Monday, January 20, 2014

How does a Person Become Motivated?

A Person I Used to Know never intentionally thought about the word or action of motivation or even how motivation applied to her life. For her actions would occur naturally in her life choices and the actions she did.

She did not think of rewards, incentives or anything positive to obtain for her self. She just did without thinking, many times, seeing a problem that needed fixed and just do it without thought. Or she would completely ignore the problem at hand, to do something, that seemed more important and pretty soon - the chaos escalated into unpaid bills, piles of debt, repossessions and unemployment.

The priorities of finding and gaining responsible motivation was the hardest lessons she learned about her self and her life. Having medical conditions increased her confusions, lack to focus on priorities, and many times propelled to take the fun, happy or entertaining choice versus the serious responsible choice.

She figured since she would die anyways from her complex medical condition of seizures - so why not live it up!

Every day was a new day to achieve what she wanted, gain what she sought for daily fulfillment, and to take come what may - disregarding that she was as much to her own problems creations of her personal life as she was a solver to her problems too. She knew that applying a responsible and mature motivation to her life would be a very difficult personal struggle that not only affects her self but every one in her life. But she knew if she did find and seek change to her old behaviors and actions; that it would not only lead her to be unfulfilled but the damages of her life would only escalate hurting every one who knew her too. For she could help others to face their mirrors of their life but she could never pick up the mirror of her life and who she really was.She could not face her self. She was not a bad person but she was an internal incomplete person.

This person I Used to Know was me. It's sad that it took many lessons and experiences of my life to learn the hard way -  just how immature and irresponsible I was.

But the value behind the lessons has taught me to personally respect the value in individual responsibility and accountability. That to ever truly experience reward or individual incentive to personal growth -  then one has to admit their own faults, realize and admit their mistakes and then correct behavior now to change the course of their life to really steer it and be in control; even in the storms that arise.

Circumstances and events happen to us through out our entire life. These events and circumstances should never define who we want to maturely be or how we impulsively react immaturely.

Now, mind you, for most - it is simply easier to follow a lifestyle or learned behavior so we can continue to be accepted by one's family, friends or partners - than it is to take an individual stand for one's self to admit, accept and define what and who we are personally.

Usually by the time an individual realizes who they are or admit that they need to change to achieve what they want in life - it is usually too late. For the past has produced damage to self or to others. But it is never too late for anyone to achieve, become or grow into who they want to be now and for the future.

For centuries - those closest to us and even social majority dictate to us that biological age limits or restricts what a person can or can not do. To a degree - this is a fact about human life.

As one ages, it does become harder and presents obstacles for the brain to absorb, learn and grow with new information. Medical problems or issues can also make us more susceptible to different medical factors as we age - but nothing in impossible - unless we really believe it to be so.

In the individual core of each of us who live today is an emotional human being, an imperfect  heart, and with error to what we believe to be true about self versus the facts of what or who we really are to our self ~ as much as anything anyone ever really does to us. We cry. We feel. We experience laughter. We long for sharing with others who accept us, enjoy us, appreciate us and who are grateful for us in their life.

In being individually defined and seeing yourself as a work in forward progress through out your life. This makes it easier to forgive one's self for the mistakes or choices made; even when others are not so willing to forgive.

It is easier to have compassion, passion, and unconditional love to one's self when one is not afraid to admit their own personal motivations and imperfections too. To create now who we always wanted to be or should have been. We owe it to our self to seek change in our life. To constantly build new upon the old of our former self. Age has nothing to do with it. Our individual experiences do have everything to do with it though!

Motivation is a personal and individual journey to each their own destination to create, define and actively achieve and pursue as your own contributor. No one else can motivate you - but you. You are the source of your own fuel in life.

A blank canvas waiting for you to paint the colors of your life. A blank record waiting for you to sing the song of your life upon it. An ink pen waiting to dance the words that describe who you are or who you want to be. A pile of fabric waiting for you to sew the pieces that make up who you are as in a quilt. The mechanics, the professional, the professor, the doctor, the lawyer, the educated, or merely do nothing. For the choice is yours by what you actively contribute to your life or do not contribute to your self will primarily be what you get or do not get in life. For it really has nothing to do with others and never did!

