Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Can Medical Symptoms Increase or Decrease with Mature and Immature Awareness?

A Person I Used to Know could read information, understand knowledge with data and then take notes and learn to apply new information she gained through life to apply to her immediate life to improve it. But she also would use her new information to be as an active contributor to others in her life and around her.

These views were reasonable and logical to absorb the information for brain retention to remember information and then apply it after the information had been retained in the brain. Every one has their own way to read, absorb, retain and use new information of their life that we either gain by seeking knowledge or lessons learned thru experiences.

But for this person - it was easier to apply the logical of what she would learn but very difficult to find emotional stability and emotional maturity from the circumstances of survival in her life. This person I share of experiences was me.

My negative effects that came from erratic and emotional instabilities with emotional ignorance produced not only harm and hurt to myself that forced me to succumb to my emotions versus focusing on logical reasoning causing utter instability in everything I did or tried to do. The conflict within me was of a battle that began long before I was an adult and long before medical diagnosis had caught up to the vast diversity of symptoms I was enduring.

I became medically diagnosed as an adult with having Bipolar, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Temporal Lobe Seizures, Non epileptic Seizures and Trichiasis.

All of these conditions have plagued me with symptoms of erratic moods, behaviors, and emotions too. Not only was it hard admitting and accepting all I had wrong with me - it was even harder to explain it for others to understand that what I felt and endured was real, factual, and beyond my control.

It was difficult, hard, exhausting, and sometimes excruciating to over come the symptoms and ignorance of my life. It took me a long time as a work in progress before I could start to understand the deficiencies within myself produced by medical conditions and neglect done to me to learn maturity and immaturity with every one else.

For I could fit socially in a room of people that I did not have to know personally or professionally and could find my place of contributions or active participant to feel I could belong - but at the core of my self and in my internal psyche; I was still lacking and voided of a help that I needed to balance and stabilize like healthy people do.

I could front normal for a little while - but all it would take would be a hypomania episode of Bipolar to exhaust me with sleep deprivation that would provoke a seizure due to the high stress of my internal hurricane.

Or a PTSD flashback, nightmares, and triggers of my 5 senses that would cause emotional breakdowns or the constant crying behind closed doors and by myself - that would inflame my eyes that would cause the eye lashes to become inflamed with 
Trichiasis. In public, I was normal or appeared as healthy and functional as anyone else. But behind closed doors, I had all these questions of my life to answer and no one could answer them for me. I had these internal problems that I could not understand nor could any one help me solve them even with seeking medical treatment.

I could not understand to control what I needed of these voids that I was seeking in my professional life and my personal life.

I was creative, talented, and considered smart or intuitive by others - but I always felt that if I were indeed these factual descriptions that others stated from my evidence of actions and documented proof of these things - then I could surely find and heal or help my self so I could gain control of my symptoms, understand them and not let them take more from her life than they had already done.

I must say - I am now on the effective road I needed to be on along time ago.

How is that? New knowledge and new application of information. I clung to the word truth through out my life as most survivors do.  When a victim has been hurt, scarred and medically compromised by a lie of an abuser or abusers - truth is all that most can turn too for release, escape and as a healing word of recovery that gives us something back that some one else took by their crimes against us.

Through new emotional learning as teaching myself as you would teach a child about emotions - I am gaining a healthy and unhealthy distinctions of words, emotions, feelings, and able to relay and relate better with my own emotions to control them. But I am also able to understand and relate to others more by seeing the facts of feelings and emotions and what they do in a person's life including their contributions and deductions of my own life - as well as - what it does to others too.

I have listed the synonyms of mature and immature. For even smart, wise, and logical or reasonable people can be mature in the productions and active contributions of their life - but they can also be very immature and destructive by their inabilities to admit ignorance of their own life too.

To increase maturity and decrease immaturity in one's life does take a factual knowledge that we as friends, families, or associates of each other in the human race - can not give one another - only a dictionary can fill us with the scopes of facts we need to help our self.

For the dictionary does not lie. But the dictionary allows us to have options in the words we speak, how we communicate and broadens our views, interpretations and perceptions of the person we are, the life we live and all that we share in this universe of the experiences we gain.

Dictionary learning is healing education of human life.

