Thursday, January 16, 2014

Are you Maturely Informed or Immaturely Opinionated?

A Person I Used to Know was not balanced in the individuality of her self. For she was maturely informed on many topics and subjects of life but very immaturely opinionated too.

The emotional bearings upon her life from her immature opinions based upon her emotions, feelings, thoughts and shared verbal ideas were as an eagle flying one second and as an ant barely moving the next.
For the mature information she obtained through experience and knowledge helped her achieve the goals in her life that helped her feel like an eagle flying. But the immaturity of her opinions of defending her emotions, feelings, thoughts, and actions became a roller coaster of erratic behavior, moods, and emotional instability to stall her at the speed of an ant.

For she felt that the survival of her life experiences as a victim and moving on past survival was something that she should be proud of and no one could tell her what she could be maturely informed about anything or what she could not be immaturely opinionated about. For her traumatic experiences were an accomplishment she did achieve because she survived. If she had not done all she could learn of how to survive and how to live - she would not be alive.

But no one could nor would nor should - excuse her immaturity - not even the traumatic circumstances she endured that she leaned on as an adolescent strength with her opinions of her life and the lives of others.
For accountability and responsibility of consequences must be maturely dealt with no matter what her life experiences done to her or what happened to her. For without accountability and responsibility to the consequences she choose - she was no more advanced or healthy than those who hurt her because she would be hurting others in her immature actions, words, and verbal vomit too.

This immature defense mechanism or survival skill was to protect her self from others. For she learned the unhealthy immaturity through the nature and nurture of her upbringing of traumatic circumstances. But the more she matured and gained healthy and mature knowledge; she realized that she did not have anything to defend or explain about herself anymore.

For every topic she shared or discussed with others, was her choice to do. For a long time she felt compelled to always explain her self with paragraphs when asked questions versus the simple statements of: Yes or No - that every one else did.

She did gain through her experiences knowledge of being as a teacher, mentor and inspirational state of mind that consumed her to help others to become aware about child abuse; help survivors to get help and use their stories to help others; and to support victims who were still struggling with the after effects of their childhood abuse. But she was an imperfect, immature, and destructive whirlwind at times too because of her internal mature and immature battles.

But she began to learn  how to effectively contribute to any mission, objectives, or focus of assisting others by becoming maturely informed and not use her own immature opinions anymore.

For life was not about her anymore when she reached legal age of consent. But it was about what she could do for others and still contribute to the progress of learning for her self. It was not an easy journey. It was the hardest learning lessons that she endured - but I can say this person is doing better today in balance, stability, and medical health than she has her prior  life by the new healthier and mature learning she is gaining and applying in her life. This person was who I used to be and will never be again. For every day - I have a focus to learn something new for myself to help me mature, be informed and not opinionated anymore.

A Person I Used to Know is a personal evaluation of self. To see where a person was 1 year ago - 5 years ago - 10 years ago and where a person is now. To be honest, truthful, loyal, and kind to internal self with thoughts, emotions and what you think and feel. To not be afraid to see the mistakes you made in your former self and seek to find ways to change the negatives or unhealthy or immaturity to produce more positivity, healthiness, and maturity in your life. To feel accomplished while feeling the humble sting of humility that makes us human in admitting and correcting our mistakes. Shame is only produced in a person when we see a problem and fail to solve or admit the problem exists. Shame is what we all carry because we know the mistakes, we see the problems, we know our deficiencies and our weaknesses but yet we seek nothing to change it to produce maturity, positivity and increase our health quality of life.

We become as lazy comfort takers instead of focused contributions to the family of humanity.

Many people are not informed today. For opinions have taken control of how a person should feel, think, act, and react in life. The associations we form and bond with of our earliest experiences will produce a cause and effect upon our adult life. For many adults will make choices based upon what they endured from their adolescent days. College and career choices are usually the idea or pronounced course of action that comes directly from of a parent or guardian and not the student. To graduate high school or not graduate high school becomes either a focus of importance to have in life or not viewed as important by what the adults did to secure education in a youth's life. Marriage or relationships that a person chooses in their adult life will either be by personal choice without opinions or it will be as an escape, way out or even to create a foundation of life that a person never received in their minor aged of being "home" - where ever and whom ever that home was with.

A Person I Used to Know can ask and answer their own questions they have about their life and the experiences they endured. But very few value the importance of self-evaluation; self-analysing and do not take it literally in actions to become a better, healthier or more humane person today than they were yesterday.

