Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Do You Feel like an Option or a Choice?

When socializing with family or friends, partners, or those you love or admire - the words - "option" or "choice" rarely ever come to mind to factually describe the active or inactive role that people do in our lives. Perhaps, these words do need to be more actively viewed to help build the life you want with others instead of merely accepting a come what may second class seat to them.

Usually when it comes to describing without judging the facts in any relationship that we have with each individual person in our lives - most generally are loyal to family, children, partners, and those closest to them, even when, they are unhappy, not satisfied, not of common bond nor sharing anymore. The worst of all that gets produced when you are only an option and not a choice is that you do not feel loved by those around you.

Many family units are not healthy, happy, productive, motivating, encouraging, supportive, nor factually equipped to deal with one another in experiences they face nor are they maturely qualified to make the best decisions, choices or options for one another. Many times, dependency will breed as a silent destructive tool in relationships and family kin ships. Dependency will enable bad habits or addictions to become worse because someone will rescue their faults or problems without ever helping them to solve their problems or issues.

One person constantly or repeatedly continues to make the same mistake. They say they will change. They say they will quit doing what they are doing. They say they will try to do better.

But at the end of the day, they are waiting for you or another close to them to solve their problems, give them money upon their repeated irresponsible spending methods, borrowing for their addictions or keeping you on speed dial as their solution to a temporary problem instead of speaking to you like an individual human being first. They fail to see the larger picture of a problem. Instead they use a temporary problem to get you to solve so they can dodge the real issues that keep getting repeated in their life.

The facts of Option and Choice are listed as follows courtesy of
Option -
- The act of choosing; choice
- The power or freedom to choose
-  Something chosen or available as a choice
- the power or liberty to choose

Choice -
- The act of choosing; selection
- The power, right, or liberty to choose; option
- One that is chosen
- Appealing to refined taste
- a person or thing chosen or that may be chosen

How does options apply to describing people in your life without judging? Is a person treating you as you want to be treated? Are they allowing you to choose your own freedom to become or be who you want? Do they support you and stand by you loyally to do everything you need in life or are they always there when only the sky falls upon them? Do you treat them as they deserve to be treated? Do you feel that mutual respect, generosity, kindness and comfort of support is equally given from others in your life as you extend to them? Do you feel understood by those in your life? Do you think they feel understood by you and how you actively participate in their life?

What about choices? Do you give others the respect of the choices they make in their life? Do you do all the hard stuff for them when they get in a bind to sacrifice or compromise yourself or your resources to bail them out repeatedly? Do you feel as if you are only getting used constantly by some people? Do you treat others only as a option in your life when you need something from them without making them validated as an individual person to enjoy the good days and bad days of life with them?

Options and choices are individual words with different actions when solving difficult problems with others who we care for. In learning options and choices about people - one has to be aware of these words when dealing with others to create a life to share with others who will be there for you as you are for them. When people only take from you all the time; you will find yourself with nothing else to give to them nor have any resources for yourself. So knowing how to be aware that you do have options and choices when dealing with difficult people can help you go a long way in ending the constant difficulties and problem creators of your life who are not problem solvers.

A Person I Used to Know could write a novel of the experiences of her life based completely upon two words - options and choices and how these words have been beneficial strength in her life and how they were detrimental. The illustrations of examples of what to do and not to do would be a word extensive story about roles of people in her life along with the cause and effect of each of these words and how they were applied in her life and she did not have a clue how. All she knew what that she would keep trying no matter how long it took and for every time she would make a mistake and fall down - she'd get right back up and keeping learning how to progress and not to regress as the examples of her young life presented to her that many did around her. This person was me.

Options and choices were not words that I was born of liberty to use in my genetic family. There was only submission and no freedom to be an individual. For they chose what her options or choices would be. All she could do was to use this experience and learn how to make it better for herself and keep trying to gain the life she wanted and needed and deserved.

Trauma abusers do this to their victims. Victims tend to never know that they can have choices and options they can apply in their life.

But very few victims or survivors ever get experience, freedom, liberty, and are able to learn and mature to understand that they do not have to settle in life - as only a victim or a mere survivor.

For their abusers, especially in families, becomes the only familiar they know. For strangers seemingly first appear to be even more unkind, misunderstanding and less compassionate than the dysfunctional harm they come from. The psychological or emotional void is familiar with abusive families or people of abuse - like them.

These socializing survival and victim skills become a silent society of facts that most victims or survivors will tend to cling to others like them - because they know them better than they know their self alot of time or they use their strengths of others who have successfully moved on to learn how. But many more will stay and fall into the never ending cycle of abuse or with the familiarity of the harm others produced in them. They never self-accept so they go with submission. They never learn that options and choices can be for them too.

The majority in society who are not aware of abuse, trauma, and human abuses that are done to others - are truly clueless, ill equipped, immature, and even cold of a sincere nature to help assist others who are completely different than they are. It's easier to believe that people will not be mean to one another than it is to admit these huge problems exists and the problems that escalate from it.

As a victim and a survivor who is moving on from my own traumatic experiences, I have learned alot. More than any one person should have to know personally as surviving and more than anyone one person should have to do to live. But I am not alone. I am also not the same person I was even a year ago nor a decade ago nor ten years ago.

I consider myself an orphan now from my family. I choose to let those go from my life who only know and choose abuse, problems without solving, immaturity and unhealthiness as their way of life.

I could always be an option to them, anytime I want and be accepted in my family again - if I adhere to the rules of their family defining.

To do as they say. Believe as they do. Practice their dysfunctional immorality and unlawfulness. All I'd have to do is accept their views about myself as the problem for the choices I made to get out of that and submit to them with an apology to  be reunited.

What part of any of this sounds logical, rational, or like a good idea or experience? But it was what my individual experiences presented to me. It is my options of choice to keep family or let them go. What would you do? I choose what I needed for myself and have never regretted leaving them all behind. For I found that not all strangers are cold, fearing or ill motive people. I learned that I can help myself and love and even respect myself for the choices I have made to progress my life. Because I defined and stood up for my self - I helped myself in these massive problems. I am able to treat my daughter as the individual she deserves to be and be there for her. I am able to motivate and encourage others to seek help and become aware of two words in their life. Options and choices and how to apply a progressive way in their life regardless of what their problems maybe as well.

Who have you had in your life that is no longer in your life now? Were they a choice you made to leave them behind? Were you only serving as an option in their life when they needed you and when you quit filling their need - they left you?

Dealing with people will always be stressful, whether it is family or friends or associates at work or classmates in school. But the quicker you mature and learn how to actively use the words of: Choice and Options in your life to factually define how others treat you or accept you in your life - then you can move forward past those who hold you down or hold you back to find those who will never treat you an option but an honest to gracious choice.

To give you those emotional feelings of who you are and how you want to be treated while you give the same equally to them. No relationship will ever be perfect. Problems will arise. Problems will be solved and subside to come and go. Problems do not have to become a way of life - individual choice allows this - nothing else.

In sharing a common bond to the same focus of being problem solvers and not problem creators can go a long way in decreasing harmful stresses, mania, anxiety, and worrisome problems that will never cease to end.

Choices and options awareness will give you courage to do what you may fear to do. These words will help you to factually define the active roles that others do in your life. Use facts to describe others by the actions they do. Do not base your judgments upon others by their words but by their actions. If they are a thief - call them a thief. If they are a liar by the words they say versus the actions they do, call them a liar. If they are a criminal, call them a criminal. Describe without judging takes new skills. Judging is immature when making hurtful words without detailing the complete actions of what people do in your life. You will not keep getting used by anyone if you realize what they are doing to you and be strong to accept it and then effectively doing something about it.

