A Person I Used to Know was a child and teen of the state and government assistance program here in America that taught her first hand what poverty did and what it was. What has poverty taught you?
Poverty was what she wore upon the clothing upon her body and footwear upon her feet. Poverty was a single wide trailer that was below substandard living conditions that she called home. Poverty were the vehicles she rode in that carried her to the grocery store, medical appointments and to visit family when the feast of financials were good because odd jobs had been for cash that would provide gasoline. Clothing vouchers were the only school experience she was afforded set by a financial amount by the state and government. Medical assistance was provided by the system who approved who, what, when, how and why a person could or could not receive treatment.
This timeline duration of poverty was in the 80s and until the mid-90s of this Person I Used to Know until I graduated high school.
Even then, it was difficult to break off of the system of surviving poverty and rising above it. There was no formal training, education nor information given on how to break generational poverty of surviving government assistance as your own means of financially living. There was no talk from schools, the communities or resources of DHHR and government programs of how to contribute yourself to break dependency. You pretty much did it sacrificing your time, efforts, and learning as you go when entering the world where most have never touched poverty or experienced poverty before.
For the general consensus of my rural area about government or state dependency is that once you are on the system - you will be destined to be on the system your whole life.
For government dependants would get their necessities met without effort, laboring, motivation and even in hard times - financially it did provide you enough to live and survive in the poverty.
Why would a person want to work for their own benefits when they already know how to get benefits? These are the primary generational issues of poverty as one major problem to be solved.
When famine would come with increased electrical bills during the winter and no vehicular transportation could be obtained for mobility; the feet were taught to be your only mobility to depend upon and local church food pantries would put food on the table and their free clothes would fashion you if you outgrew your new school clothing vouchers allowance during the school year.
There was no pride to be found or be worn on the exterior of fashion when you would be wearing others used garments of personal clothes in bras, underwear or panties. Poverty was the gracious gifts of other's trash or cast offs. But without these necessities of survival and for those in poverty - there would have been more famine and possibly death. But giving government assistance without seeking something back in return is no way to assist those of poverty or even help them to break out these generational loopholes that create more dependants. This is a huge program of solving poverty. To understand poverty - one must understand the origin of that poverty; get active and motivated in their own life and the lives that depend on poverty government guidelines and seek to solve a resolution that will help those who have to depend on government for their poverty issues but help people understand that poverty is not a free hand-out for someone else paid for it even the second hand items that were donated. That no one gets a free life, even in poverty, complete dependency should never be upon the government to fit the bill for. For to abuse the rights of others who care enough to try is to bankrupt us all. When you have more takers than contributors to the cause; we all suffer and create and allow poverty to continue.
This person I Used to Know was me. This was what poverty was to me. I never knew poverty could be a choice and that it did not have to become a way of life until I choose to try to do every thing different in my adult life than what I witnessed and was done for me as a child and teenager in being a government dependant. I wanted more financial control than accepting the limits of government poverty. I wanted too and was willing to work to get out of that damaging, dangerous net of government dependency that becomes a lifestyle for many in America.
I will use my own experiences of America and why I feel poverty is not always a choice - but it is still a problem that needs to be addressed and sought solutions for.
Let's start by a look at how to potentially create solutions to end the problem of poverty. If you feel like I do; you know the positives and negatives of poverty because you were experienced the healthy and unhealthy environment of poverty or perhaps, growing up as financial dependant or even used government assistance to sustain you or your home during unemployment.
There can be more done to solve the problems of poverty but we must first understand what poverty is.
#1: What are the facts of poverty? Factually defined by: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/poverty.
** The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts.
** Deficiency in amount; scantiness
** Unproductiveness; infertility
Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property
** the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support;
** condition of being poor; indigence.
** deficiency of necessary or desirable ingredients, qualities, etc.
#2: What are the ramifications or social ill side effects of poverty?
In an article yesterday and on the Nightly News with Tom Brokaw - they announced a very staggering and shocking statistic: " World's 85 richest people have as much as poorest 3.5 billion."
Oxfam warns Davos of ‘pernicious impact’ of the widening wealth gap. Oxfam calculated that almost half the world’s wealth – $110trn – is owned by just 1 per cent of its population.
It said that 70 per cent of people live in countries where the gap between the rich and poor has widened in the last 30 years. $18.5 Trillion Dollars is the estimated amount the richest individuals & companies hide away in tax haves around the world! -
If the 85 richest people of the world would contribute back to the poorest of our 3.5 billion people or help the ones who are at least trying to help their self with families, jobs, education and being productive in their life - what kind of humanity could we create & prosper from?
