Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Equality of Rejection

I do enjoy the self happiness with new challenges very much. Emotions to control, maintain and learn in a healthy manner as a focus of health that socially or medically is not embarked upon enough for the overall well-being for the Human Race - as it is should be.

My word of today's learning is rejection.  How could equality in rejection exist? By the time you read this; I hope you can be enlightened and perceive a new healthier focus of rejection and how this one emotion creates us to be equal. How this one emotion visits most individuals in their life probably more than any other emotion does. How this one emotion provokes reactions in us by the rejection of others or even the rejections we tell our self internally when we feel less than adequate or sufficient or fearful to attempt something in our lives.

A Person I Use to Know wasted decades of life upon the primary focus of worries, anxieties, depressions, and circumstances produced by rejection that if you could name an emotion as the primary symptom of a medical condition - Rejection - would have been hers. The heart break, heart aches, uncertainties, isolation, desolation, depressions, outcast, solo, solitude, bitterness, anger, sorrows, griefs, mistakes, accomplishments, and happiness were all tangled together in this nasty ball of emotional muck that made no sense. For her intellectual existence could explain the basic principles and functions of life to survive, succeed and to enjoying living but at the core of her - she could never get past the rejections of her own life - done to her by others - but also those she hurt in the process because of these rejections that did not only impacte her self immediately but every one in her life. This person was me that I used to know.

It's irony in a sense - for now in learning - I can laugh at rejection. Rejection does not beat me up internally within anymore with my emotions, mentality, and logical thinking as it use too. For the facts of rejection is that it teaches us. Whether it is a healthy or unhealthy lesson is merely for each to know and to grow healthier perceptions in self. The facts of rejection is that it will occur in life. Rejections will come and go - when you are solo or when you are associated or socializing with others. What you do with the visit of rejection - is for your course of action to steer forward or keep moving backward from rejection.

Rejection hurts. Rejection angers. Rejection segregates. Rejection can disable. Rejection can motivate. Rejection can be courageous. Rejection can be brave. Rejection can be the muscle to get you moving in a new direction of change for self or it can be the mud hole you sit in - all because of what you choose to do with rejection in your life.

The movie, Joe Dirt, has to be the most funniest script I have ever seen produced on the big screen. For the hillbilly and rural representation this movie does of an orphan seeking his family is not a movie that most could relate too other than for a laugh factor but truth be known - there are more individuals that can call out family members in it as I could relate in this way to it. 

But for someone as genetic controversial and of circumstance survival - it was like watching a distant family member on screen for me! I kid you not and it's not easy to admit that about my life but it is funny and in some aspects factually relatable. 

For Joe Dirt was on the adventure to find his birth parents and tallied up a pile of nice people that he met who helped him and cheered his quest on. At the end of the movie, he found out the facts of his parents that he was seeking which was not the illusions or perceptions he had dreamed them to be. As he choose to let them go, he became aware through his supporters, friends and associates that he meet along the way - that he was able to grow his own sense of family through friends that he hadn't even become aware of that he had until he accepted what his parents factually were. He choose to leave them and the parents did reject him and did cast him off but he chose to leave them to find better as he deserved in his life. A hilarious fictional movie but a joking factor about many lives of family units, human nature and a valid point of rejection in relationships of people.

If you view rejection as a personal or self attack against yourself - you will hinder your self, hurt your self, anger your self or pain your self more than you deserve. You will keep unhealthy baggage in yourself when you refuse to face rejection, accept it and let it go to move on in a healthier manner from what it taught you. Once you learn how or perceive rejection differently as Joe Dirt did - you realize - that sometimes - you must move forward and away from those who rejected you - so you can find those who were meant to be in your life and who want to be a part of your life as much as you do theirs. So equality can be found of how you want and deserve to be treated.

Wasting precious years, seconds, minutes, health, brain, body and emotional resources upon the wrong, damaging, unhealthy and destructive people to seek or gain acceptance and approval of - will not only destroy you but every one involved in your immediate life. The pain or anger does not just because yours but it also trickles to those closest to you. You must ask yourself is these people that reject you really worth it? Is the rejection that you feed into the silence of your emotions, thoughts and body helping your health to become healthier or are they making you ill with panic, worry, nervousness, and fear?