If you spend more time picking up a phone or reaching out to others than what they reach you for you - you will know where you stand on their valued people list in life.

The Person You Used to Know should not be the same person you are now. If you are - then you are depriving your own life of how you should be treated and stopping your self from being who or what you want you in life.

Evolution of science of the human species details a transformation from apes or a monkey to human form that we have now.

Personally, I am skeptic about the facts that have long plagued history books and scientific data as this. However, with that said, you have to wonder why evolution of human beings has seemed to come to a cease nowadays. Where problems are the persistent and resilient headlines? Where people use each other as weapons against one another to provoke and produce pain and emotional deprivation?

A time where human beings have forgotten our own roots of purpose of how to live and survive in a world of our own equal human kingdom together that individually - we have taken self for granted and taken each other for granted along the way.

There is no hierarchy of the human race and there never was. Those who believe that social hierarchy exists are problem creators and not problem solvers. To stop problems, individuals must first admit problems exist and then be brave enough, self-secured and defined in who they are, and be progressive to keep solving problems and walking on to the next one you meet.

For every problematic human being or difficult person out there - there is a choice and an option of what to do with them. Until you are able to individually manifest the life you want with others - nothing will change.

We will keep being just a pile of people walking upright and appearing ten foot tall while really inside - each is only as a hunched-over furry-back creature that we were in the day of monkey evolution.

Is that what any of us deserve? Is that really what we survive and live for? Quotes to think about as only you can.

You treated me like an option so I left you like a choice. - Unknown

If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you will miss finding someone who treats you like a priority. - Unknown

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is Your Experience Teaching You?

What separates people? Experience is what divides, separates, destroys, and is the motivator to people's actions. Experience will teach an individual progression or regression based upon personal choice of the experience endured.

There are the individuals who seem to relentlessly try in their life to overcome anything they face versus the individuals who appear to only cycle out the same old mistakes or the repeated "I am Sorry" from the same choices of mistakes they make that keep hurting others that care for them or their self.

Have you ever really given thought or emotion application to the word - "experience" before? Do you personally accept, acknowledge and fully understand how your what experiences separates you from others? What about the similar experiences that you share with others? Do you even have a personal clue or individual definition to know what experience is in your life and what experience has gave you as motivator or how your experiences has taken away from your life? Was experience your teacher that helped you? Was experience as a curse of a problem that you could never solve nor move forward from?

Experience in life is about learning. Learning from the event or circumstance of experience itself, as if experience were a silent teacher witnessing in the background. A silent visitor who sits invisible upon your shoulder to help you choose the decisions you make.

Individual experience can actively become the negative, hurtful or spiteful behavior we use as our guide based upon what we have endured in surviving a life circumstance to reap a harmful consequence. Experience can also whisper courage, bravery, honor and dedication to commitment that promotes our betterment with an active change in our life by directly listening. We can take a bad situation to make it effectively better or create worse by what we choose to do with the experience. 

Our individual experiences are not equal opportunity nor always fair. These experiences can be very mean, cruel, abusive, degrading, questionable and some even can appear to be unresolved permanently. What we choose to do in an experience of life we are given can make a bad situation worse.

But the individual validity in each experience is as a life objective that does require an action as a task would require to be completed or as a problem needing to be solved. With each occurring experience, this would be as a chance because of experience - to learn how to become more fulfilled and progress in life from an experience or to choose regressing deeper into more harmful or hurtful experiences than already experienced in past.

Let's take a factual look at experience. The facts of experience from the free dictionary. -

- Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill.
- An event or a series of events participated in or lived through.
- A particular incident, feeling, etc, that a person has undergone.
- Accumulated knowledge, especially of practical matters.
-  The totality of characteristics, both past and present, that make up the particular quality of a person, place, or people.

The experiences we endure in life by living and surviving are merely details of a personal truth and factual actions of what we were endured. The choices we make from these experiences will define who we are as an individual person in the choices or actions we take.

Just because our parents or legal guardians were bad or criminal people does mean that we have to choose to be. Just because our mentors in life were financially irresponsible or financially reckless does not mean that we have to choose to be. Just because we were subjected to harmful addictions or substance abuse, does not mean that we have to choose the same actions that others demonstrated before us to solve our problems or their coping techniques or lack of recovery has to be our own in our survivals of life.

Experience is what helps a person to become motivated to do something differently or to try to reach a different solution than those presented previously to us. By changing our individual thoughts and actions from those done before us we can hopefully create and seek solutions that become more beneficial today in the situation at hand.

When experience is used adversely or harmfully by individual choice it will lead to hurtful productions and harming consequences to self or others. It is never a single a specific event, trauma, circumstance, or years of enduring one situation that creates experience in a person. The experience is what one actively does when an event or circumstance or situation arises in life per individual person.

Think of experience as this in terms of what you can do differently in your life to change the things that you do not like to help you make them work for you. Whether the experiences come from family or friend issues, health conditions, trauma, financial troubles, employment conflicts or anything else that occurs - imagine problems like experience is trying to teach you something or help you learn something to solve your problems. Think of life's issues as challenge to gain solutions and not only stop the problems but to solve the problem. So the next time, something occurs, you can handle it responsibly and maturely. You can view experience in a healthy or unhealthier manner by becoming aware of the teaching properties that experience does silently offer to each of us.

Experience of your individual life will come from the geographical location you reside in with the acquaintances or closeness that you have with others immediately on a daily or weekly basis. For each incident or emotions of problems that arise in your experiences, you acquire knowledge. You increase your own opportunities to gain skill, characteristics of what your past was to what your present and future will become, and what you gain in practical matters of familiarity to you. You are achieving silently in a secretive way through experience of gaining something to accent your life or benefit you or you will produce demise upon your life what you do with your experience.

Look at Experience this way. Ask yourself these primary questions anytime something arises in your life that needs to be addressed or solved.

- What is this situation or task options that I have to solve or remedy with this experience- not as a problem - but only as an Experience issue?
- What are the options of choices that I can choose to make?
- What are the possible or potential results I could obtain if I choose to do this or choose to do that?

A Person I Used to Know was employed with a company that used a very beneficial internal process that helped individual employees to become promoted by using these particular questions that were shared about their employment experiences. This person was me. I used this technique many times to get promoted of my employed experiences. I never quite forget the concept because it has been beneficial while employed and when not employed in my life when facing issues of my personal life.

The process of questions I shared to be applied to your individual experience was called STAR that the United States Postal Service would internally use to promote employees within the company to increase chances that a person would be promoted to the position they sought.

The standard practice would allow employees to detail in writing what their problem solving abilities were by the direct actions they took to produce favorable results for increased revenue, decrease expenses, decrease safety issues and to produce effective customer service. 

The Situation/Task would be summarized of what an employee faced. The Action/Actions of what an employee would do to solve the Situation/Task they encountered. The Result would be shared to factually prove what their immediate involvement in a problem was and how they would resolve it.

The better a problem solver and productive employee, the greater the chances of promotion success within USPS. In common sense theory, the STAR can be applied to many aspects of life to help an individual to help their self too.

The only thing that really divides, separates or makes us feel less adequate or less sufficient than another is the individual Experience we faced and what we did with it.

Experience is the primary reason behind everything a person actively or inactively does in their life by the choices they make in each individual situation or problem they face.

The individual experience you endure with the choices you make will impact the quality of life you endure daily and if you merely survive or if you learn how you to live.

The great thing about Experience is that is never too late to learn the lessons that Experience is trying to teach you.

For each experience you go through there is an opportunity that will only be presented to you so that you can gain a new skill or obtain new knowledge.