These synonyms of Mature and Immature were taken directly from the free dictionary. com. Notice the affiliation and vast diversity characteristic traits that humans display every day in their actions and behaviors - including acknowledging your own traits of these.

Synonyms of Mature

Synonyms of Immature

Notice how Mature produces a finalized growth process. Do you think human beings can ever reach the seasoned state of being settled or developed to maximum capacity of maturity? I do not personally.

For I feel if we would reach maturity full potential in our lives than we would have nothing new to be gained, nothing to learn, nothing to grow and we would indeed become unfulfilled with no continuing destination to be achieved.

But we can keep learning to try to achieve it and use the knowledge of maturity we gain to keep improving our lives and others in our life. Maturity isn't the goal but a continuing partnership that one should seek for their self to achieve to help our brains and body and over all healthy well-being for what we can ultimately be and not what we merely are.

Admitting that factual maturity will never occur but to learn how to gain more maturity - we help our self and help others too and never get burnt out in this personal seeking to find the answers we need to solve our difficult and personal circumstances, medical conditions or heal from events that harmed us and to always solve problems that arise by using a mature active view instead of contributing harsh or detrimental consequences that immaturity causes.

Notice how Immature represents a hard core dose of reality check of your own life and the effects of life around you. Think of the difficult people you know in your life - are they medically compromised or are they merely immature in being raw, childish, untimely, or reacting in juvenile behaviors and emotional actions?

Now think of the ways and actions that you have been immature too. Do you believe that a human being can progress in life to zero out all traits, characteristics, behaviors and emotions of immaturity? Personally I think the answer once again is No.

For I feel that immaturity in responsible management of an individual can be a wonderful asset to have. Immaturity does allow us to laugh, lower inhibitions to have fun and give a healthy release of stress through laughter from the difficulties we endure when used at the appropriate, wise timing and not in an untimely matter. So immaturity has its beneficial place in our lives as well.

Maturity and immaturity do offer positive and negative effects in our life and those around us. But learning when maturity is appropriate and immaturity is not - will always be the hardest personal and professional conflicts that anyone can seek understanding to control behaviors, words, and emotions with.

I am not going to try to destroy the medical and scientific approaches of Bipolar - but I will share enlightenment of symptoms about this medical condition that I have gained to help my condition and perhaps, another to gain understanding and control of their own complex symptoms. Perhaps, this will even help those to understand Bipolar - even if they do not have it.

Some of the symptoms of Bipolar disorder are as: Manic Mood and Behavior or called Hypomania.

Pressured speech
Excessive libido
Social Intrusiveness
Diminished need for sleep

The brain and body chemical secretions do create these symptoms that lead to diagnosis of Bipolar. There are more symptoms of Bipolar but I will use the experiences of Bipolar that frequently have caused the most chaos in my life. I have been depressed with Bipolar but it is the hypomanic episodes that I have more frequently than any of the other symptoms.

But as a patient of Bipolar we can be taught what our individual symptoms are, what we can do to counteract our individual profile symptoms of this condition. We can learn new information to become self-aware of the Bipolar symptoms that plaque us and learn to become aware to control them.

Mind over matter is still a powerful force to heal and mend a broken body and mind as it ever was in the history pages - but it does take new skill, healthier information, ability of self-motivation to apply new knowledge on the unhealthy internal data of our bodies and actively be a healthy contributor or mature caregiver to our self and the medical conditions we have.

I present an enlightenment about the hypomania symptoms to give an illustration of the immature symptom attributes of this medical condition.

The symptoms are real and internally provoked by an instable brain that produce extra secretions of chemicals that give hyper activity to our brains and bodies when a person endures the hypomania aspects of Bipolar symptoms.

But what we learn to do with this instability and how to control it is up to each of us to do. To react maturely to help our medical condition or react immaturely that provokes more harm to us than positive, healthy behaviors and consequences.

Manic mood and hypomania behaviors of Bipolar are my most conflicting aspects of this disorder.

Euphoria - a strong feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being; elation, ecstasy, glee, high spirits, intoxication, and jubilation.

Grandiosity - Characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand; Characterized by feigned or affected grandeur; pompous display of ornamental speech or language, pompous or pretentious talk or writing.

