Monday, January 13, 2014

To Assume is to Take for Granted

A Person I Used to Know was probably the hierarchy leader on the highest peaks of a mountain built primarily of a foundation of assumptions in this person. The assumptions climbed taller and higher every time this person's brain and internal thought processing were alert with consciousness or awake. It did not matter how many tasks this person had to do, assumptions were the closest friend, she knew to draw from in her intuitions about life. Even in sleep, she could not escape her own damaging and destructive thoughts of assumptions.

Her assumptions were rarely facts or became facts in her life. Assumptions are not facts. Assumptions are not truth. Assumptions were everything this person did or tried to achieved and the assumptions fueled this person in positivity but also created a pile of negative behaviors and unhealthy choices too. Without intention to do so, this person did treat many people unfairly. She did not treat others as individuals but as assumptions instead.

To Assume is to Take for Granted. These facts are dictionary documented. But this fact was not something this person ever gave conscious awareness too while pondering the many trails, bridges burnt and mountains climbed in her life that never seemed to end. A very destructive and long journey that failed to end.

These facts about assumptions and taking things for granted were never taught to this person and honestly - there was no desire to learn- for she felt she was OK and it was others who failed her. The validity of failing to acknowledge, know or realize this important fact escaped her ways leaving her to continue to assume and take all her life and what she had for granted.

This fact was never seen as a problem solver nor a problem creator. But the lack of knowing and sheer ignorance of her own limited intuition, survival skills and what her internal dialogue taught her was all the evidence she needed as fact in her life or so she thought. She was not a bad person but she was as immature, selfish, and as ignorant as a person could be.

One can use the excuse of ignorance once, before you knew better- but after you know and you still choose to stay ignorant; it is a choice now. Not an excuse but a blame upon one's self for having a mistake and not correcting to fix the problem. This person I Used to Know of unhealthy and fact deprivation - was me.

To assume the worst of everything or worry without proof is to deprive yourself of the happiness in front of you or taking the stability in your life for granted. Many will revolve in and out of the doors of your life in everything you do - but whose is left standing when the world silently exits out?

Who is there to stand upon the foundation of peace, quiet, serenity, and fulfillment when you look around you? Who are the factual ones that know your name only when they need you for something? Who is your negative and positive people in your life? Who uses only words to say they love you or admire you? Who actually proves their love to you in every thing they do in their actions and use not only words but do things for you?

Who is the one person that is there for you through it all in your learning lessons, your immature or ignorant ways and possesses the potential to forgive you for your mistakes but yet keeps you, to enjoy the journey of life with and your learning lessons are valued by them? Who is still there with you when you look your worst?

Who sacrifices their energy, resources, health, and well-being for you? Who is there to be medically by your side when you need someone the most? What and where does the shelter over your head represent? Who or what do you share your dwelling with?

Who is the factual person you really see when you reflect upon your self in the mirror? Is this person some one you are proud of or some one that has more to learn about self and life too?

All of these questions can help you in your life to find out the facts of your life too.

For personal evaluations are a wonderful way to progress, motivate, and encourage yourself when others dis you but it also helps to examine what is important to you and proceed forward with it.

Change is a necessity that needs to happen and occur to all of us all through out our life. We were never meant to be individuals who never change, failures to seek change, and failures that quit learning.

For when we do - we will surely become accustomed in the stationery life of who we are internally and we stall ourselves from the inside out. We become the problem creators and never problem solvers. For we fail to admit our own mistakes or have a lack of knowledge and we can never effectively solve another's problems because we keep creating our own and we dare question - WHY?

What we think or feel internally in the silence of our minds will become our actions upon others. Our interpretations and perceptions of the world will end up becoming recluse. Because we will spend more time climbing the mountains of our assumptions that we end up taking our self and those in our life for granted. We will end up pushing others from us because we stubbornly and selfishly feel and think that we know best and are experts but sometimes, we truly are not. The only person we hurt is self and those that do believe in us and support us the most. How unfair and immature is that behavior? Who do you think that has ever really benefited? No one.

We end up using all of our emotional, logical, rational intuitions and keep creating our own unhealthy thoughts by assuming with out knowing the proof or facts. Then we end up acting up on these mere assumptions that destroy our personal lives and the lives of others around us. Then we convince our self that we have nothing more to appreciate because we took it all for granted when we did have it - by wasting what healthy we do have inside that we fail to give regards too. We sabotage and provoke unhealthiness in our self because we assume. Assumption does lead to a life that is taken for granted and no respect to be found.

As a person who has experienced the high price and unhealthy medical repercussions produced by assumptions, let me tell you to learn what you can and must to help yourself.

Now that you know these facts do occur in every human being out there and the cause and effect of assumptions and taking life for granted; apply your thoughts and emotions more wisely in the actions you do. Do not be afraid to ask questions of your self first - before you seek to find the answers in others. Seek out the knowledge you need to learn to be the person you want to be and increase the quality of life you want. Seek out the resources that we do have to educate self to increase our quality of life and not deprive or take it for granted anymore.