By learning to accept experience as a challenge that needs addressed with actions - you become the primary source of the choices you make and what you do with it.

Your experience of life is personally catered for you and about you. What you do with this experience of your life is your choice.

So do not be afraid to learn. Do not be fearful of what others will say by what you do. Unless someone else experiences the same thoughts, emotions, and life that you do - they are not qualified to tell you how to live or what is right or wrong for you. Only you can choose what to do in each experience and accept the consequences of what your choice is.

It is never easy to feel like you are standing alone in your life to do what you feel is right for you. But your experience is yours, not anyone else. For every one door that closes - there will be another to open. But first, you must be willing to learn how to let go of the bad knob of the door that isn't working for you anymore - to open up the new door waiting on you.

I found these quotes very helpful and do hope that I have provided enough clarity to reap understanding for all that may read this.

Never feel shame by your experiences for they are teaching you something to help you. Never feel guilt because you did not do the right thing at the time of your life when you should have. Never regret the experiences of the past that occurred in your life.

Only look at the now in the present day to do what you can - so you never repeat the same hurt or harm or mistakes in your life now and in the future. It is humanly impossible to get a do over in life - but it's never impossible to personally change your life to the life you wanted and should have had all along.

Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from people. IF they care, they will notice. IF they do not care, you will know where you stand. - Unknown 

Life is about what others do and perceive in this quote. This quote is not about you. But your life and your experiences are about you! What are you going to do about it?

The best way to learn is "To Fall" & "Then Stand." - Unknown

Think about your past, present and future life. What times in your life did others do things for you? Now, what times of your life did things occur to you that you had no one but your self to rely upon? Which of these answers in your experience gave you more insight, motivation, courage, and helpful or beneficial assets?

Do not deprive another legal age adult from learning the consequences of their actions in the situations they face. To help is not always about picking up someone else repeatedly in their same mistakes but letting them fall alone so they will either be forced to stand upon their own will to learn on their own or drown in the choice they make. But their legal age choice and consequences is theirs to work through. Not yours!

To respect others who prefer to stay down or those who refuse to stand up on their own is the hardest of social or family interactions we will encounter. But if you deprive another to stand upon their own will every time they fall; how will they ever learn to stand up and why would they want too when they can count on you to pick them up each time?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Culture Where Hobby Has Died

Do you have a hobby? What does the word - hobby - mean to you personally? Do you even know IF you have a hobby? Do you place value upon your hobby? Do you commitment time for a hobby? Have you EVER had a hobby that you enjoyed?

A Person I Used to Know could have been described as a multi-tasking compulsive hobbyist. Every thing that a pen could construct upon paper in print to what ever her imagination to take to materialize; she was a hobbyist. For she could contain her joys of creativity to only one aspect of life nor more than she could detail her favorite musician nor her favorite movie. This gal was and still is me.

The free dictionary - details the facts of: "Hobby" as the following:

- An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure

- Something a person enjoys doing (usually frequently) in his/her spare time and not for pay 

- An activity pursued in spare time for pleasure or relaxation

- An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation 

- A child's hobbyhorse - a stick with a wooden horse's head or a rocking horse as a child's toy.

Now that the primary facts of Hobby have been established, what are your hobby or hobbies? Do you ever use your free time or make dedicated free time for you to enjoy safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling hobbies? Do you achieve production with your hobby that increases visual pleasures in your home? Do you make time to listen to songs that make you feel good or happy? Do you enjoy watching and listening to your favorite TV programs as a form of a hobby? What do you do in your spare time for pleasure or relaxation?

The facts of a child's hobbyhorse comes to my mind. A hobby is something that you do for yourself that you do enjoy. Something that helps you to feel better about yourself or improve yourself. Or even something that helps you relax to sleep a resting night.

Children use to embrace the hobbyhorse as a way to pass time and enjoy entertainment or fantasy playing on their toy. For they could be a cowboy or cowgirl and mimic what the horse would say like Mr. Ed, the talking horse used to do in a TV show. They could pretend they were playing cowboys and Indians. They could pretend the horse on a wooden stick was their friend or pet. Children are great hobbyists or used to be anyways.

In this age of technology where Internet has exploded the social networking with typing, texting improper grammar and endless ideas of how to do anything you want to create on YouTube, today's society lacks being individual and independent hobbyist.

Video games, games online, sharing social websites, and blogging have long been the way for the person to share these new electronic hobbies with the world. To socialize with anyone almost anywhere on the globe. But what does an electronic hobby have and produce that social interactions can not give?

For those of us who know the value, fun, memorable and excitement of sharing in face-to-face interactions and being mobile together to get out and about to take a walk in nature or to see a live concert or even merely to sit in public to eat a favorite restaurant - the Internet can not really replace hobby - but it will and has - as long as people partake.

My favorite social gatherings I have ever attended, even in professional platforms, was to see friends and associates that I admired and enjoyed their company in the job. To see how their family, friends, and they were doing personally. To see their facial expressions if they were happy or lying that their life was actually alright or not. To hear their laughter personally and in my face, even when, they'd get embraced at getting giggly over something immature in a professional capacity as our many meetings were.

Many I worked with through the years, did not have time for hobbies, even though; many of us shared what we liked to do - if given time - versus what time allowed us to actually do. However, I believe personal hobbies that contribute or help a person is a valuable asset in helping a person to become healthier by being engaged their own self happiness that produces peace, fun, and entertainment for whatever a person enjoys as their hobby.

I am not talking about alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medications, wine, reckless sexual behavior, irresponsible gambling, unlawful or addictive behavior that hurts a person as a hobby either.

I am speaking of the arts of life that are becoming forgotten. The quilters, the wood workers, the metal players, the fabric creations, the word or print of sharing intuition, musical learning for play - not profit and anything else a person can do to create something out of nothing; as a primary example of a hobby.

But hobby can go even further than that. What do you enjoy doing by yourself? How do you spend your time when no one is around or every one else in your life is gone? What do you really do for you?

A hobby is anything that requires no money or at least a little for investment only. Not a hobby that sales something for then it becomes business. But what helps you relax? What helps you to hear joy? What helps you to feel good, even if only a second? What makes your eyes grateful they can see? What makes your hands or arms or body happy that you can still apply yourself to achieve something for your primary self? What smells or scents do you enjoy from the creations you make?

I have more hobbies than time will ever allow me to enjoy and fulfill for myself. But, I commit every day to doing a hobby that I love for myself and by myself. Even when I worked, it was always important for me to have hobby time. Having my hobby time has been a health improving asset my whole life; even when medically; it was everything but gloom of the prognosis of some of my condition.

I share my blog to attempt to help others but writing has been a very dear part of my soul ever since I learned to write. I would line my teddy bears to play pretend school as a kid to grade their scores. Writing and sharing this is a hobby for me; not for profit. I have never been a for-profit person. Believe you me and I tried with the best of advisers that a person could have on their side to help them to profit.

But tooting my own horn was never my personal strength. For everything I have ever done or did in the passions or com passions of my hobbies; were gifts to me that I felt I had or could learn or should pursue and help others to find and do the same thing for them self. So it's like this in my life, I share. If I more forward, then I help others to do the same thing. If I learn something through my experiences of life, I share this to ease the journey of another or to let them know - that is maybe bad right now; but have patience for the better days will return.

When you carry hobbies with you every day and attempt in full effort to make it happen; you will feel better. Time will feel kinder and more plentiful to you. You will appreciate yourself, just like the kid on a hobbyhorse does, when they play.

