What separates people? Experience is what divides, separates, destroys, and is the motivator to people's actions. Experience will teach an individual progression or regression based upon personal choice of the experience endured.
There are the individuals who seem to relentlessly try in their life to overcome anything they face versus the individuals who appear to only cycle out the same old mistakes or the repeated "I am Sorry" from the same choices of mistakes they make that keep hurting others that care for them or their self.
Have you ever really given thought or emotion application to the word - "experience" before? Do you personally accept, acknowledge and fully understand how your what experiences separates you from others? What about the similar experiences that you share with others? Do you even have a personal clue or individual definition to know what experience is in your life and what experience has gave you as motivator or how your experiences has taken away from your life? Was experience your teacher that helped you? Was experience as a curse of a problem that you could never solve nor move forward from?
Experience in life is about learning. Learning from the event or circumstance of experience itself, as if experience were a silent teacher witnessing in the background. A silent visitor who sits invisible upon your shoulder to help you choose the decisions you make.
Individual experience can actively become the negative, hurtful or spiteful behavior we use as our guide based upon what we have endured in surviving a life circumstance to reap a harmful consequence. Experience can also whisper courage, bravery, honor and dedication to commitment that promotes our betterment with an active change in our life by directly listening. We can take a bad situation to make it effectively better or create worse by what we choose to do with the experience.
Our individual experiences are not equal opportunity nor always fair. These experiences can be very mean, cruel, abusive, degrading, questionable and some even can appear to be unresolved permanently. What we choose to do in an experience of life we are given can make a bad situation worse.
But the individual validity in each experience is as a life objective that does require an action as a task would require to be completed or as a problem needing to be solved. With each occurring experience, this would be as a chance because of experience - to learn how to become more fulfilled and progress in life from an experience or to choose regressing deeper into more harmful or hurtful experiences than already experienced in past.
Let's take a factual look at experience. The facts of experience from the free dictionary. - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/experience
- Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill.
- An event or a series of events participated in or lived through.
- A particular incident, feeling, etc, that a person has undergone.
- Accumulated knowledge, especially of practical matters.
- The totality of characteristics, both past and present, that make up the particular quality of a person, place, or people.
The experiences we endure in life by living and surviving are merely details of a personal truth and factual actions of what we were endured. The choices we make from these experiences will define who we are as an individual person in the choices or actions we take.
Just because our parents or legal guardians were bad or criminal people does mean that we have to choose to be. Just because our mentors in life were financially irresponsible or financially reckless does not mean that we have to choose to be. Just because we were subjected to harmful addictions or substance abuse, does not mean that we have to choose the same actions that others demonstrated before us to solve our problems or their coping techniques or lack of recovery has to be our own in our survivals of life.
Experience is what helps a person to become motivated to do something differently or to try to reach a different solution than those presented previously to us. By changing our individual thoughts and actions from those done before us we can hopefully create and seek solutions that become more beneficial today in the situation at hand.
When experience is used adversely or harmfully by individual choice it will lead to hurtful productions and harming consequences to self or others. It is never a single a specific event, trauma, circumstance, or years of enduring one situation that creates experience in a person. The experience is what one actively does when an event or circumstance or situation arises in life per individual person.
Think of experience as this in terms of what you can do differently in your life to change the things that you do not like to help you make them work for you. Whether the experiences come from family or friend issues, health conditions, trauma, financial troubles, employment conflicts or anything else that occurs - imagine problems like experience is trying to teach you something or help you learn something to solve your problems. Think of life's issues as challenge to gain solutions and not only stop the problems but to solve the problem. So the next time, something occurs, you can handle it responsibly and maturely. You can view experience in a healthy or unhealthier manner by becoming aware of the teaching properties that experience does silently offer to each of us.
Experience of your individual life will come from the geographical location you reside in with the acquaintances or closeness that you have with others immediately on a daily or weekly basis. For each incident or emotions of problems that arise in your experiences, you acquire knowledge. You increase your own opportunities to gain skill, characteristics of what your past was to what your present and future will become, and what you gain in practical matters of familiarity to you. You are achieving silently in a secretive way through experience of gaining something to accent your life or benefit you or you will produce demise upon your life what you do with your experience.
