Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are you Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired?

I am sure those who are honest can snicker out a giggle of the many times in one's life that a person will feel cycled of the: "Being Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired".

I would say, most would agree, this is a statement that is verbally made when a person is exhausted physically or mentally drained or emotionally overloaded by life's circumstances and issues.Usually this can be created by a million different reasons unique to each person who endures the "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" common bond that many of us do share at least once in our lives.

This verbal majority agreement can be provoked by the same old irritating things that occur from others who irritate another individual because they fail to see that a problem exists in their life and they blame you for it if you mention it to them. Sometimes it can cause the same conflicts, arguments or losing debates with no resolve in sight.

Family, friends, children, teenagers, and spouses are usually the triggering individuals that provoke a "Sick and Tired of Being Sick & Tired" cycling of actions. They will keep doing the same repeated mistakes or errors. They believe or argue that you are the source of their problems. That you are the only one complaining and yet they feel no need or contributions to be made by them to solve a problem. So they do not change and neither will the problem get solved either. So usually in family units, this cycling behaviors continues where one person sees room for improvement or positive change and others do not.

It also could be another problem that could exist that you can not solve alone or perhaps, the answer has not came as fast and with effectiveness as a person wants or needs in their life too.

In rural areas, the lingo of "Being Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" is a common lifestyle occurrence for many I have met and spoken with through the years. The experiences of my life that very well have aged me more than my biological age would state otherwise - surely tells me this common phrase is geographically every where too. But in the rural areas, it's a first spoken phrase for a bad or irritating stressful day.

Everything from high debt increasing payments to revenue decreasing in their income that makes financial matters difficult to discuss, manage and control in a healthy budget. Family problems, repairs they can not afford to fix with surprising breakdowns, unhappy relationships, difficult children or teenagers who do not listen or organize their material possessions or even being right down rude when others offer advice to them in trying to help guide them.
The topic that probably gets the same ineffective disgruntle going of "Tired of Being Sick & Tired " is the disrespectful or the personal stance agony of conversation differences about politics and religions. I have yet to hear two people to try to civilly discuss these matters especially if they are in opposition of who is right and why another is wrong.

Now if you have a legit medical condition that has been accurately diagnosed and the patient feels assured and accepting of this pronounced condition - it can be even harder to juggle that feeling, unhealthiness, lifestyle or chaos that "Being Sick & Tired of Sick & Tired" usually comes with the diagnosis, trial and errors of failed treatments or medications, stigmas, biased, rude, cruel, mean and uneducated remarks or comments that can come with a new diagnosis. Finding proper support, effective treatments, and educating others can be very hard to do for a patient especially if their health limits, restricts or cycles them daily with difficult symptoms of their conditions.

Exhaustion. Exhausting. Exhausted.

These three words are the primary contributors to the: "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" cycling action that occurs when a person feels like there is no resolve or end in sight. Then there is no effectiveness to solve a problem that they need help with then the cycle continues.

Thanks to the www.freedictionary.com - we can know what the facts of exhaustion are and what exhaustion can do.

By broadening one's definitions of the words or cycling phrases we use as the "Tired of Being Sick & Tired" - we can learn new views on how to deal with the problems that seem to never end.

* Extreme tiredness; fatigue
* The condition of being used up; consumption
* The act of exhausting or the state of being exhausted
* The state of being exhausted
* The act or process of exhausting

* To drain of resources or properties; deplete
* To use up completely
* To draw out the contents of; drain
* To let out or draw off
* An apparatus for drawing out noxious air or waste material by means of a partial vacuum

Many motors have an apparatus that is called the exhaust for drawing out noxious air or waste material by means of a partial vacuum. Taking out the unclean, dangerous or toxic air to leave clean air behind.
Think of the exhaust in a vehicle. It works so the inside of the transportation does not suffocate or poison the passengers from gasoline or diesel fueled motors. An exhaust fan in the bathroom or kitchen will pull out the steam, mists, and circulate air so that mold and mildew will not build up inside a dwelling.

The same can be said of human beings. When we get "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" - we need an apparatus awareness to help us to release our noxious air or waste inside so it does not deplete our healthy resources and internal stability too.

For some, they are very skillful to know when their battles are worth to pursue and when it is not an issue for them - so they go on and may never endure the cycling action of dealing with a difficult person and unresolved situations or events. For others, we may have to learn new skills or new healthier ways to perceive life and how we impulsively react. When exhausted or stressed a person can be more vulnerable or become easily agitated or conflicted inside that it can cause impulsiveness that only prevents resolution and increases controversies. Problems can not be solved or handled this way especially when dealing with difficult people who fail to listen to what you have to save too.

For others, it can drain their physical, mental, emotional, logical and rational healthy reasoning to problem solved. For the person is under extreme stress or tired of speaking and never being heard that it can take an inner toll on  their health, create financial recklessness, immature behaviors, or verbal hurtful words that a person does mean but they say it anyways - hence impulsive reactions that occur that one problem even worse. You can not avoid problems. No one can. To create a temporary escape that is not a healthy solution will only add to the problems of woe.

When our inner consumptions of our resources are spent in time arguing, debating and controversy over our right or wrong personal takes of our individual views then we lose the ability to see past the immediate pain or frustrations we feel. We can not effectively find a compromise or tolerable solution. With some people, I do believe they are too difficult and they will deny problems and refuse to change. When this occurs, then you must seek the change you need for your own healthiness and well-being.