Hobbies should never die in any culture or social practices we live in. For hobbies are a gift that we give our self and no one can take away or no time can dissolve without our permission. For a hobby is our time to be our self, enjoy our self, and fulfill our self as only we can.

I do alot of sewing by hand and on a sewing machine that I am learning to use. Sewing by hand is very time consuming but peaceful, calm and though the stitch takes more work than a sewing machine can whip out in a few minutes. For me, there is something primitive about sewing by hand. Personalizing my creations even more. Challenging myself to the highest level of production I could give, just to see what I can make and create with my own hands.

The sewing machine on the other hand has taught me more about myself than I care to know. I get very impatient relying upon another or even building trust with anything. Even with inanimate objects as a sewing machine, a person must learn what makes it mechanical operate and do maintenance but they also must learn the gadgets that spruce up fabric, the multiple needles and thread quality for the fabric being worked on. Even then with the best of knowledge, it is still just a machine. Like a car, phone, computer, tablet or TV - it can break down. It can have issues. It is not a perfect science with every consecutive stitch. For the bobbin can get off track or unwind. The thread break. The fabric get in a bind when assisting the machine to pull fabric through.

I am learning patience with this sewing machine. The foot presser pedal is similar to a gas pedal in a vehicle. The harder you push the pedal, the faster it will go. The harder you push the foot presser pedal on a sewing machine, the faster it will go too and sometimes that is not always a good idea depending on what you are working with. In learning patience to keep trying and not giving up and not being afraid to practice with blends of fabrics, needles, and threads and greasing the machine; it is helping to realize that I can still do it. I can still create, learn, and make something out of nothing to materialize which are my favorite hobbies to do. It has taken me many years to attempt a sewing machine. But now that I am, it's a wonderful list to my huge hobby list I enjoy.

When considering the questions asked here, go back into time of the Person You Used to Know of what your favorite hobbies were and perhaps, revive them in your life now. Consider seasonal hobbies too. I do have seasonal hobbies due to the weather in West Virginia that gives all Four Seasons country to live in. But for each changing season, I have hobbies to enjoy and always look forward too.

So consider reviving the hobby in your life or helping someone else to grow or find their own. Hobby can only die when we quit applying one to our daily life. It's never too late to start so begin your hobby today!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Psychological Awareness of Mindfulness

A Person I Used to Know could comprehend the difficult realities of her individual life but the lives of others was hard for her to relate in a personal manner. She could support. She could encourage. She could motivate. But more was still lacking in herself.

For the experiences of her immediate life had subjected her to much witnessing of: oppressions, depressions, suffering, economical surviving, financial incompetence and emotional deprivation. Alot of unhealthy immaturity from adults who should have knew or learned better!

The production of events she experienced in these childhood and youthful submissions while as a delicate and impressionable development ages deprived the basic necessities of life. She grew to realize that she had no clue of who she was or who she could be.

The unhealthy environment she was natured and nurtured in was not in the specific boundaries of her immediate family abuse she endured; but it was all the harmful religious concepts she witnessed around her and learning that injustices did occur to children by society with ineffective laws that failed to protect her and other children.

This experience created many mixed reviews, emotional defending, and a huge lack of sharing trust to anyone. She had not only witnessed the worst of primary examples of what not to be and survived them - but she also felt that she never fit in.
Finding her voice, her place and making sense of so much non-sense was beyond what education could even help her through at times of her life.

She didn't fit in with the educated - even tho - she could speak their language to hold a conversation but could never really help them understand the problems that do exist in this world to solve them.

She didn't fit in with the oppressors, depressors, and those of suffering who suffered more because of their choices to heal them self using what ever they could find.

For she saw their problems - but yet would internally secretly deny her own. By seeking to help others understand the life she had experienced in survival and seeing others in oppressions as having a problem that required solutions with awareness, prevention and effectiveness to solve their issues; she escaped her own internal instabilities.

It did not make her a bad person but it made her a very chaotic, in stable, immature, irrational, defensive, and stubborn person that burnt many bridges in her life with others. This person I share to speak about was me.

For the core that I needed to be myself was never taught, catered to maturity, or appreciated where I stood in life. Not by family,friends, loved ones, religion or in the educational system for many years.

Only bits and pieces of puzzles along the way that gave me just enough hope, insight, happiness, security, trust, truth, and facts of education of good experiences to keep moving forward in my life but never enough of these external pleasures to fill her completely within when she was alone in the thoughts, emotions, and internal consumptions of her own mind.

For the damages done within me of external deprivations produced internal instabilities with medical conditions that produced real and factual scientific and medical symptoms inside of me and it was alot to endure, take as fact of who I was and even harder to find effective solutions or treatments to counteract or find balance from all the damage within me.

In being a fact seeker and self-researcher all of my life to help myself; I eventually gained the education I needed to get me on the internal path I want to be on.

The stability I would need inside to stop panic attacks, fear, anxieties, compulsive worries, and my heart racing. The endless hours of crying have now stopped. Tears are in my control and that is something I have never had in my life until learning now a tool that has given me a control inside that no one can take from me.

I found what I needed to stop the damaging of triggers produced by my 5 senses from trauma I endured. Every thing I see, hear, smell, taste, and touch now is not a constant traumatic reminder of events in my life that I had no control over but an empowering new experience that I control.

The internal peace I have found has taken away the emotional instabilities and symptom productions in my brain and internal body. I got so tired of emotional defending my life upon deaf ears and in doing so - as I did years past - it only complicated my symptoms. Now it not defending; only sharing.

All of my former self has now been replaced with more open mind perceptions, concepts and notions that perhaps - I am right and you are right. That we both are wrong and that sometimes there is no solutions or no compromises in every situation. But the broader window I use to view myself and the world around me with, has grounded me in who I am truly and factually am of complete acceptance.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy - - was my saving education to get me on the path to emotional learning and emotional nurturing and opening in the window of my mind to move past my own experiences and allowing those emotions to breath in peace now.

To let the bad I experienced become a new strength without emotional or symptom conflicts. To set a goal and achieve it. To sit peacefully and do nothing at all but enjoy the calm within.

For DBT taught me how to open myself up to the possibilities that I am imperfect too. That I can not be a teacher, mentor, humane example of anything in life without first, learning how to be kind to myself when in the solitude of thoughts of my own mind.

I went to therapy yesterday and spent the afternoon enjoying myself in hobbies that I embrace daily.

To hear the word: "Progress"; from a professional therapist, doctor, or anyone is a wonderful feeling. It would be the equal of an employee hearing: "Promoted!" or a student hear they "Passed."

Since I have sought, done, did, and still continue to progress every day in my life. I know the bitter taste of accomplishment and the hard work that goes into making progress or effectiveness happen.

I know the self-motivation it does require for anyone to move past their oppressions, depressions, and abuses to simply go on with their life.

I finally freaking get that now and it feels wonderful. I do not have to ponder if I fit in ever again. I'll accept anyone as long as they are mature, healthy and problem solvers. But that is who I choose to be now.

I spent many wasted years upon the immature, unhealthy and problem creators. I only want to help others who wish to address their problems with maturity, healthiness and a personal drive that helps their situation and not hurt them self anymore.

I will never ponder again in unhealthiness or immature thoughts and emotions anymore. I respect views different than my own for their own experiences gave them lessons and mistakes - just as mine own did - and their education of experiences is valuable too. But we must seek to become problem solvers instead of problem creators and this is so important in one's self especially when they have a medical condition.

Even in my imperfections, medical conditions, and mistakes I have made - I can always keep learning to become a better, more complete, and more humane person than I was yesterday.