Impulsivity -  Inclined to act on impulse rather than thought ; based on emotional impulses or whims; spontaneous; acting momentarily; not continuous.

Excessive libido - The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives; Sexual desire; Manifestation of the sexual drive.

Recklessness - Heedless or careless; Headstrong; rash;  Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences.

Social Intrusiveness - aggressiveness as evidenced by intruding; by advancing yourself or your ideas without invitation; the quality of being bold and enterprising.

Diminished need for sleep -  (sleep deprivation - a form of psychological torture inflicted by depriving the victim of sleep)

If you view hypomania Bipolar as I do - in a sense - it is funny. Because what many pay millions of dollars for their addictions to feel the Euphoria that hypomania gives to us internally and not naturally- it's humorous and provides a laugh to say the least.

For what they want to feel of happiness, confidence, ecstasy and glees of intoxication or high spirits from substances that our brains and bodies give us in this condition. Granted this is perceived unhealthy by most - but as long as we are not immaturely hurting others or not creating our own immature instability; this feature of Bipolar can be viewed as a very motivating and inspiring quality to have when balanced and mature about it.

Grandiosity is boastful. This is a very immature trait to have. There is an appropriate time to be boastful and a mature approach to take when spewing the Grandiosity actions and contributions of your life but for many, this is one of those irritating traits that many would perceive as irritating, frustrating and it will take patience from others to understand this and a maturity in self to learn when and how Grandiosity is appropriate and when it is not to be used. I am still learning how.

Then we have the Impulsivity and Recklessness. Two peas in a pod of cause and effects when not aware of what your symptoms are and what you should maturely do with them. These two words in their self speak of immature, selfish, and harmful or hurtful effects.

Many healthy individuals have got drunk at a bar or a club and then got into their vehicle to drive drunk that either got them a DUI ticket or killed someone due to their impulsiveness to excessively consume alcohol and reckless choice to drive while intoxicated. The same of a gambler. For a gambler will impulsively become addicted to their chosen joys and recklessly give into their desires to win more money by playing immature and financially irresponsible that leads to financial devastation. When you view human behavior of the "healthy" people versus that of a Bipolar person - we are not far off from the same immature tree branches - now are we?

Excessive libido is comical to discuss and should be a very personal and private matter. But to share an enlightening point - I have learned through my experiences, my own medical issues and the sharing I have gained of others - this one is the most erratic and hardest to maturely control of Bipolar - if you suffer from spikes or continuous Excessive Libido. The urge hits you. The desire is there. You want sexual fulfillment and release when the increases and urges consume you. You become consumed in this excessive libido that feels like a storage tank that you can not fill nor empty nor stop. The thrills of libido in a stable healthy person wreaks havoc and their own carelessness when not being mature in sexual matters but with Bipolar - your brain and body hold you to a chemical sabotaging - so what can you do maturely to effectively control and release this internal demand upon you? In a person of Bipolar with this increase of internal chemicals of instability - it can be hard to control the impulse to just go out and have reckless sex and even harder to control to maintain a mature and responsible sexual relationship with any one person. For the excessive libido is a fuel of its own source that gives no discrimination to gender.

It can feel like the most controlling and most intense of symptom to have with Bipolar. But how do you really control and effectively calm or release an Excessive libido without being irresponsible, immature, impulsive and reckless in your choice? For me personally - I recommend solo masturbation with a technique that effectively works for you to release your excessive libido without creating reckless or impulsive sexual consequences of immature behavior. Sex is a very natural and healthy experience to enjoy with another human being but when we become immature with our sexual choices and exploit our own vulnerabilities or weaknesses in sex - we hurt ourselves and hurt others. So solo masturbation is the only way to counteract the negativity of this symptom without hurting your self further or any one else. It does not sound fair perhaps - but it is healthy, mature and effective when you find the masturbation that works for you to control this symptom.

For the symptom of Bipolar Excessive libido is a personal and individual symptom indeed - and without using maturity to help ease this symptom - the immature choices that maybe acted upon could not only hurt you worse - but those you do choose to have impulsive, immature or reckless sexual choices with.

