Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hobby Me This or Hobby Me That

To each their own of fun, happiness, fulfillment and entertainment of Hobby. 

Hobbies are something that should be done that leaves a person feeling content about life. Even if everything goes a muck or those bad days return of stress accumulation or financial woes or even medical limitations - Hobbies should be the release needed to cope until the good returns again.

A Person I Use to Know should always has that one factor to their life of at least one hobby of consistency in their life. To look back to see how life, situations, circumstances, and time changes us all. We should never be unfaithful to our self to carry that one hobby with us where ever we go nor should we allow another to talk us out of it or to neglect the hobby of happiness we gain for self.

Writing is my greatest faithful friend. No matter what changes in my life - words, rambling and writing have always been beside me. I have gained more knowledge and positives in my life because of writing as my prime hobby than I have anything else. I hope that one day, even when I am too medically degenerative to see, too feeble to write or too meek to share that I will still be writing or sharing words on paper or electronic recording devices or whatever it may take. 

If there was a Guinness World Record for the most words written or expressed during a lifetime, I would like to be that one person who did it:) Not that I would ever such a contest but having this one hobby for my own personal goal is my contentment and happiness. 

The Band Perry sums life up perfectly in their hit song, "If I Die Young" lyrics: "A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar - They're worth so much more after I'm a goner - And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing - Funny, when you're dead how people start listening~"

Often sad but true. The individuals that have shaped and made history are usually the ones that were the most valued only after -they are deceased. Imagine if a person would be honored as such while alive - as they are praised when dead. Ironic how that always works out?

So whatever you choose to do as your hobby - do it for yourself. Share it with others if you choose and if you do not - that's OK. Chances are what you do will be worth more when you are dead anyways! So what do you have to lose by trying a new hobby to mold, craft, and create as the best friend of faithfulness in your life too.

Emotions are as bizarre, diverse and truly hold as many definitions and releases as each individual person does upon the face of Earth. When we lack emotional feedback from others to help us - then shouldn't we do what we can our self to fill those emotional voids too? 

Why do we insist on blaming others when we feel lonely, alone or bitter or angered or hurt by others? When all we really need to do is to imagine - the more we could gain emotionally - by first filling up our self emotionally with whatever we can by having one hobby to do it for us.

Writing gives my imagination the freedom to dream - that even my biological age and my reality circumstances could take away from me. I am just a childish kid again with no responsibilities nor accountability when I write and share. The consequences I gain from writing and sharing are  lessons. Some good. Some bad. But mostly good. I feel ageless, gender free, stress free and the only destination I have truly to write and share is completing a sentence or a paragraph and finding a way to close on a good note.

I wish this hobby of happiness upon any one who is willing to love and be happy with their self first & then grow courage & bravery to share it and keep on doing it.

Let's face it. No one is getting younger as the time ticks by. You don't have to wait 5 - 10 or 25 years to look back and see the Person You Use to Know. Because that person will change right before your eyes in your mirror reflection before you even realize it. Those years will have tick toked by.

So at least have something - created by for you - started by you & will cling to you closer than any one by having one hobby of your choice - to take with you. 

Life always did feel and seem a little brighter every time I write and share. It didn't matter if it were educational to help assist employers, employees or friends or family in general. Writing was a way I learned to hug and love myself unconditionally years ago as a little girl barely old enough to form a complete word or know the function of a sentence. I hope to never lose this desire within me either.

When your final day comes that your life is almost over - how do you want to remember it as the Person You Use to Know? Some one brave enough to stand against all odds to do the right thing for you and others or someone you would rather forget? 

We will have rainbows of obstacles through out our entire life. But learning to steer and control your course is a solo journey we all must take. Even after we wake up one day and realize that the life we have before us is not necessarily what we may have anticipated nor wanted - but accepting it to be - what it is - just the same - you will need that hobby to help see life through - because there will be times - you will truly have no one but you and that one faithful hobby.  That's just how life rolls. Isn't it Ironically Amazing, after all? Happy Weekend:)

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