The world has suffered enough hardships. Every individual out there is plagued by something of the secrets of their minds and the emotional core of their souls. Until we realize that we are as much as a contributor to the pain of others - as we are our self - by the way we talk, the tone we use, the words we speak, the emotions that produce our actions; the pain will continue. The problems will still be there even if we try to run to escape to them or avoid facing them.

Some have good intentions of what they are doing but for many others - it is like being asleep in life to go through the motions of living or surviving - without being full conscious and aware to your own possibilities and the impact of consequences we do in our individuality and what we socially produce in life. We are all factually contributors to our humanity. Some take. Some give. Some share. But each independent action affects another.

Becoming aware to all that I am and still progressing into a journey that will probably never end with complete remission of healing or recovery from these experiences of my life; has still been the final key I have found to keep unlocking safely, effectively releasing and finally saying I am accomplishing the ultimate in my life. The hope I have of my life is within and now given outward.

For this awareness of awakening progression; allows me to be as forgiving to myself as I am others. To have patience with myself as I extend to others. To never treat myself again harshly in bad or negative or hurtful thoughts, emotions and internal conscience that I would not do to another.

For in saving myself and finding what I needed within;  I am gaining how to speak the universal language that others can understand and do. To share comprehension and understanding about life's greatest moments and the harshest facts of society that we share with individuals who do not reside in visual oppressions or know what economical or financial hardships are and how difficult surviving can be through abuse or trauma. How to give advice but also to take my own and eat those words I give or share for my own reminders and my daily complete soulful diet.

I share the following of facts about all that I speak. I share the facts that get produced when a person is not aware to self.

None of us are perfect. We will never be as productive, humane or as giving as we would like. We'll always have difficult people in our life. There will always be events that arise in our lives beyond our control.

But what we first perceive of life from within the core of our heart, mind, and silent thoughts and silent emotions can make the world a hopeful place worth contributing too or a horrific geography of terrible people that makes it a depressing place to be and to survive in.

Our brains allow us to communicate internally with our thoughts, emotions, and how we feel within. But until we learn that we can control these very empowering, humbling, and valuable assets within each of us - we will go along and continue to exist while only living as if we asleep with our eyes wide open and our conscious closed to the possibilities of what could be the greatest rewards waiting for us to open ourselves up to it.

Psychological -
Of or relating to psychology
Of, relating to, or arising from the mind or emotions.
Influencing or intended to influence the mind or emotions
Of or relating to the mind or mental activity
Having no real or objective basis; arising in the mind
Affecting the mind
of, pertaining to, dealing with, or affecting the mind, esp. as a function of awareness, feeling, or motivation

Awareness -
Having knowledge or cognizance
Vigilant; watchful.
Having knowledge of
Awareness of your own individuality

Mindfulness -
Attentive; heedful:
the trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities

I choose to use a bible verse for the cause and effect of what impulsiveness to defend in speaking does and produces. Good advice. To think before speaking. Direct consequences of a closed mind.

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. - Proverbs 18:13 -
Folly -
A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.
An act or instance of foolishness
A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.

Shame -
A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace.
One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation
A great disappointment
To force by making ashamed
 to activate or motivate through shame

Avoidance is the majority of advice and recommendations that medical or scientific experts tell patients to do to maintain or control their health and to keep others safe.
With diabetics, it is to avoid excess sugar intake and monitor their levels. With those who get their eyes dilated, it is to wear these dark glasses and avoid sunlight following the procedure. With many mental, psychological, and emotional medical conditions - avoidance is the primary solution they give because they want to keep a person safe but also keep the population safe from the erratic and roller coasting one may do or even experience when doing something uncomfortable to them to decrease their symptoms.

By opening a new window upon your life - instead of viewing life through the same old window - with new information to build upon the old complexities, complications or medical conditions - it may even help you so that you will no longer cling to avoidance because you can grow or mature yourself to experience a world that is beautiful indeed and worth participating and contributing in after all.

The Person You Used to Be is not the Person You Should be Today. For if you are the same today as you were years ago or even decades ago - where are your daily objectives or fulfillment coming from? Where is your personal or individual fulfillment coming from when you are alone? Where is your drive? Where is your passion? Who do you share with now in your life that was not there even a year ago? Who do miss today that is no longer there for difficult reasons or death? When the world steps aside and you are solo - are you happy? Are you sad? Are you mad? Are you so alone that it burns the veins that pushes your blood to your heart? Is it other's fault for your life? Is it your fault for your life? Only you can answer these.
Only you know the problems that plaque your heart as well as the effects upon your life. But the good news is that we all can keep progressing, moving forward and the individual change is the power we all have. We just can not give up finding the tools we need to help us so we may change to never be the Person We Used To Know but become the Person We Want To Be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is there a Solution to End the Problem of Poverty?

A Person I Used to Know was a child and teen of the state and government assistance program here in America that taught her first hand what poverty did and what it was. What has poverty taught you? 

Poverty was what she wore upon the clothing upon her body and footwear upon her feet. Poverty was a single wide trailer that was below substandard living conditions that she called home. Poverty were the vehicles she rode in that carried her to the grocery store, medical appointments and to visit family when the feast of financials were good because odd jobs had been for cash that would provide gasoline. Clothing vouchers were the only school experience she was afforded set by a financial amount by the state and government. Medical assistance was provided by the system who approved who, what, when, how and why a person could or could not receive treatment.

This timeline duration of poverty was in the 80s and until the mid-90s of this Person I Used to Know until I graduated high school.

Even then, it was difficult to break off of the system of surviving poverty and rising above it. There was no formal training, education nor information given on how to break generational poverty of surviving government assistance as your own means of financially living. There was no talk from schools, the communities or resources of DHHR and government programs of how to contribute yourself to break dependency. You pretty much did it sacrificing your time, efforts, and learning as you go when entering the world where most have never touched poverty or experienced poverty before.

For the general consensus of my rural area about government or state dependency is that once you are on the system - you will be destined to be on the system your whole life.

For government dependants would get their necessities met without effort, laboring, motivation and even in hard times - financially it did provide you enough to live and survive in the poverty.

Why would a person want to work for their own benefits when they already know how to get benefits? These are the primary generational issues of poverty as one major problem to be solved.

When famine would come with increased electrical bills during the winter and no vehicular transportation could be obtained for mobility; the feet were taught to be your only mobility to depend upon and local church food pantries would put food on the table and their free clothes would fashion you if you outgrew your new school clothing vouchers allowance during the school year.

There was no pride to be found or be worn on the exterior of fashion when you would be wearing others used garments of personal clothes in bras, underwear or panties. Poverty was the gracious gifts of other's trash or cast offs. But without these necessities of survival and for those in poverty - there would have been more famine and possibly death. But giving government assistance without seeking something back in return is no way to assist those of poverty or even help them to break out these generational loopholes that create more dependants. This is a huge program of solving poverty. To understand poverty - one must understand the origin of that poverty; get active and motivated in their own life and the lives that depend on poverty government guidelines and seek to solve a resolution that will help those who have to depend on government for their poverty issues but help people understand that poverty is not a free hand-out for someone else paid for it even the second hand items that were donated. That no one gets a free life, even in poverty, complete dependency should never be upon the government to fit the bill for. For to abuse the rights of others who care enough to try is to bankrupt us all. When you have more takers than contributors to the cause; we all suffer and create and allow poverty to continue.

This person I Used to Know was me. This was what poverty was to me. I never knew poverty could be a choice and that it did not have to become a way of life until I choose to try to do every thing different in my adult life than what I witnessed and was done for me as a child and teenager in being a government dependant. I wanted more financial control than accepting the limits of government poverty. I wanted too and was willing to work to get out of that damaging, dangerous net of government dependency that becomes a lifestyle for many in America.