I feel fortunate that I learned these facts of assumptions and about not taking life for granted anymore.
For many of my wasted emotions, thoughts, and self-dialogues have stopped now. The damage from these unhealthy behaviors have stopped inside as well. The symptoms of panic attacks, nervousness, anxiety, depressions and instability of emotional roller coasting has ceased to exist in me.

In learning facts about emotions - while applying the new knowledge I am still learning - I still make mistakes. I will never be a perfect person. That is not my goal. My goal is to learn and share the elementary education that many of us were never taught and it was never the curriculum of many parental styles nor was it is a part of our educational systems.

For at the core of each of us is a living, breathing, and communicating individual inside their own silent thoughts and internal mind. What we do in this activeness of our self that makes us human, unknown to others around us, is a blessing and curse depending on how we use these valuable resources we have. If you think the worst - you create the worst. If you think the best - you can create the best.

To assume is to create problems by taking life for granted and that train wreck will never climb a mountain because it only continues to grow. To stop assuming is to solve problems that allows you to enjoy the peaceful and serenity of the beauty of a valley or to climb upon a problematic mountain to appreciate its view when you finalized a problem to exist.

We are going to make mistakes. We are going to stay imperfect. We are human beings. That's our nature.
But how well we admit our own issues, deficiencies, and imperfections and work to change to better our self by learning and then applying this new knowledge in our life will increase our quality and value on the life we have or we can choose to regress, oppress and depress our selves.

I do not know about others but I have lived and survived enough survivals, traumas, circumstances beyond my control, and now it's time to learn to stop all the unhealthiness I did and keep working to create healthier ways and view and perceptions for myself. For I deserve to know what I never knew or gave thought too before and if I can help myself - then I know that I will be healthier equipped and ready to assist others who want to get over their mountain and just do not know how. I will be able to celebrate with more on top of the mountain of problem that ended because I will know how to help in effective skills and not unhealthy intuitions anymore! A win-win for self. A win-win of team sharing too.

Share. Grow. Learn. Move forward. Appreciate the journey! Isn't that all any of us could hope for in life anyways?

Assume: To take for granted; suppose, accept without proof, postulate; posit, take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof -

Take for granted - to assume without checking -

If you do not ask questions to get the answers you need to solve a problem - how do you expect the problem to end?

If you do not have courage to tell others how you feel or what your contributing thoughts are - then how you do expect them to know what you are going through internally?

If you do want to live in assumptions without facts, then why you do complain when your assumptions become your personal choice to stay in a life that you take for granted anyways?

If you do not want to live in assumptions anymore here are some tips to quit doing it.

Ask questions to self and evaluate your life with facts only - not judging, biased or prior judgments of old information you formerly used. Tell others how you feel. Use patience to wait until the proof comes or facts arrive of a situation. Do not ponder no longer on assuming anything.

If it has not happened - do not fret on it. What are the odds that it will happen anyways? If it occurs tomorrow, prepare today and let the rest be. If it has happened in the past and the problem can not be solved, move forward. The past will call with unhealthiness as long as you keep answering something that has nothing new to say.

You can never build a new house on a foundation of sticks in a geographically weather area prone to tornadoes and hurricanes without using safe codes and new skills or new laws that will provide a safe structure to be be built in areas as these. But if a natural disaster does occur, you can always rebuild  using safer, newer, and more up to date information than previously choices given; if you choose too.
The same is fact about life.

What once maybe not known - can be learned. What once was broken - can be rebuilt with new and more up-to-date information with skills and tools to help a person.

Ignorance may sound blissful but when a tornado or hurricane arises in a person's life - it is there that you will find and know how ignorance was never really blissful.

Ignorance was a state of mind that we convinced our self to believe in so we would think we are OK as we are so we can escape our own abilities to keep learning, keep growing, keep moving forward to be the example we want to be for our self but to others as well.

Be imperfect but not ignorantly stupid. Be brave but not prideful. Share without expecting anything in return. Be humble with humility when you do wrong and make mistakes and you will. But never quit expecting as much change in your self as you demand of others. For what you do will not affect you but anyone and every one that knows you too. You deserve to live an assumption free life and to never take it for granted. Once you learn how to do it; then you can share this valuable gift with others who struggle too.

For the values of a life fulfilled within is more beneficial, healthier, and happier than anything of this world can provide to us financially or material possessions give to us. Materials and money will rise and fall in time - but the deposits of memories is truly where the real gold mines exist in each individual.

So get out of your assumptions. Go be living proof that happy memories can be created and quality of life can be increased and you will be the example of how to do it. You owe it to yourself and those in your life who do not take you for granted. Go treasure your life and those in it and create happy memories! Get out of your assumptions and start living again!

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