I would say it is time we had an internationally uniting of global taxation sharing! Let tax allowances and credits be given to only growing humanity organizations, individual housing for another, or contribution to food banks, provide geographical shelters, creating effective jobs with wages that pay and meet the needs of an employee above the poverty limit & give tax benefits to help people live & not just financially survive.
No more tax credits on objects, materials or possessions of the individual tax payer nor to the genetic kinship or those write-offs of individual interest & financial prosperity that produce greed.
Instead develop write-off credits and deductions that would contribute back to the people to build people up and increase our global humanity by giving help where it is needed. Give a new tax credit or deduction program that would increase financial equality of lives so they may learn and work and contribute to the overall process of giving back by what was given to help them through a fair, equal, and humane taxation system.
Evaluate homes, properties, materials, and audit the finances of tax filing for these wealthiest. Really evaluate to see if they are really being used a tax credit by having a vacant unused lot or if they are used as primary homes or vacation homes or just a loophole of writing properties off for the wealthy! Look at old buildings to see if they are really being used as the tax write off says they are or if they are using loopholes of the tax system to rip off the government they pay their taxes too! Audit the richest & leave the poorest of tax payers alone & work toward creating a taxation system that gives back to humanity - produces humanity and one that will create self-sustaining adults who will have a chance to be an equal opportunity employer instead of this gap of wealth versus poor who keep becoming poorer and more dependant on the systems the government creates!
Create tax structures that build up the people & do not divide & take away from them anymore. Give people the lacking tools they have to help increase their chances through education to increase their quality of life & not taxation programs that decreases financial equality to live and produce nothing.
If the 85 richest people of the world would contribute back to the poorest of our 3.5 billion people or help the ones who are at least trying to help their self with families, jobs, education and being productive in their life - what kind of humanity could we create & prosper from? What more potential would individuals of medical conditions have if they had someone to invest into quality medical care they need instead of simply writing a prescription to send them on their way? What if
How can anyone sleep peacefully at night knowing that their personal worth of life shouts financial shame, greed & selfishness? I hope that money buys them morality & gives them humanity while they have it here on Earth - for their day will come that they too - shall face death & they can not buy eternity - no matter what their monetary value, assets, & material worth is here.
Possible solutions to stopping poverty.
-Take time to understand why poverty exists in each geographical area in every individual that applies or gets approved for assistance. Face the problem to solve it and not merely give benefits for nothing in return.
- Find out the educational level of the adults seeking assistance. Increase educational opportunities for individuals on government or state assistance - that if a person receives assistance - then they must achieve higher education or additional training to be qualified for assistance or drug testing to stay qualified.
- Give financial training to all individuals of government or state assistance. Teach them to manage their finances wisely and why they must contribute wisely to the effectiveness of the monies, benefits or medical assistance they receive.
- Take more research time to understand the mature and immature aspects of all medical symptoms. When viewing medical symptoms as a mature or immature reaction to a medical condition - a person can be helped to learn how to help them self. They did not choose to have a medical condition but they should be medically accountable to their course of active treatment too.
- Learn when a symptom is a mature effect or immature upon the health of a person's body, brain, and mind and invent ways to counteract these immature and unhealthy symptoms to produce more mature control and effective treatment.
- The high revenue business of pharmaceutical will not solve the core of medical problems or symptoms that many individuals have. For the symptoms are there but with a fast solution of a pill that can help ease the symptoms - it will not eradicate the symptoms.
- Seek more to understand the psychology, emotional abilities, intellectual properties of individuality and the personal aspects of a patients life to understand their direct course of action in treating an individual as they should be instead of a one size fits all treatment plan.
- To invalidate any human being and the experiences they have endured with out giving them mature options or educational opportunities they need; even in emotional fulfilling and maturing; we are enabling and creating the mayhem of prescription drug addictions and forcing individuals to believe they are different and can not be helped and should be treated as such. This is inhumane and crazy! But if we invested as much into prevention or origin of the cause of medical complications for a patient - then we could understand what happened in their body or brains to effectively help them to help them self and not create medical dependants too.
- Seek to create an effective humane education program in our school systems to improve a child and teenagers understanding of how to become personally mature, motivated, encouraged and educated to rise above the obstacles of the teachings their parents or legal guardians presented to them. It will be more cost effective to invest into our youth the education they need to be healthier, mature and more balanced adults than it is to repair the broken adult they will become from disadvantaged homes that poverty does create.
- Seek a fair and equal taxation program that rewards incentives and credits or deductions for being a contributor to society, individuals and humanity that we globally share. Instead of making taxes a self-financial reward program.
