The winter has barrelled down on many now that 2014 has arrived in a wintry blast. Snow or wet, frigid and dangerous slick conditions can be terrible to be out in.
When you throw in a constant blowing arctic air then you could literally become a freeze pop waiting to emerge without proper clothing and winter attire. I share these tips to help someone living on a tight financial budget and perhaps, enlighten others what techniques can be done to be weather proofed at all times - no matter what falls from the sky.
Prevention from sickness and protection must be taken to survive the harsh winter weather. If you are out in it, then you will know what I am speaking of and if you do not have to be out in it - you will know what you are not missing either.
The icicle breezes that sticks to your lungs as a traumatic case of immediate throat freeze while the air in and out of your nose even stings to breath it. As if the winter brisk air is the worst dose of reality that humans have that we are not as strong as we think we are.
Especially when the weather winds can offer a pleasant flavor on a nice warm day versus that of a chilly and pending taste of death with terrible coughing and runny noses symptoms. Depths that only a winter freeze of not being properly dressed for winter does give to a person unprepared.
A Person I Used to Know was always a weather dresser before a fashion appeal. Many would have been surprised to know this was done because this person looked fashionably presentable but was always weather proofed underneath the exterior of clothing.
If it were raining, there had to be a cute rain coat or hat or ball cap on. There always had to be a scarf around the neck for fashion but warmth to breathe through in the brisk winter air. If it were cold winter wet chills - kind of day, there had to be insulation under the exterior fashion to serve in warmth and wind-proof for the many miles of walking with a USPS mail carrier this person used to do.
Not only that - but if this person wanted to fish in the drizzle rain or a mild rain shower or even play in the snow - the cold, damp, moist and wet had to stay out to stay dry and have fun while preventing sickness. In having fun in the hobbies outdoors or for work purposes one must be prepared. This person was me and still is.
But another person I Used to Know would kick back the moisture from the sky from wetting her hair or getting moisture in her ears from a blowing rain or snow by using a head technique - I saw no one else do and still haven't seen anyone do.
It was the funniest sight I ever saw. If something does work to keep you warm and dry during the worst of weather - then why would strange looks or perceptions really bother a person of what others would think of them? Is it better to take a chance of getting laughed at for prevention methods from freezing half to death or getting a chilling wet soak to the bone or to seek approval from what you wear so you only end up sick? Something for each individual to think about in adverse weather conditions.
My grandmother is who I speak of in this second scenario. For she would walk miles in the rain, sleet, hail, snow and all kinds of weather when she was able.
She enjoyed her walks to the post office and to deliver her Blair items she sold to her neighbors. For my entire life, this lady did not believe in wearing pants. Only dresses and skirts as her religion beliefs forbid her to wear pants.
But in extreme weather, she would put on a pair of pants underneath her skirt or dresses for insulation and put on a thick weather proof jacket to go trudging through all weather conditions.
A scarf she would wear around her neck but she refused to wear head coverings that would not keep her hair from getting wet and the wind out of her ears. She never owned a jacket with a hood on it - even though she had some - so she made her own winter proof hood and wet proof hat out of recycling.
She was a recycler and hoarder. If something could be kept to be used for another purpose, she'd keep it or find a way to use it. She was a recycling hoarder given the financially strapped budgets and lifestyle cultures of survival she endured through her experiences.
Her kitchen had a designated plastic shopping bag recycling shelf. All the plastic grocery shopping bags she would get when shopping would get saved and reused. From small waste baskets as trash bags to overnight bags for grand kids when they stayed to keep up with their stuff or shipping bags for Blair products when others would ordered or separating Christmas gifts to families in these bags or treat bags at her church for holiday fruit and candy giving. My favorite recycled bag use she had was her plastic bag toboggans.
I preferred a more approved fashion exterior in the worst of weather by concealing my insulation underneath my clothes. Tights, panty hose and long johns made the perfect accessory to wear underneath one's clothing to stay warm, wind-proof and dry no matter what the winter was blowing around.
I also recommend the plastic like material of insulated offering in athletic pants and jackets. These make for the best windbreakers if employment dress codes accommodate for such an attire. But most will not allow such an attire but I still use these wind and wet proof athletic garments for drizzling days of fishing in the rain, walking in the rain or even to go over top of my denim jeans and sweat shirts to walk in the snow. Sounds layered and it is but it works. If you could laugh at winter and win - this is how to do it!
But my grandmother's plastic recycled toboggans gave me a perfect idea for my nieces too as they do not like hats, caps, toboggans or anything on their head that could prevent them from playing or seeing accurately and they just don't like any head gear that becomes a nuisance to them.
But I learned through my grandmother's plastic bag recycling experience to do something for my nieces. My grandmother would roll and tuck the bag to fit her head as if it had an invisible stitched seam in it that you could not see but it would get that perfect fit size every time. Then she would pull all of her hair back. Slip the bag on her head and use a rubber band to bind her hair and the bag in place. Covering her ears and hair and head completely.
Many days, I watched my grandmother walk in the weather or I would walk with her and snicker when viewing this lady that I loved dearly who looked like a bag lady upon some weathered street with her bundled exterior, pants and dresses on with those Wal-Mart or Save-A-Lot logos on her head.