I will use my own experiences of America and why I feel poverty is not always a choice - but it is still a problem that needs to be addressed and sought solutions for.

Let's start by a look at how to potentially create solutions to end the problem of poverty. If you feel like I do; you know the positives and negatives of poverty because you were experienced the healthy and unhealthy environment of poverty or perhaps, growing up as financial dependant or even used government assistance to sustain you or your home during unemployment.

There can be more done to solve the problems of poverty but we must first understand what poverty is.

#1: What are the facts of poverty? Factually defined by:

** The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts.

** Deficiency in amount; scantiness

** Unproductiveness; infertility

Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property

** the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support;

** condition of being poor; indigence.

** deficiency of necessary or desirable ingredients, qualities, etc.

#2: What are the ramifications or social ill side effects of poverty?
In an article yesterday and on the Nightly News with Tom Brokaw - they announced a very staggering and shocking statistic: " World's 85 richest people have as much as poorest 3.5 billion."

Oxfam warns Davos of ‘pernicious impact’ of the widening wealth gap. Oxfam calculated that almost half the world’s wealth – $110trn – is owned by just 1 per cent of its population.

It said that 70 per cent of people live in countries where the gap between the rich and poor has widened in the last 30 years. $18.5 Trillion Dollars is the estimated amount the richest individuals & companies hide away in tax haves around the world! -

If the 85 richest people of the world would contribute back to the poorest of our 3.5 billion people or help the ones who are at least trying to help their self with families, jobs, education and being productive in their life - what kind of humanity could we create & prosper from?

I would say it is time we had an internationally uniting of global taxation sharing! Let tax allowances and credits be given to only growing humanity organizations, individual housing for another, or contribution to food banks, provide geographical shelters, creating effective jobs with wages that pay and meet the needs of an employee above the poverty limit & give tax benefits to help people live & not just financially survive.

No more tax credits on objects, materials or possessions of the individual tax payer nor to the genetic kinship or those write-offs of individual interest & financial prosperity that produce greed.

Instead develop write-off credits and deductions that would contribute back to the people to build people up and increase our global humanity by giving help where it is needed. Give a new tax credit or deduction program that would increase financial equality of lives so they may learn and work and contribute to the overall process of giving back by what was given to help them through a fair, equal, and humane taxation system.

Evaluate homes, properties, materials, and audit the finances of tax filing for these wealthiest. Really evaluate to see if they are really being used a tax credit by having a vacant unused lot or if they are used as primary homes or vacation homes or just a loophole of writing properties off for the wealthy! Look at old buildings to see if they are really being used as the tax write off says they are or if they are using loopholes of the tax system to rip off the government they pay their taxes too! Audit the richest & leave the poorest of tax payers alone & work toward creating a taxation system that gives back to humanity - produces humanity and one that will create self-sustaining adults who will have a chance to be an equal opportunity employer instead of this gap of wealth versus poor who keep becoming poorer and more dependant on the systems the government creates!

Create tax structures that build up the people & do not divide & take away from them anymore. Give people the lacking tools they have to help increase their chances through education to increase their quality of life & not taxation programs that decreases financial equality to live and produce nothing.

If the 85 richest people of the world would contribute back to the poorest of our 3.5 billion people or help the ones who are at least trying to help their self with families, jobs, education and being productive in their life - what kind of humanity could we create & prosper from? What more potential would individuals of medical conditions have if they had someone to invest into quality medical care they need instead of simply writing a prescription to send them on their way? What if

How can anyone sleep peacefully at night knowing that their personal worth of life shouts financial shame, greed & selfishness? I hope that money buys them morality & gives them humanity while they have it here on Earth - for their day will come that they too - shall face death & they can not buy eternity - no matter what their monetary value, assets, & material worth is here.

Possible solutions to stopping poverty.

-Take time to understand why poverty exists in each geographical area in every individual that applies or gets approved for assistance. Face the problem to solve it and not merely give benefits for nothing in return.

- Find out the educational level of the adults seeking assistance. Increase educational opportunities for individuals on government or state assistance - that if a person receives assistance - then they must achieve higher education or additional training to be qualified for assistance or drug testing to stay qualified.

- Give financial training to all individuals of government or state assistance. Teach them to manage their finances wisely and why they must contribute wisely to the effectiveness of the monies, benefits or medical assistance they receive.

- Take more research time to understand the mature and immature aspects of all medical symptoms. When viewing medical symptoms as a mature or immature reaction to a medical condition - a person can be helped to learn how to help them self. They did not choose to have a medical condition but they should be medically accountable to their course of active treatment too.

- Learn when a symptom is a mature effect or immature upon the health of a person's body, brain, and mind and invent ways to counteract these immature and unhealthy symptoms to produce more mature control and effective treatment.

- The high revenue business of pharmaceutical will not solve the core of medical problems or symptoms that many individuals have. For the symptoms are there but with a fast solution of a pill that can help ease the symptoms - it will not eradicate the symptoms.

- Seek more to understand the psychology, emotional abilities, intellectual properties of individuality and the personal aspects of a patients life to understand their direct course of action in treating an individual as they should be instead of a one size fits all treatment plan.

- To invalidate any human being and the experiences they have endured with out giving them mature options or educational opportunities they need; even in emotional fulfilling and maturing; we are enabling and creating the mayhem of prescription drug addictions and forcing individuals to believe they are different and can not be helped and should be treated as such. This is inhumane and crazy!  But if we invested as much into prevention or origin of the cause of medical complications for a patient - then we could understand what happened in their body or brains to effectively help them to help them self and not create medical dependants too.

- Seek to create an effective humane education program in our school systems to improve a child and teenagers understanding of how to become personally mature, motivated, encouraged and educated to rise above the obstacles of the teachings their parents or legal guardians presented to them.  It will be more cost effective to invest into our youth the education they need to be healthier, mature and more balanced adults than it is to repair the broken adult they will become from disadvantaged homes that poverty does create.

- Seek a fair and equal taxation program that rewards incentives and credits or deductions for being a contributor to society, individuals and humanity that we globally share. Instead of making taxes a self-financial reward program.

- If our taxes were established to give programs, assistance and assist the humanity of our shared societies - then why could it not be revamped to ensure equal opportunity for all instead of the selected few? Could changing the system produce more emotional, fulfilling, and personal validation of rewards to be a good, positive and contributor to others be more rewarding than the financial gold these selected individuals sit on? Why reward those who are rich - just for being rich? Why put those of poverty into deeper poverty because we give them no options, choices, chances or equal opportunities to grow them self in a competitive, healthier, mature and educated way too?

- A generational evaluation of person's life is beneficial when detailing the medical aspects of what a person's health conditions are or could potentially be. Why do not all aspects of human life revolve around these origins of generational evaluations?
- One's life of youth can detail what they were taught by their parents or legal guardians. Their views of the world, religion, politics, financial responsibility or financial immaturity and dependency is all learned in their youth days. The adults they will become to grasp, reach or create opportunities for them self will either be running to escape all they knew to better their adult life or they become as partakers in the comfort of poverty or decreased opportunities as their way of life. They choose to living in the same familiar deprivations that their youth days taught them for the price of personal loss is harder to walk away from. They are weakened by failures of parents, guardians, and a broken system that contributes to their brokenness.

