individual has a self-formed opinion on based upon the experiences of their life. Their experiences will teach them that religion is a positive asset in a person's life or it is negative, hurtful, harmful and even destruction weapons to be used against self or others.

Could Religion be Simple? I do believe if facts were told - many contemplate this personally deep question - at least once in their life. If a person has never thought about religion, then perhaps, it is your individual experiences that left you void of the subject matter or merely the unforgotten memories from childhood that can not be recalled or have intentionally been forgotten.

Personally, I do believe that Religion or spirituality or individual beliefs can be established and personally valued to asset a person's life. That one can be a good person without religious affiliation or verbal announcing of their spiritual beliefs.

For the actions of a person's life is the only facts of their real character and humanity. Not the words that one speaks but the service one gives to be respectful of self and to others.

Having a maturity to walk away or let difficult people be who will not help them self but do not seek harm to them is where maturity assists every conflicted matter in a person's life. Seek to produce more happiness in your life and share it with others. Give if you have to help others - not with money - but memory creations. A memorable gift of a lifetime that you can give them to take through life long after a moment has passed. But to each their own religious or spiritual identity and how they embark upon it; as long as they are not hurting others - isn't that all that matters anyways? To help and not hurt; when possible.

I have been incredibly busy this past week living life outside my blog, off my computer, outside of my own therapy daily devotions and spreading my actions of these learned skills.

To create happy memories. To be productive again. To assist and help others that need it locally. Sometimes, it is frustrating to me that life doesn't offer a 36 hour day or a 48 day so I get my time in for others and cater to myself as I need too.

But it all works out in the end - doesn't it? Or appears too. What may first seem as if our life will end because of sudden or severe change that we can not control - may actually be the best place or presence to happen to us.

Just as the globe rotates every day and Mother Nature churns the Four Seasons to her discretion of control; so does human life.

Where we begin in life from conception will not always be where we end up. Geographically, economically or professionally. We perhaps, could view life in a broader horizon for our self and our lives in the directions we take if we think of our self as in orbit too.

The sun and solar system faithfully and loyally do their destined paths of purpose every day. Human beings are not much different. For some, it can be more complex than others when financially strapped for comfort luxuries or if medical conditions give limitations or demands - but personal motivation or inspirations to live - can never be really taken; unless a person submits their consent to it. To accept the dismal or to not know how to change focus or increasing views to create the life they want.

History is loaded with many individuals who stood up against all oppressions and majority's cruel judgment of their individual missions and life purpose.

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Elvis Presley are truly two of my favorite icons of the past to reflect upon in their life mission that still give motivation to my own purposes today. Edgar Allan Poe would be another individual that helps fuel my compassion and respect for myself and extend to share with others.

For all these individuals had their own oppressions, religious motivations and perhaps, hypocrisy of judgments against them and someone like Edgar Allan Poe who spoke a written dialogue of the darkness about life is usually interpreted by most as one of the most depressed and possible mentally ill literate individuals of his time.

The universal language of Edgar Allan Poe, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Elvis Presley represent diversity, understanding of cultures that were the same as them - but also those who were different as they.

They all succumbed to death by the misunderstandings of others. Kurt Cobain and John Lennon both came to death to early because of the misunderstandings of others and the pressures of their own life.
To have messages of importance that are so strong within them - that they had to share - that brought on their controversy in this life; must have been pretty powerful internal movement going on in them.

For their lives, though cut short prematurely; have lasted through many decades and generations after them leaving behind a legacy that speaks a humanity and morality brought forth in their music, lyrics, written print and verbal messages that these names would probably be a topic to engage in now or debate against.

These were special and beautiful people that stayed true to self as their own gift and grew their gifts to touch the lives of others.

Many will find fault or speak unjustly against the above mentioned and to you - all I will say it is your loss of life your failures to know their works, their personal missions, and their individual progressions of contributions that increased our humanity and not hurt it. It will be your loss to understand the oppressions they faced in their day that still plaque many individuals today.

Centuries and generations later the messages these individuals gave rang as factually truthful today for individual freedom to be one's self. To be accepted by self and others. To be understood in self and by others. To share a gift or talent of identity with others who will understand the gift of their talents of their messages and purposes. They created more love than hatred. They gave more of self-sacrifice than the mission to seek understanding from others first. Articulate beautiful people who have stood the test of time in their compassionate goal to grow humanity and contribute back from the individual motivation they had.