But even in the experiences of her unique ways, it taught me many things about fashion. Fashion does not matter externally when it comes to staying warm and dry when preventing sickness and to disregard visual appearance when surviving the elements of bad or harsh weather. I learned kindly to mix the two up for my own now but she never did for she was warm, dry and did as she saw comfortable and appealing to her. I had to admire her for the giggling fun I had in witnessing her beliefs and the valuable lessons she taught me about dressing for the task of surviving all weather elements.
I applied these lessons last night when my daughter and nieces wanted to play in the darkness of falling snow. The wind was howling. The cold air could be felt here in the house as this place isn't sheltered by trees or close neighbors in its third of an acre field. So I knew it was cold but not too cold for fun when bundled and layered up properly.
I will never deny a child to play and have fun in the weather as long as they are not sick and will adhere to my strict dressing codes to stay warm, dry , wet-proof and wind-proof.
They laughed when I told them how they would they would have to dress. They never heard such fashion rule breakers before.
But they wanted to play out in the falling snow with darkness around them so they would listen to my advice. If I had enough weather proofed clothing and wasn't cutting quilt patches, I would have joined them.
For it is in these qualities of fun that only children could produce that most logical or rational person would never consider doing. But children often reminds us why we should never be too mature and forget the littlest of joy factors of life - as these little ladies were about to have.
So I got out my fishing wind proof and wet proof jackets and pants. They had on their own jeans and sweaters. I made them put my jackets and pants on. I have yet to meet a kid that couldn't wear them.
The pants can be rolled up and the sleeves on these material clothing to help make them a one size to fit all - regardless of their actual sizes or the height differences. So they got all layered up on the outside of their regular clothing with my plastic clothes and then put on their winter jackets. Then the gloves and scarves. Then came the fun of sharing the customized fittings of the plastic bag toboggans with them.
My daughter is a teenager and would rather freeze and be immature by seeking fashion first instead of staying warm and dry in bad weather. As a toddler and child, she was not like this. My daughter has laughed at me for years because I wear long johns, tights, or pantyhose under my pants when outdoors and yet she chooses not too. But my nieces have not reached that teenager state of mind yet - as they are not quite the age as my daughter - so they are still submissive and obliging to advice. As long as they can play - that is their only objective before fashion or appearance anyways.
After I got them bagged up on their heads and covered their ears - they were suited up to be wind-proofed, wet-proofed, and outside for dark snow falling fun they went and had a blast.
I took harsh feedback with laughter from this family tradition I had shared and learned from my grandmother long ago. But I'd rather give an opportunity for a child to have fun and experience the outdoors elements of all weather seasons while I can - using all techniques I know - before the standards of mature guidelines settle in or fashion acceptable attire take precedence over the young ones versus having fun.
In having fun and staying warm and dry to do - is a win for win for all involved when children want to go outdoors and play. My nieces were hilarious looking and appeared almost as mini versions of my grandmother from back in the day. I did not take pictures as these shots may have embarrassed in their future days as teenagers and besides, some memories are best kept to one's self as my grandmother's weather fashion attires taught me.They were cute and did have a blast winter playing.
There is something to be said of the wisdom of our generations before us. From the struggles of the Great Depression, World War II and the Vietnam Wars that taught others how to survive and how to live. How to appreciate the blessings you have with those in your life and how to help others by sharing the experiences to help a person to get over a hurdle. Where the world knew only others as brothers or sisters and even strangers could be friends to borrow a loaf of bread from or share recycled material and products that was one person's trash and another treasures. Where you could always know your neighbors by the sound of their laugh or the emotions they experienced by their vocal tones and where every thing was in deep struggle to survive some how they made their way to living beyond diversity by sharing, existing and surviving together to live and enjoy life no matter come what may.
Today, these communities, heritages, and traditions seem to be passing us by now in our fast paced electronic world where we may do more speaking but less are communicating and really listening. The sounds of laughter or even vocal tones of emotions are not heard nor shared anymore. The luxuries of materials and necessities have crossed definitions creating antonyms of one another. What use to be valued as important is becoming the lesser of humanity and progression is only viewed as valuable if profits are created and grown. Sad really.
But in this post today, perhaps, you will find some humor, recollection of your own giggling moments that make you feel good and help you realize how perceptions and interpretations of others do not matter at all with what you do with your life.
When the weather teaches us what survival or living through these experiences are in our lives - then may be listen and be respectful. Respectful to enjoy nature's beauty but also to do it without embarrassment to embrace the fun of nature's best seasonal offerings too.
Winter can make us or break us in our abilities to survive and the quality of life we live. Even when living on a cloud 9 high above the struggles that the majority of us know with our financial budgets, limited time on our side or medical complications - winter will prove that we are only human beings. We will never be stronger than the elements of the weather unless we are smart, survivors, wise, brave, and have courage to share, be practical and use a little imagination of intuition to go a long way to conquer all weather conditions to help us through life too.
Wear scarves. Buy appropriate winter jackets that keep you dry and wind-proof. Layer your clothing underneath to conquer winter or harsh weather conditions.
If you are really brave and want to recycle - create your own plastic bag toboggan and showcase your favorite logo on your head too. It may appear stupid - but - only if you believe it to be so.
Also ask yourself - would you choose a judgment from majority as something being stupid to take a chance on becoming sick? Or would you choose fashion that is not weather proofed and might make you sick? Or would you rather be your own person in all weather surviving conditions to prevent sickness and teach others a thing or two of how to do it? I think I have shared enough experience to ponder on for today, don't you?
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