These quotes and historical quotes from; offered me a new defining of rejection. Perhaps, you can use forgiveness and humor in it - as I did - and a new healthier focus about rejection too. If you invite others into your life - rejection - will come and go. But how long rejection effects stay are completely up to you. Rejection is complex but when you view how rejection affects you and fuels your actions in self about rejection and what your rejection does to another; then you realize - that your actions produced in rejection causes another to feel just as bad as you do. You end up doing just as another has done to you. The key of learning how to make rejection healthy versus unhealthy begins in the change of focus in each of us. The emotions of Rejection affect us all equally but what we choose to do with it to create a healthier change or produce the regression of submissive misery. Who has rejection ever helped or benefited when stubborn or ignorance taught rejection to fight back to produce the same pain or emotional hurt as we felt in rejection? No one.

1. The act of rejecting or the state of being rejected.
2. Something rejected.
3. Medicine The failure of a recipient's body to accept a transplanted tissue or organ as the result of immunological incompatibility; immunological resistance to foreign tissue.

    Cast away [anger] like spoiled milk —Marge Piercy
    Discarded like outmoded customs —Elyse Sommer
    Discarded (me) like yesterday’s underpants —Sue Grafton
    Dropped … like a dead fish —T. Glen Coughlin
    Dropped [from a list] … like a hot rivet —Loren D. Estleman
    He shook them [young women] off his back like a young stallion shaking off an unskilled rider —Russell Banks
    Keep at a distance, like someone with an infectious disease —Anon
Push her away like a clinging dog —Daphne du Maurier
    Push me aside like a kitchen chair —Philip Levine
    Put (such thoughts) aside like chewed-up grapeskins —Bertold Brecht
    Rejected [bad news] … like a transplanted organ —Pat Conroy
    Rejected [praise] like counterfeit money —William Mcllvanney
    Shoved aside like a row boat nosed away by a tanker —Mary Gordon
    Shun him like the plague —Charles Dickens
    Some men, like spaniels, will only fawn the more when repulsed, but will pay little heed to a friendly caress —Abd-el-Kader
    Spurn my passion like a worm —Jean Racine
    Swept her aside as if she were a cobweb —Susan Kelly
    They just dropped me … like a bag of potatoes —Njabulo Ndebele
    Threw aside everything … like a contemptible burden —Heinrich Böll

BLACKBALL To exclude; to cast a negative vote against a candidate or applicant seeking admission to a select group.

BLACKLIST To bar or exclude from something as work or a club; also, the list of people so excluded; hence, those under suspicion, censure, or otherwise out of favor with the powers that be.

CUT OFF WITH A SHILLING  To disinherit, especially by bequeathing a shilling or other nominal sum to show that the disinheritance was deliberate.

DEAR JOHN LETTER  A letter from a woman telling her boyfriend, fiancé, or husband that she is jilting him for someone else.

GET THE HOOK To have one’s performance abruptly terminated; to be fired; to receive or be subjected to dismissal.

GIVE A BASKET To refuse to wed; to discard a fiancé.

GIVE THE AIR To suddenly jilt a lover or sweetheart; to abruptly fire an employee;

GIVE THE BAG  To leave a paramour suddenly or unexpectedly; to discharge a person from his job or duties.

GIVE THE COLD SHOULDER To display indifference or disregard toward; to ignore or snub; also to show the cold shoulder.

GIVE THE GATE To reject or dismiss; to give someone the brush-off; to fire, or let go from employment.

GIVE THE MITTEN To jilt a sweetheart; to reject a romantically inclined admirer; to discharge an employee.

GONG [SOMEONE] To terminate a person’s performance before its completion; to fire; to dismiss rudely.

TURN UP ONE'S NOSE AT To regard with disdain, to show contempt for; to reject or refuse scornfully; snub.

WHISTLE [SOMEONE] DOWN THE WIND To forsake, abandon, or discard.

something that people do or cause to happen

apostasy, defection, renunciation - the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)

Rejection is active, healthier than humans and alive every where in every word spoken or action occurring today. What are you going to do differently with the rejection of self and those of your life? What did you learn? Did you gain anything funny to laugh at because you learned something different on an old emotion? Have you been enlightened about chewing on the same old grape seed skins yet? Are you going to learn how to spit the old emotions out for good now? Thoughts of self ponder to seek change in this one word of sad's friends known as rejection - is it not?

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