Look at Experience this way. Ask yourself these primary questions anytime something arises in your life that needs to be addressed or solved.
- What is this situation or task options that I have to solve or remedy with this experience- not as a problem - but only as an Experience issue?
- What are the options of choices that I can choose to make?
- What are the possible or potential results I could obtain if I choose to do this or choose to do that?
A Person I Used to Know was employed with a company that used a very beneficial internal process that helped individual employees to become promoted by using these particular questions that were shared about their employment experiences. This person was me. I used this technique many times to get promoted of my employed experiences. I never quite forget the concept because it has been beneficial while employed and when not employed in my life when facing issues of my personal life.
The process of questions I shared to be applied to your individual experience was called STAR that the United States Postal Service would internally use to promote employees within the company to increase chances that a person would be promoted to the position they sought.
The standard practice would allow employees to detail in writing what their problem solving abilities were by the direct actions they took to produce favorable results for increased revenue, decrease expenses, decrease safety issues and to produce effective customer service.
The Situation/Task would be summarized of what an employee faced. The Action/Actions of what an employee would do to solve the Situation/Task they encountered. The Result would be shared to factually prove what their immediate involvement in a problem was and how they would resolve it.
The better a problem solver and productive employee, the greater the chances of promotion success within USPS. In common sense theory, the STAR can be applied to many aspects of life to help an individual to help their self too.
The only thing that really divides, separates or makes us feel less adequate or less sufficient than another is the individual Experience we faced and what we did with it.
Experience is the primary reason behind everything a person actively or inactively does in their life by the choices they make in each individual situation or problem they face.
The individual experience you endure with the choices you make will impact the quality of life you endure daily and if you merely survive or if you learn how you to live.
The great thing about Experience is that is never too late to learn the lessons that Experience is trying to teach you.
For each experience you go through there is an opportunity that will only be presented to you so that you can gain a new skill or obtain new knowledge.
By learning to accept experience as a challenge that needs addressed with actions - you become the primary source of the choices you make and what you do with it.
Your experience of life is personally catered for you and about you. What you do with this experience of your life is your choice.
So do not be afraid to learn. Do not be fearful of what others will say by what you do. Unless someone else experiences the same thoughts, emotions, and life that you do - they are not qualified to tell you how to live or what is right or wrong for you. Only you can choose what to do in each experience and accept the consequences of what your choice is.
It is never easy to feel like you are standing alone in your life to do what you feel is right for you. But your experience is yours, not anyone else. For every one door that closes - there will be another to open. But first, you must be willing to learn how to let go of the bad knob of the door that isn't working for you anymore - to open up the new door waiting on you.
I found these quotes very helpful and do hope that I have provided enough clarity to reap understanding for all that may read this.
Never feel shame by your experiences for they are teaching you something to help you. Never feel guilt because you did not do the right thing at the time of your life when you should have. Never regret the experiences of the past that occurred in your life.
Only look at the now in the present day to do what you can - so you never repeat the same hurt or harm or mistakes in your life now and in the future. It is humanly impossible to get a do over in life - but it's never impossible to personally change your life to the life you wanted and should have had all along.
Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from people. IF they care, they will notice. IF they do not care, you will know where you stand. - Unknown
Life is about what others do and perceive in this quote. This quote is not about you. But your life and your experiences are about you! What are you going to do about it?
The best way to learn is "To Fall" & "Then Stand." - Unknown
Think about your past, present and future life. What times in your life did others do things for you? Now, what times of your life did things occur to you that you had no one but your self to rely upon? Which of these answers in your experience gave you more insight, motivation, courage, and helpful or beneficial assets?
Do not deprive another legal age adult from learning the consequences of their actions in the situations they face. To help is not always about picking up someone else repeatedly in their same mistakes but letting them fall alone so they will either be forced to stand upon their own will to learn on their own or drown in the choice they make. But their legal age choice and consequences is theirs to work through. Not yours!
To respect others who prefer to stay down or those who refuse to stand up on their own is the hardest of social or family interactions we will encounter. But if you deprive another to stand upon their own will every time they fall; how will they ever learn to stand up and why would they want too when they can count on you to pick them up each time?
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