Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Facts of Gambling Fear with Diagnosis of Seizures and Epilepsy

A Person I Used to Know felt fearless for many years with her seizure disorder. This person is medically speculated to have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Non epileptic Seizure Disorders by her neurologists and medical doctors. For the expensive testing to confirm conclusiveness about the source of her origin of these seizures was and is financially impossible for her to continue upon. So she did the best thing she could and decided to get educated and not be fearful about her seizures.

Her fearlessness about her seizures came from the hours of research she did to take care of herself. The education she gained while seeking medical treatment for these seizures taught her how to continue to live her life while being honest about awareness, prevention and safety to others she met and worked with. She felt comfortable in her seizure condition that she could not stop from not happening but yet felt safe enough to stay fearless with the exceptions of a few minor life changes in her life to given prevention and safety to her conditions.

She started out in her late teens by having only Generalized Tonic Clonic seizures - known as Grand Mal seizures - while asleep. Then the seizures progressed to Generalized Tonic Clonic seizures while awake with no warning sign of an aura. Then the auras of Simple Partial seizures began that would give prelude warning to a Tonic Clonic seizure. Then these Simple Partial seizure auras would occur with no full blown generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure.

Seizures are a complex medical condition that are loaded with more mysteries than answers or medical resolution and stability for many who suffer from seizures. To treat seizures is expensive. To find out the origin of seizures is even more expensive. The factual threats of anyone living with seizures is: Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and Status Epileptic. Death rarely occurs with seizures but it does happen with drownings, suffocating while sleeping, falls, and vehicular accidents.

The dictionary facts of fear and gamble are below.

I present these words of factual education about fear and gambling together, because when a person is diagnosed with seizures or caring for those you love with seizure disorders; these should never be taken lightly and should be given very serious consideration of what to do and not to do in one's life.

Legal laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act can assist in preventing discrimination and help individuals who have seizures to live a full safe life.

However, the primary responsibility of maturity and healthier living can only can come from the choices and life preservation of the person who has the seizures. Please read and be safe and learn to be mature and responsible when having a seizure disorder; even if it hurts or is scary.

- A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger
- A state or condition marked by this feeling
- A reason for dread or apprehension
- To be afraid or frightened of
- To consider probable; expect
- Concern

- To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest
- To play a game of chance for stakes
- To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit
- To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior
- To expose to hazard; risk
- Any matter or thing involving risk or hazardous uncertainty

Seizures can produce fear before a seizure occurs and especially after one has happened to any patient. Gambling your seizure life in the choices you make can help you - or they can hurt you worse and those around you; depending on what you choose to do in your actions with your seizure disorders.

Never take it for granted that you are and will be 100% in complete remission from a seizure from happening again. Seizures are never guaranteed to go away completely by any medical professional. The longer you go without a seizure can be hopeful but never guaranteed that they will not return in your life.

Many individuals have went decades free of seizures and would have them return. Because once you are susceptible to one seizure once in your life; your risk increases factually in stats - that you will have another.

You will have probably have another, so do not take one seizure for granted but as a warning sign to be careful and preventative. Especially if your seizure origin is never medically or scientifically proven. Even with the best of medication control, there is no 100% safe guarantee that seizures will not happen again. Never take your seizure disorder for granted and carelessly void to give daily prevention and safety to your seizure condition.

Gambling with seizures will become a losing battle, if you are not careful, educated, and learn awareness to all the preventable mishaps that can occur with seizures.

To legally drive or not to drive is the hardest individual and personal choice that a person of seizures will ever face or make. To drive or not to drive both come at a cost to the person who has a seizure. But choosing to drive also comes with a price too. Legally you could drive but what are you willing to accept the consequences of this choice is something bad would happen?

Many states and countries vary in their restrictions, limitations and approvals to granting individuals with seizure disorders a driver license. Vehicle insurance coverages also have limitations, failures to provide coverage, and failure to pay claims when accidents are produced by a person who knows they have a seizure disorder and fail to report it to their vehicle insurance. Many do not report their seizure disorder to their vehicle insurance company and only find out the hard way that will not pay when an accident occurs.

Individuals with seizure disorders also have faced jail time and felony charges for deaths occurring by the accidents produced by a person who has seizures as well. So be careful and weigh out the balances of what works for you safely and those around you.

Seizures are a fearful gamble where the seizures will win when you are not educated, responsible, mature and take this condition for granted for the seriousness that it is.

No one chooses to have a seizure in their life. But when you do have a seizure; you must act accordingly and use all precautions and education you can to protect your life; as well as others around you.

It is not fair. It can be disheartening. But it can also be empowering and help you appreciate the life you do live. For your battles that you face are not what many will understand nor comprehend because of what you thrive to survive and live with every day.

There is no shame in any medical condition. No one should feel bad that they were chosen to have seizures. So be the example of what seizure prevention, seizure awareness, and seizure protection should be because you maybe the only person that another ever knows about seizures that could save your life or the life of another.

Crossing uncomfortable bridges is what life is about. Life can go on and will continue on for you with seizures by what you choose to learn and know and then how you apply this information.

This whole blog post today is by my personal experience of surviving seizures for almost 20 years of my life. I am not exempt in making hard choices that I do not want to make. But I also have to be responsible, mature, and to ensure my own safety and those around me because seizures chose me to the example of what to do and not to do. I did not choose this must it is a fact about my life that I must accept and do the best I can with. I value my life and will do all I can to help myself and help others to understand and learn too.

 Americans with Disabilities Act

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