- Teen mothers. Drug addicts. Substance abusers. Domestic Violence. Incest. Child Abuse. Criminals. Educational drop-outs. Prescription drug abuse. Individuals seeking medical treatments to personal fill their self. Chaotic, erratic, destructive and sometimes deadly relationships prove the damage of poverty and the stress effects of financial hardships. Damaged children. Wounded Adults. - Where does the effects of poverty end and when will it be viewed for the serious ramifications that it produces not only in today's generation but generations from now on?

The good intentioned program of government and state assistance programs do help many survive poverty where they would have no other way to ensure they have shelter, food, medical and necessity care in their lives.

But for those who can - we need to help them do. For those who truly can not do to help them self - then we need to ensure that they do have their required necessities to live - but make sure that we have enough people who can and are willing to contribute to the cause of helping those who truly can not help them self and help those who can.

The spirit of every individual human heart has a fire that fuels their dreams, inspirations, motivations, and gives them encouragement to do something good, positive and to feel the wonderful rewards of helping others.

Usually this fire is only alive in the heart of a child or an immature teenager with false perceptions and no factual course on how to achieve those dreams. Adults wake up to the cruel reality of fighting to survive, fighting to overcome, and fighting the financial inequalities that taught us that good enough has to be good enough and there is nothing more.

Adults quit reaching for the stars and just accept what ever is in front of them. For to break the damaging cycles of generational impacts of teachings is hard to divorce and remove one's self from.

The only support or the lack of support these dreamers have are those closest to them in teaching and upbringing. The educational systems teaches the principles of math, language techniques, proper behavior of rules in conduct but does nothing to educate a person how to be an individual to seek their own goals, dreams, and give fulfilling purpose in one's life.

To go alone in a world of strangers, cold faces, hard driven hearts and non-caring people is the worst feeling in the world to experience.

Very few can persevere to reach out past the cold hands of a stranger to see the positive hearts of support they can obtain once they break their own cycle of generational impact. But to each their own experiences and what they do with them, I suppose.

For the problems we have now - will still continue to be unsolved problems tomorrow and in future pages of history because every one ignores the problems, fails to understand the problem, and no active contributors to
solve the problems.

I have always saw every being as having a beautiful talent, positive potential, and can see the humanity in their hearts that is hidden beneath the exterior of their appearance and the actions they do.

But if no one believes in them - they will not believe in their self. If no one encourages them; they will become discouraged. If they are hurting and no one helps ease their hurt; they will usually hurt them self further or those in their life.

When many are programmed to believe that they are nothing - they will become nothing.

Every one is some one though! But until we learn how to grow and invest into every one that they are some body; we'll continue to have a world where only a few are known as somebody while the rest of us are merely nobodies that are created by programs, system failed efforts and defective taxes that teach us that we are nobody.

Is that really what any one wants any person to perceive about taxes, working, and living to survive in this shared society? That taxes are only for the wealthy to prosper and the rest of us are just nobody in our small contributions?

To end poverty we need solutions. For what we have today - is not working and has not been working. Any contributors to the cause? Not many from my experience of life~I think and share. I vocally announce to the geographical politicians I can. I correspond with DHHR. To no avail. I can only share and hope that one day, some one will take today's problems as I do and want more like I do to help myself and others in my journey of life. How about you?

Monday, January 20, 2014

How does a Person Become Motivated?

A Person I Used to Know never intentionally thought about the word or action of motivation or even how motivation applied to her life. For her actions would occur naturally in her life choices and the actions she did.

She did not think of rewards, incentives or anything positive to obtain for her self. She just did without thinking, many times, seeing a problem that needed fixed and just do it without thought. Or she would completely ignore the problem at hand, to do something, that seemed more important and pretty soon - the chaos escalated into unpaid bills, piles of debt, repossessions and unemployment.

The priorities of finding and gaining responsible motivation was the hardest lessons she learned about her self and her life. Having medical conditions increased her confusions, lack to focus on priorities, and many times propelled to take the fun, happy or entertaining choice versus the serious responsible choice.

She figured since she would die anyways from her complex medical condition of seizures - so why not live it up!

Every day was a new day to achieve what she wanted, gain what she sought for daily fulfillment, and to take come what may - disregarding that she was as much to her own problems creations of her personal life as she was a solver to her problems too. She knew that applying a responsible and mature motivation to her life would be a very difficult personal struggle that not only affects her self but every one in her life. But she knew if she did find and seek change to her old behaviors and actions; that it would not only lead her to be unfulfilled but the damages of her life would only escalate hurting every one who knew her too. For she could help others to face their mirrors of their life but she could never pick up the mirror of her life and who she really was.She could not face her self. She was not a bad person but she was an internal incomplete person.

This person I Used to Know was me. It's sad that it took many lessons and experiences of my life to learn the hard way -  just how immature and irresponsible I was.

But the value behind the lessons has taught me to personally respect the value in individual responsibility and accountability. That to ever truly experience reward or individual incentive to personal growth -  then one has to admit their own faults, realize and admit their mistakes and then correct behavior now to change the course of their life to really steer it and be in control; even in the storms that arise.

Circumstances and events happen to us through out our entire life. These events and circumstances should never define who we want to maturely be or how we impulsively react immaturely.

Now, mind you, for most - it is simply easier to follow a lifestyle or learned behavior so we can continue to be accepted by one's family, friends or partners - than it is to take an individual stand for one's self to admit, accept and define what and who we are personally.

Usually by the time an individual realizes who they are or admit that they need to change to achieve what they want in life - it is usually too late. For the past has produced damage to self or to others. But it is never too late for anyone to achieve, become or grow into who they want to be now and for the future.

For centuries - those closest to us and even social majority dictate to us that biological age limits or restricts what a person can or can not do. To a degree - this is a fact about human life.

As one ages, it does become harder and presents obstacles for the brain to absorb, learn and grow with new information. Medical problems or issues can also make us more susceptible to different medical factors as we age - but nothing in impossible - unless we really believe it to be so.

In the individual core of each of us who live today is an emotional human being, an imperfect  heart, and with error to what we believe to be true about self versus the facts of what or who we really are to our self ~ as much as anything anyone ever really does to us. We cry. We feel. We experience laughter. We long for sharing with others who accept us, enjoy us, appreciate us and who are grateful for us in their life.

In being individually defined and seeing yourself as a work in forward progress through out your life. This makes it easier to forgive one's self for the mistakes or choices made; even when others are not so willing to forgive.

It is easier to have compassion, passion, and unconditional love to one's self when one is not afraid to admit their own personal motivations and imperfections too. To create now who we always wanted to be or should have been. We owe it to our self to seek change in our life. To constantly build new upon the old of our former self. Age has nothing to do with it. Our individual experiences do have everything to do with it though!

Motivation is a personal and individual journey to each their own destination to create, define and actively achieve and pursue as your own contributor. No one else can motivate you - but you. You are the source of your own fuel in life.

A blank canvas waiting for you to paint the colors of your life. A blank record waiting for you to sing the song of your life upon it. An ink pen waiting to dance the words that describe who you are or who you want to be. A pile of fabric waiting for you to sew the pieces that make up who you are as in a quilt. The mechanics, the professional, the professor, the doctor, the lawyer, the educated, or merely do nothing. For the choice is yours by what you actively contribute to your life or do not contribute to your self will primarily be what you get or do not get in life. For it really has nothing to do with others and never did!

Motivation can be achieved for anyone by anyone. There is way; where there is individual will.
Sometimes, it does come from new education - even in the simplest of elementary skills or adolescent learning - even if you are 100 years old - it is never to late to build new upon the old of your life. I speak from personal experience.