Motivation can be achieved for anyone by anyone. There is way; where there is individual will.
Sometimes, it does come from new education - even in the simplest of elementary skills or adolescent learning - even if you are 100 years old - it is never to late to build new upon the old of your life. I speak from personal experience.

I have given many speeches and live readings of my poetry, experiences of my life, survival, living, trauma, motivating, inspirational, teaching, encouraging, and promoting learning through awareness to build community or humanity focusing that most would never realize how much I have used social media, the Internet, YouTube, Facebook, My Space, business websites, and even my own personal website maintaining years ago to keep my own self motivated in life by my creations and sharing. Sharing the learning I learned the hard way or opening doors for others who never realized they could. By sharing our perfections and imperfections; we learn how to grow from the bad and embrace the good and happiness when it comes along too.

Simply sharing my progresses, regressions, depressions, successes and failure - I do not share as an expert but I share what I learned of the failures to help others from enduring the same bad choices I have made or to help encourage others that they can do what they want in life too. To help others learn how to pick their self up, even when doing it alone, how it will be worth it - each time you keep getting back up.

We only live once and usually more will occur to us - than what will be of our control. But what we do with the outcome of what we are forced to accept - is where our motivation is waiting upon us to grasp us.

In learning about emotions like a child would who has endured a loving, supportive and educated home - I am gaining what I never had from my own childhood and youth experiences. I am building new upon my old and have never felt more happy, secured in who I am and even those difficult people do not appear so difficult anymore because of it. I am giving me what I needed for me.

I also realize how far behind I am in the intellectual, logical and rational reasoning of emotions I  was and how unhealthy that was to me and for me and those in my life.

For decades of my life were spent in a survival mode of living based upon immature actions and reactions. Alot of immature impulses that gave way to irresponsible and immature decisions created by a youth's compulsiveness versus that of an adult age individual.

But it is never too late for me to learn all that I was deprived of in my old life as a victim and survivor. It is never to late to build new upon the old of self!

For we are prone in society to view our biological age and prior experiences of our life as information that we pull from in how we act, react, and what we do now.

This is individual deprivation of self that any person can do and follow for their ways of life. I speak from experience.

Of all the topics I have shared in my life - talking about emotions; emotional intelligence and learning to build new upon old - is still the most complicated and complex topic - I have found yet to discuss and find others who share my views. For many of common age or older than me do see life as another problems instead of viewing self as an inquiring waiting to be answered.I was guilty of this mind set for years too. I didn't have the problem but every one else did. But when I started asking and seeking answers to my own deprivations within - I found my mature and responsible motivations as well as; filling an old unfillment I never had but am learning to gain for myself! I have never felt stronger nor more medically stable in my life.

When we get cemented into old beliefs, old certainties of who we are and what we do - we will never progress. We never change. We expect different outcomes for our life - without ever doing anything differently or being a contributor to our own self. Many get stalled in life by the choices they make, accept, and they lose personal motivation or self change.

We can change the world we live in and share together. But that change must be personally and individually catered to bettering one's self by the experiences each lives and survives. To take the old of self seriously and work to build new again from within.

It is not easy - but is very well worth the effort of time invested in learning to be the person we want to be. If you are not proud, happy, humble, appreciative, grateful, and peaceful with your internal self - then where do you think it will come from? Others? Money? It will not and can not. It can only come from within.

SO can you motivate yourself - Yes! But only if you want too. For A Person You Used to Know exists in you too. Do you like your old self? Do you like who you were 5 years ago? What about 10 years ago? Do you like who you are today? Asking and answering questions about your self and then being honest of what you like about yourself and what you do not like about your self is the only way to find the answers you seek to solve about your life. Then being brave, courageous, and motivated to do something about it as only you can.

Facts of motivation - -
The act or process of motivating
The state of being motivated 
Something that motivates; an inducement or incentive.
The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal;
the reason for the action;
that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour

Quotes of Motivation
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. –Emelia Earhart

The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. –Bill Cosby

We become what we think about. –Earl Nightingale

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. –John Lennon

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. –Charles Swindoll

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