A Person I Used to Know constantly lived in a professional and personal unhealthy cycling of this "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" lifestyle. It was a constant problem with the same immature, dominant, unhealthy, unwise, disrespectful and argumentative people.

Some were family. Some were friends. Some were associates and even supervisors and managers who were bosses. This person could tolerate or submissively be compromising to them to force the peace but the internal damage felt was worse than trying to speak how I felt too.

For if a person wants you to listen respectfully to them; they should give you the same respectfulness to you, especially in matters to solve problems.  But not many view the world as a "You could be right & I might be wrong OR or we both could be right OR we could be wrong." This person did and tried to extend it to others but it was not always so and it can be difficult to do it.

But it took this person in losing and gaining a lot from learning in her experiences through personal and professional adult growth development - but she finally learned for herself what she needed to stabilize her self, increase her own peace and medical stability - but it took skills and new learning to achieve it.

She finally learned how to speak up for her self. She learned to compromise - where she could when it did not produce harm to her or others. She learned to speak up for herself to keep from increasing adverse medical symptoms or damage to her health. She learned that she had to use her voice and be extended the courtesy as she extended to others for her own  well-being and to increase and achieve her peace of mind & sanity.

She learned and still is learning to let many things roll off of her back and now chooses her battles wisely and humanely by speaking what she feels needs to be said and done to correct problems. By learning how to refocus and change what she could, accept what she could not but never to stop living her life to gain more experiences and knowledge.

For her focus and ideas or anything she shares is with a "Take it or Leave it approach" to problem solving now. It's not a personal attack to her when she can not win every time a problem is solved a different way than what she wanted. She does not always get emotionally caught up in being now if she has to wait for a problem to be solved. The impulsiveness she used to do to escape the same old problems that never ceased to end with difficult people stopped too.  She now does not seek approval from others of what she needs in her self. For she is building new information upon old processes. She finally learned to value and respect her self by being able to realize that we all are imperfect and she is too. Maturity can help a person a whole lot to solve the "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired." This person used to be me and I am still learning maturity and skillful lessons and new knowledge to help me.

Many of the emotional impulses and phrases or statements that we use frequently to describe our lives were passed down from one heritage to another or culture peer involvement. For some these experiences can help us but for others; it can hurt and do lifetime damage. Because the statements, opinions or beliefs we have that are truly not our own but only borrowed information because old, out-dated, and will prove to be fruitless and not beneficial to us.

How many prisoners sit in jail because their parents or a sibling or a family member was in jail prior to them? How many have dropped out of high school because their parents did? What about teen pregnancy? How many teen mothers today were born to teen mothers? How many adult addicts have offspring that possess the same addictions as their parents did?

Heritage, history, social cultures, family cultures, lifestyle comfort, geography, economics, finances, pregnancy, occupational choices, college attendance at specific colleges, the value of education, religion, and politics are only some of the issues that get carried from Generation A to Generation B.

When these vicious exhausting systems of problems keep increasing down the line - the "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" - has and will continue to infect society with out individuals taking responsibility and creating effective changes to prevent social tragedies and individual morale deprivations continue to decline in society.

We do have to pick and choose our battles wisely. Is the problem we seek to solve worth enacting our pride so we can hurt those we love the most? Is there room for compromise - so all involved in the problem solving - can assist as active participates in the resolution process? Are you in immediate danger, harm or a involved with a criminal in a relationship? Depending on why you are "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" - will affect what you must do or can do to assist in the problem solving. But if you request a change from a difficult person that they are not willing to compromise then perhaps, it is you that must change to solve the problem.

Many will push their daily time until they have no minutes or seconds for their own well-being. When you feel your self becoming rattled from the same old processes that you have not found an effective solution for - step back from the situation. Ask yourself does this absolutely have to be solved now? Is it worth it to be exhausted or fatigued and crying over again or even screaming and yelling with out resolve? Ask your self if a difficult person cares enough for you to respect you enough to help you compromise and create an effective resolution for all involved or will they only debate the problem so they can keep from solving it? Do you feel respected by others when you must problem solve? You should. If you do not, seek a different change or perspective on a problem and then come back to it when you have learned a better way to solve it.

If we start off difficult  problem solving topics by asking questions then we can increase participation by engaging all parties involved into the conversation to not only add their input but listen to yours as well.

In asking others questions before we give them our requests to solve a problem then we give them and our self a healthier foundation of focus by asking questions that will contribution to a problem solved by compromising in an engaging conversation versus the old debates or arguments that did nothing but create personal conflict.

By constantly rambling on the same old situation with no end in sight for solution - the process continues.

But when we ask questions of self and others when facing problematic situations - then we can not only be heard but hear what they say too. A win-win for all. Plus the exhaustion list of Being Sick & Tired will not come anymore over the same issue and no more complaining about the problem but the engaging conversation of inquiries can be achieved to finally solve it.

It is never fun nor entertaining when a person is so exhausted by problems - that they can not help them self much less help anyone else. But if we all find our rooms to breath from within to let our vicious churning processes in a healthy and mature manner - then we become enlightened to what we can effectively do to solve our repeated problems but also are able to get others in on the process to help us when we need it most too. Equal respect. Equal problem solving. Team effort.

Changing one's view does not mean that a person will lose their self; it only means that the view they will now be able to see and focus upon will be the beautiful, serene and peacefulness they hoped to achieve and finally to lay at rest that: "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired" feeling.

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