Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To Blog or Not To Blog

A blog is usually a daily commitment or something of print that each author, writer or freelancer chooses to be. Whether a focus on specific interests, hobbies or writing about the lives of others, pretty much for any who has ever blogged one question frequently arises in self - "To Blog or Not to Blog?" Whether wanting to decide to blog or choosing to commit to time of when to blog - there is no right or wrong answer here. A blog is the facts of whatever the blogger wants it to be in their print, their message and their words.

When a blog is of leisure without marketing intentions or sales promotions, most choose blog print that will be published in routine. Others have created content in blogs that give them more control of what  days, entries, and purpose or mission statement can be and a more varying schedule.

To each their own schedule by what the owner wants their blog to be is how I feel about it. I have read some very good, productive, informative and funny blogs but there are not consistent writers and that works for me as I am never dedicated to specific times online but the content is still available when I am ready to read. 

I never read content to make sure periods are in the precise location or words are used correctly and sentences are formed to literacy standards.

I personally give no regards to this as a reader or blogger or writer of any content online. Professional or personally shared content in blogs, articles, or websites where information is displayed is of no concern to me either. I do not care of the validity of correctness as long as the factual information they reference too - that is not opinion - is linked with the source for proving facts represented. That's as much for my own research on topics, if I choose as it is to help others to gain clarity, if they wish when writing upon facts versus personal opinions, personal experiences  when sharing life in print.

But much of the websites or blogs are about literacy, grammar, and format that do take priority over the message content from readers. But I fear many valuable lessons do get lost in the value of the Internet today because we teach literacy perfections but yet we use so many social websites where language isn't important. Talk about writing, reading and general confusion that the Internet can be to many people in the way they perceive what they read but when people take a verbal statement and twist it to whatever - why would a blog or print content bother anyone right? 

I blog as I feel and what I feel around the wide subject of A Person I Use to Know because every day, in my life, with my living and surviving experiences - I could reflect the happenings of every day of my life and be able to find something in today - that occurred differently than it did yesterday in me or around me - because of that Person I Use to Know. Consider it growing a deeper perception of self and perhaps even a different view or insight in self and the world abroad. For the person you will be today was not the person you were 20 years ago or even 5 years ago and probably you won't be the same person in 5 or 20 years from the person you are now either. So this title and mission is of sharing content that I feel most could relate too if they stop in to read this blog.

Whether in myself personally of changing my views, perceptions, and interpretations about interactions of life and those in it or just witnessing how others do change in time - a daily reflection of A Person I Use to Know could occur every day.

Personally for me, routine, consistency, and stability do matter but it's not in the validity or importance that most place priority upon daily. It's good and healthy to be focused, planned and scheduled but it's also healthy to be open - so all your time isn't catering to demands or what you feel as important that you never have nor make time to appreciate surprises too.

I have never been streamlined as that and hope I do not get so stuck in the rut of my own daily conformity or daily procedures or schedules that I lose the thrills, surprises and shocks that come along in the minutes of the day - from  an unexpected guest dropping in or a surprise phone call from someone I hadn't spoke to in a while or any other surprises that are not planned that can occur as this.

I have met many who would call uninvited guests dropping in on them as a surprise as the guest being rude, mean or not respecting their busy daily life. They complain so much about the visit - that was not planned for - that I do wonder if they ever appreciated the guest who surprised or sudden shocked them with change of plans with those they were visiting with.

I have tried the two fold of planning only scheduled visitors or guests to come to my home and those surprise visitors that still popped in, even when I would tell them personally, that I would appreciate a phone call or email or text ahead of time - but to no avail.

But I understand why some do this? But in facts -  their lives maybe complicated, time consumed, and time limited as my own can be and has been in time passed too. But would anyone really miss out on a second or minutes with another just because it wasn't planned for - as so?

The same kindly with a blog. Unless the money is being made from it - then it isn't so much as joy anymore but a means to a financial way to gain. For me, I try to blog every day but if I do not, it is by choice and that I am living outside the computer, off the blog, off of Facebook and appreciating the joys of my life.

Every individual who feels compelled to put something in print to give as their message or summary of their day in text or email or anything of electronic print can be valuable daily assets for the person sharing as well as the person reading.

But we all should never get so conformed in anything of our lives that we lose the ability to keep our self open, our computer or electronic lines free from data transfers and give our fingers a break from typing too. We shouldn't focus so long on the wrong of any matter - that we forget to appreciate the facts and find in another what the person intended to say, even if it different or opposite of what we are.

Family units are the greatest prime examples of that which I am trying to relay about being irritated about the little things they do occur that we tend to forget the bigger focus of what and who they are or mean to us.

Families or close friends can sometimes be a thorn in our side that will never cease to stop causing prick pains - while at the same time - there is no other - that you can sit with and talk about things that you would never tell or share with another soul. There has to be something of value to that somewhere in its complexities, difficulties, and experiences together.

Just don't ever forget from time to time to enjoy the positives instead of only the negatives of someone or their unhealthy versus their healthy or their additions and deductions of your life and what they mean to you.

It may never solve all problems or find quick fix solutions when facing problems, surprises or anything shocking that occurs in life - but it will help find solid ground through any issue a person could face because you see can recall factually on paper all of your own entities in self and others - who you enjoy but get irritated at.

Just as you can do when you read some one's else content that you may not always easily understand, grasp nor get. Not every word spoken is directly formed to be used against you or is about you and not every thing you read is a message for you anyways but keep an open mind, just the same.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” - Stephen Covey said it best in this quote.

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and every social media website promotes poor grammar, misinterpreted messages and quick responding readers who assume or speculate with judgment before really observing - describing without judging - what they read and then choosing to participate without impulsively putting in print something they will come to regret later.

One of the wisest quotes I ever read was “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Stephen Covey - The same can be factual of readers. 

To Blog or Not to Blog is still a service to all who enjoy blogs, sharing information, and if you make profits off of it - go for it.

But for millions who do choose to blog - it is like sharing a message, poetry, information or  enlightenment because we know - that even if - millions may read it - that as long as one person gets it; the blogging mind will keep on printing and bring words to life - just because they enjoy having the tool of the Internet to do this and for no other reason.

Use words and emotions wiser in your life than those before you. Think before speaking. Break the impulsiveness to judge.

And if you do make time to read content - read to gain from it and not to always decrease from it. Some one took minutes or hours from their day to give something valid to another. So to judge harshly upon the blog art is to judge the person who made time to share content in which you read too.

For what you may curse today - that you do have in your life - it could easily be gone tomorrow.

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