The medical complications of my life have taught me to evaluate and never fear to analyze my self. For the effectiveness of my healthiness or unhealthiness and my contributors or catastrophic of my health - help me to understand where I was at in my symptoms yesterday and where I am today. This medical progression and evaluation of self has probably saved my life many times because I am just as busying helping myself to become better than I was yesterday as I try to still reach out to help others who need it too; even if only sharing a blog of provoking others to think and do for their self.

We spend our whole lives allowing others to define, detail, describe, and give adjectives to who we are. Our parents or adult guardians, teachers, professors, professionals, medical, science, and even the employers who score us. But when we fail to realize the evaluation of our self - we become as every one else. We do what every one wants us to do. We become as they choose for us. Self-evaluation is the only way to ensure that you are and can be the person you want to be.

Think about the math of life. For the first 18 years (or until legal age of adult consent)- you are under the control, care, and responsibility and accountability of another. For the next 60 years after that - ( average adult life) - you are in control. You are the problem solver or problem creator. You are the primary source of your accomplishments, happiness, education, growing and maturing to be who you want to be.

For 60 years will be your years to choose to do how you want and how you wish. The accountability, care, control, and responsibility of your life fall solo upon you. You can never start new but you can learn how to build new upon the old to help yourself.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and Mother Nature disasters has been destroying lives and homes for years. But what do people do upon the old when destroyed? They rebuild new again. You must find the new you need to rebuild healthier, happier, and a mature focus than what the world done for you. It is the only way to promote and progress effective changes in your life. Don't we all deserve that?

For decades, since the evolution of Social Media and the Internet has became a household familiar asset - conversations have decreased from paragraphs to one line or two line statements with printed shortcuts of acronyms. Full sentences and paragraphs or clear messages of effective communication are not embraced nor shared anymore - especially online!

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and text are not about the quality you share but the limited quantity. What a deprivation of communication we truly have while engaging in these conflicting, limited and useless content of opinionated laziness of our social media we do that lacks validity to the maturity of words we use anymore. We become more opinionated and less informed as this social culture continues.

The more we forget to value and promote effective communication with information versus opinions - the more our humanity toward one another regresses and will continue too. The problems increase faster than effective solutions can be given to stop them. The more we produce this type of ineffectiveness of our communication for the potentials we could be and create in life - the more our generation suffers and those after us. Who is cleaning up whose messes if we all cast off tomorrow's problems instead of solving them today?

We have two choices in life to apply to our direct life. We can learn how to become informed with facts and stop spreading the opinions that damage. Or we continue with our immature opinions and disregard the facts of being informed. We become exactly our own unhealthiness, continued immaturity and sail in life that will never be nothing but trying to escape over a wall that each individual built or to try to escape out of a box that we chose to stay in.

Education never dies - it only becomes forgotten and is treated as invalid with each generation. Education can not be beneficial to anyone's health, finances, economy or geography with out embracing it to learn information versus invalid opinions.

Do not forget to learn how to grow the Mature Information in your life to help you. Only each individual can truly help their self. For to deny self, the ability to learn, grow, and mature is to become as the social majority of immaturity and deprivations they say you should have. No one should ever do that to their self or allow others to do this to you. For every individual is a human being and deserves to be treated as such. But to treat others as a human being; we must first learn maturely how - beginning with self.

Notice the positive, healthy, and motivating words that informed produces.
INFORMED: Possessing, displaying, or based on reliable information; Knowledgeable; educated; possessing an education; having knowledge and spiritual insight.

INFORMED ADJECTIVE: knowledgeable, up to date, enlightened, learned, primed, posted, expert, briefed, familiar, versed, acquainted, in the picture, plugged-in (slang), up, abreast, in the know (informal), erudite, well-read, conversant, au fait (French), in the loop, genned up (Brit. informal), au courant (French). -

Notice how negative, unhealthy, selfish, and discouraging that opinionated is.
OPINIONATED: Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions.

OPINIONATED ADJECTIVE: dogmatic, prejudiced, biased, arrogant, adamant, stubborn, assertive, uncompromising, single-minded, inflexible, bigoted, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, obstinate, doctrinaire, obdurate, cocksure, pig-headed, self-assertive, bull-headed. -

Are you going to learn how to get informed? Are you going to continue to be opinionated as an ignorant or inhumane person would be?

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