- If our taxes were established to give programs, assistance and assist the humanity of our shared societies - then why could it not be revamped to ensure equal opportunity for all instead of the selected few? Could changing the system produce more emotional, fulfilling, and personal validation of rewards to be a good, positive and contributor to others be more rewarding than the financial gold these selected individuals sit on? Why reward those who are rich - just for being rich? Why put those of poverty into deeper poverty because we give them no options, choices, chances or equal opportunities to grow them self in a competitive, healthier, mature and educated way too?
- A generational evaluation of person's life is beneficial when detailing the medical aspects of what a person's health conditions are or could potentially be. Why do not all aspects of human life revolve around these origins of generational evaluations?
- One's life of youth can detail what they were taught by their parents or legal guardians. Their views of the world, religion, politics, financial responsibility or financial immaturity and dependency is all learned in their youth days. The adults they will become to grasp, reach or create opportunities for them self will either be running to escape all they knew to better their adult life or they become as partakers in the comfort of poverty or decreased opportunities as their way of life. They choose to living in the same familiar deprivations that their youth days taught them for the price of personal loss is harder to walk away from. They are weakened by failures of parents, guardians, and a broken system that contributes to their brokenness.
- Teen mothers. Drug addicts. Substance abusers. Domestic Violence. Incest. Child Abuse. Criminals. Educational drop-outs. Prescription drug abuse. Individuals seeking medical treatments to personal fill their self. Chaotic, erratic, destructive and sometimes deadly relationships prove the damage of poverty and the stress effects of financial hardships. Damaged children. Wounded Adults. - Where does the effects of poverty end and when will it be viewed for the serious ramifications that it produces not only in today's generation but generations from now on?
The good intentioned program of government and state assistance programs do help many survive poverty where they would have no other way to ensure they have shelter, food, medical and necessity care in their lives.
But for those who can - we need to help them do. For those who truly can not do to help them self - then we need to ensure that they do have their required necessities to live - but make sure that we have enough people who can and are willing to contribute to the cause of helping those who truly can not help them self and help those who can.
The spirit of every individual human heart has a fire that fuels their dreams, inspirations, motivations, and gives them encouragement to do something good, positive and to feel the wonderful rewards of helping others.
Usually this fire is only alive in the heart of a child or an immature teenager with false perceptions and no factual course on how to achieve those dreams. Adults wake up to the cruel reality of fighting to survive, fighting to overcome, and fighting the financial inequalities that taught us that good enough has to be good enough and there is nothing more.
Adults quit reaching for the stars and just accept what ever is in front of them. For to break the damaging cycles of generational impacts of teachings is hard to divorce and remove one's self from.
The only support or the lack of support these dreamers have are those closest to them in teaching and upbringing. The educational systems teaches the principles of math, language techniques, proper behavior of rules in conduct but does nothing to educate a person how to be an individual to seek their own goals, dreams, and give fulfilling purpose in one's life.
To go alone in a world of strangers, cold faces, hard driven hearts and non-caring people is the worst feeling in the world to experience.
Very few can persevere to reach out past the cold hands of a stranger to see the positive hearts of support they can obtain once they break their own cycle of generational impact. But to each their own experiences and what they do with them, I suppose.
For the problems we have now - will still continue to be unsolved problems tomorrow and in future pages of history because every one ignores the problems, fails to understand the problem, and no active contributors to
solve the problems.
I have always saw every being as having a beautiful talent, positive potential, and can see the humanity in their hearts that is hidden beneath the exterior of their appearance and the actions they do.
But if no one believes in them - they will not believe in their self. If no one encourages them; they will become discouraged. If they are hurting and no one helps ease their hurt; they will usually hurt them self further or those in their life.
When many are programmed to believe that they are nothing - they will become nothing.
Every one is some one though! But until we learn how to grow and invest into every one that they are some body; we'll continue to have a world where only a few are known as somebody while the rest of us are merely nobodies that are created by programs, system failed efforts and defective taxes that teach us that we are nobody.
Is that really what any one wants any person to perceive about taxes, working, and living to survive in this shared society? That taxes are only for the wealthy to prosper and the rest of us are just nobody in our small contributions?
To end poverty we need solutions. For what we have today - is not working and has not been working. Any contributors to the cause? Not many from my experience of life~I think and share. I vocally announce to the geographical politicians I can. I correspond with DHHR. To no avail. I can only share and hope that one day, some one will take today's problems as I do and want more like I do to help myself and others in my journey of life. How about you?
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