It is hard for healthy people to control their libido but for an individual who has a medical condition that increases their sex drive - it will take educational knowledge to understand what is going on inside you and how to counteract the symptoms with mature effects. Most would think having an Excessive libido is a wonderful trait to have - but when trying to be a mature, responsible and give a motherly or fatherly or be a humane example - it can be one of the hardest personal aspects of dealing with a medical condition symptom as this one that occurs in Bipolar patients.

Social Intrusiveness can appear as being a difficult person in the workplace. A workaholic attribute and contribution may seem like an asset for profits - but in a person of Bipolar it is not only destructive to their health - but it will end up in devastation without having maturity, stability, routine, and continuous work ethics and focus on the job.

These qualities of being bold and enterprising can be viewed as strengths but when used immaturely or excessively - the only person you end up hurting is yourself. For every choice or assignment or detail you take in work to get ahead; ask yourself - Did they ask you to do it? Can you commit to the attendance obligations and effectively perform the job duties? What are you gaining? What are you losing? What are you maturely gaining? What will you immaturely gain? What will you maturely lose? What will you immaturely lose?

Ask your self questions before impulsively answering on anything in employment matters. There are many uneducated individuals in management positions of the work place who will pursue exploitation and promotion of your motivational drive to perform continually - but without taking care of yourself first and thinking before you act of all possible consequences to doing extra at work; Peter Principle maybe what you end up becoming. For you will escalate to a level that you can not effectively nor productively do your job requirements when you are not balanced, focused, and consistent. Quality is more important than quantity. For Social Intrusiveness can be immature, rude, and intimidating but it can also be effectively used in a healthy and mature manner to contribute to your life and those around you. Balance is key.

Diminished need for sleep creates sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is the most dangerous side effect of Bipolar. For with sleep deprivation - it can produce the same effects as a person under influence or intoxication would have. Inhibitions become lowered. Invincibility increases. Instabilities of rational thoughts or logical actions take a back seat to the sleep deprived state of mind and body. Emotional vulnerabilities are harder to control when exhausted. The brain's ability to routinely perform becomes exhausted with instability and the facial features will reveal the lack of sleep quicker than anything else.
Maturity is the only way to counteract this sleep deprivation. Eat healthy foods at more frequent intervals if you must to keep energy and balanced sugar fuel in the body. Exercise to release and control the hypermania episodes. Create a routine schedule to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Even if you are not sleepy or sleeping - at least when laying there even with your brain running rapid thoughts; your eyes and brain will be resting. Most will disagree and say that if you can not sleep due to hypomania episodes to get up and not force yourself to sleep. I disagree with this and will tell you why.

Children are the prime examples of hyperactivity and hyper moods that prevent them from going straight to sleep or wanting to go to bed at night. It takes established routines or reading rituals or even lack of television before children go to bed before their young brains and bodies of hyper activity to calm down to sleep. This mature approach helps a child to rest. Bipolar individuals who are hypomania must use the same responsible and mature approach so they can decrease their sleep deprivations and to increase routine, stability and help balance their internal brain and body.

I gave all of this to you today to represent several facts about maturity and immaturity of how these assets can be even applied to medical conditions and symptoms to deal with them in a healthy way and mature way.

Unhealthiness can be a mechanical issue in the body like a broken bone that needs a different kind of treatment than something of a chemical or software issue in the body and brain like mental illness can give a person. But healthiness of maturity can be learned and achieved to make the most of what you have to medically live with - so it does make your life no more unhealthy than it already has.

Every day I have to constantly focus and stay on top of my mature and immaturity actions - as well as be aware to my symptoms and how I interact with others and these interactions affect me. For I am learning how to view and become of their mature traits and their immature traits as well.

There is something about the values of forgiveness and increasing effective communication and the quality of life you have - when you focus on life with only a view of immature or mature only.

For it does not make something like healthy and unhealthy sound so different or abstract or unique after all. Medical symptoms can be viewed as unhealthy but in dealing with them and learning about them to control them - mature and immature is the only safe and logical way to go in controlling and managing medical symptoms to increase quality of life. It is a funny bonus to see how immature and mature others are and how they are not even medically diagnosed yet or labeled with a medical condition too. For they are healthy but just as immature or mature as we are. For we are all immature and mature human beings with individual perfections and imperfections too. Make the most of it and learn as you go. For your brain will accept anything you give it - so give it the factual good stuff already!

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