Perhaps, each person had their own religious or spiritual beliefs - perhaps, they did not. But they all had humanity in common in each of them.

Humanity may appear as a myth or a fantasy dream that can never be accomplished or achieved for many.

It appears to be easier to wallow in the oppressions, accept the depressions and to feel powerless to personal change than to open the door of personal motivation that these individuals did.

For sometimes, the price one has to pay to be their self is a life cut short. It is not fair to anyone -- but the value that it does add to one's own life because they never failed their self - to be as they wish; will make every day of life a valuable asset; no matter how many days that a person lives. The difference between daily fulfillment and living a life with no fulfillment or purpose. These historical individuals had daily fulfillment and personal goals of purpose to give and share.

Religion or spirituality can be simple. Self-defined. Self-individualized. Self-motivated. Self-taught. Self-accepted.

A Person I Used to Know hated religion and politics. The twinge of tension would go up the spine when either of these topics would be mentioned. The forehead would produce wrinkles from an irritated and frustrated stance about these topics that produced more hurt, pain, and a false judgment than any two topics out there that this person experienced and witnessed.

This person would avoid all conversations or at least try to stay away from anyone who would forcefully speak that their candidate was the supreme leader or that their religion was the right religion. Took this person along time to cast off all prior affiliations of the nature and nurture that childhood taught her about these topics to form her own adult opinions, beliefs, and standards of what she wanted her religion, politics and individual spirituality to be as assets in her life. This person was me.

It was not until I took a personal stand and created my own individual standards of what I believed, what I did not believe, what I liked, what I disliked, what I could change and what I could not change about religion, politics, and my own spirituality that I found my own personal value and daily motivation for me. An endless faith to never give up on myself and what I believe. To assist others who wanted and needed a helping hand to motivate their self and to pick their own self up to keep their own feet moving forward. I could lift them up but I could not force nor carrying them forward - no more than any one could move me forward if I were not willing to move my own two feet forward.

As a skeptic of many things in my life experiences that taught me of facts are different than truth - that not everything is a simple right or simple wrong - that sometimes two people can be actually truthful or factual over the same topic; it can be controversial and confusing. But when a person defines their own self by their experiences and forever keeps evolving to change to better their self; regardless of circumstances, events or trauma; life will always improve. It does not matter how dismal something first may appear - time will help all to get better. To resolve major problems. To contribute assets in one's life the longer life goes on - once a person accepts, admits, appreciates, and defines every thing about their life and stays motivated to keep moving forward.

For the past few Sundays, I have entertained myself in Elvis' Gospel music. Something about his vocals, arrangement of classical Gospel hymns helps to keep my own fuels and fires burning to live this life - day after day, in accepting the problematic challenges that are waiting to be solved but also to live.

Not to see only the problems but to see every second as an opportunity to create my own happiness but the happiness to share with others. It is very easy to become an adult that gets so prone to taking care of others that we forget to humor, tickle, enlighten, and lift our self up too. This music and this ritual works for me. To each their own defining of what works for their happiness, refueling and creation of motivations and individual happiness.

Religion, politics, and every controversial topic is as an individual problem waiting to be solved in a person's life. What you dislike about anything that you dislike; you can always seek to change it. Whether religion or politics are important to you or not - they are factual entities of every civilization and in society. That's a fact that we all know and share and form our own opinions of. But what might be your disgust could very well be the humanity of tool that another uses to help others. So be careful of discussing things that you really are not educated about or experienced personally. For everything that you automatically or defensively give judgment too could be the very essentials of assets you are missing out in your own life.

Have a wonderful week and give consideration to learning something new about someone you never knew before. Listen to others without a motivation to reply but to hear their words, messages or use your vision to see the actions of their life. Many times in life we spend so much time to speak to be heard that we fail to listen. Loss occurs every day in life to every one. But if you are responsible for your own loss creations - can you really blame anything else at all? Have a pondering thoughtful week and do something different that motivates you where you have never gone before or to do what you have not tried before.

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