I have given many speeches and live readings of my poetry, experiences of my life, survival, living, trauma, motivating, inspirational, teaching, encouraging, and promoting learning through awareness to build community or humanity focusing that most would never realize how much I have used social media, the Internet, YouTube, Facebook, My Space, business websites, and even my own personal website maintaining years ago to keep my own self motivated in life by my creations and sharing. Sharing the learning I learned the hard way or opening doors for others who never realized they could. By sharing our perfections and imperfections; we learn how to grow from the bad and embrace the good and happiness when it comes along too.

Simply sharing my progresses, regressions, depressions, successes and failure - I do not share as an expert but I share what I learned of the failures to help others from enduring the same bad choices I have made or to help encourage others that they can do what they want in life too. To help others learn how to pick their self up, even when doing it alone, how it will be worth it - each time you keep getting back up.

We only live once and usually more will occur to us - than what will be of our control. But what we do with the outcome of what we are forced to accept - is where our motivation is waiting upon us to grasp us.

In learning about emotions like a child would who has endured a loving, supportive and educated home - I am gaining what I never had from my own childhood and youth experiences. I am building new upon my old and have never felt more happy, secured in who I am and even those difficult people do not appear so difficult anymore because of it. I am giving me what I needed for me.

I also realize how far behind I am in the intellectual, logical and rational reasoning of emotions I  was and how unhealthy that was to me and for me and those in my life.

For decades of my life were spent in a survival mode of living based upon immature actions and reactions. Alot of immature impulses that gave way to irresponsible and immature decisions created by a youth's compulsiveness versus that of an adult age individual.

But it is never too late for me to learn all that I was deprived of in my old life as a victim and survivor. It is never to late to build new upon the old of self!

For we are prone in society to view our biological age and prior experiences of our life as information that we pull from in how we act, react, and what we do now.

This is individual deprivation of self that any person can do and follow for their ways of life. I speak from experience.

Of all the topics I have shared in my life - talking about emotions; emotional intelligence and learning to build new upon old - is still the most complicated and complex topic - I have found yet to discuss and find others who share my views. For many of common age or older than me do see life as another problems instead of viewing self as an inquiring waiting to be answered.I was guilty of this mind set for years too. I didn't have the problem but every one else did. But when I started asking and seeking answers to my own deprivations within - I found my mature and responsible motivations as well as; filling an old unfillment I never had but am learning to gain for myself! I have never felt stronger nor more medically stable in my life.

When we get cemented into old beliefs, old certainties of who we are and what we do - we will never progress. We never change. We expect different outcomes for our life - without ever doing anything differently or being a contributor to our own self. Many get stalled in life by the choices they make, accept, and they lose personal motivation or self change.

We can change the world we live in and share together. But that change must be personally and individually catered to bettering one's self by the experiences each lives and survives. To take the old of self seriously and work to build new again from within.

It is not easy - but is very well worth the effort of time invested in learning to be the person we want to be. If you are not proud, happy, humble, appreciative, grateful, and peaceful with your internal self - then where do you think it will come from? Others? Money? It will not and can not. It can only come from within.

SO can you motivate yourself - Yes! But only if you want too. For A Person You Used to Know exists in you too. Do you like your old self? Do you like who you were 5 years ago? What about 10 years ago? Do you like who you are today? Asking and answering questions about your self and then being honest of what you like about yourself and what you do not like about your self is the only way to find the answers you seek to solve about your life. Then being brave, courageous, and motivated to do something about it as only you can.

Facts of motivation - -
The act or process of motivating
The state of being motivated 
Something that motivates; an inducement or incentive.
The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal;
the reason for the action;
that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour

Quotes of Motivation
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. –Emelia Earhart

The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. –Bill Cosby

We become what we think about. –Earl Nightingale

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. –John Lennon

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. –Charles Swindoll

Friday, January 17, 2014

Does American Taxes Irritate You?

If you are like most Americans; then you get tired of paying taxes or reading and hearing headlines about the national deficits we are in. You are tired of being aggravated by a Net income to take home versus the Gross income you should be allowed to take home instead by paying taxes.

You maybe exhausted from balancing facts about a tax structure in America that is not fair nor realistic or fair for the working Middle Class that seems to slowly be disappearing into poverty. 

You are not alone. For I feel your irritation, frustrations and constant complaining too. But without  pursuing change to solve this personal problem and actively contribute to stabilizing the national problem of finances - nothing will change. So what can a person do when frustrated about our national financial woes and personal income blows?

Get active. Get involved. The following I have written and sent to my local House of Representatives, Congress and to President Obama. 

Email contact or electronic communications makes it very easy for your voice and concerns to be heard by our government. We can only fail in our attempts to seek a positive and effective change when we do nothing at all. 

Copy and paste is a wonderful electronic feature to compose a letter email to submit your local politicians. Research who the politicians are in your district of the House of Representatives, Congress and President email contact information. Copy and paste this information in a text file that can be compiled and saved documentation of their email address. Then copy and paste your written letter to them. Hit send and it is done.

That way when something bothers you, irritates you, frustrates you or you have a country inquiry or local issue occurs that you would like to express to your elected leaders - you will have their information of contact on electronic speed dial of a saved file.

I have personally for decades written politicians on many matters regarding medical, finances, education, Veterans, children, elderly, disabled, preventing child abuse, building awareness to stop child abuse, and voicing my support of their work and suggesting ideas about my concerns to stop the national and state problems we have. 

It is never for naught. For making an effort to contribute and to seek effective change begins with only one idea that needs to be shared. Sometimes, it is will be a win and sometimes, these communications may appear to be a loss. 

But the only fact of not trying is to fail anyways. So you have nothing to fear, nothing to lose or nothing to gain when communicating to your politicians. They are imperfect human beings as we are. 

Their mistakes affect and impact all of our lives and the equality of humanity we share in America. You deserve to be heard. I deserve to be heard. 

But if we do not take a few minutes to be heard to make it happen - we get the exact country with laws & policies & finances that we consent too by doing nothing. We can not expect change to occur with being active. Humanity takes active contributions to create progression and prevent regressions or oppressions. If we do not progress in our actions to get involved - we regress our society but also our immediate lives too.

A Person I Used to Know instilled in me as a young child that it was an American honor, privelege and rewarding to vote in this country. For this lady I Used to Know was limited in resources, finances, education, and neccessities to live upon most of her life, but the contagious excitement of happiness she had by voting was a happiness expression of reward she proudly displayed upon her smiling face. 

For she had lived and survived the worst inequalities that women struggled with in her day. But her fuel to try and contribute to the political process - with even only a vote- gave fuel to my own compassions to actively vote and communicate in electronic messaging with elected politicians as my extended contributions to our humanity too. This person was my maternal grandmother. 

For our experiences maybe different, but our struggles of finances and economy are the same. For their experiences as a politician may give them another view to see life from than what we see every day - but the value of each individual experience still deserves to be shared. For education by the people and for the people of shared experiences is still the greatest lessons about humanity and socially living to share and to use to create effective change and continue effective progression from. 

I ask anyone who feels compelled to see effective changes in this country to get motivated to communicate to your politicians to seek the change you want to see or to solve the problems that you see exist. They can not know your concerns if you do not tell them. 

For the political process maybe long and lengthy but it is not out of reach or too far fetched to get involved for anyone who cares enough to share their voice. Politicians are people just like us. You may have never been a Person that You Used to Know about politics and who only complained - but once you send that first email to them - to become a Person You Want to Be to promote, seek, and actively pursue positive and effective change in this country; you will feel the rewards of contributions that my grandmother and I do too.

You may copy and paste the information below if you would like ot submit an email to your local district political leaders. Copy and paste the following, if you agree, or you can even view it to get your own composition content together of what you would like to say to them and be heard of by them. But good luck to you to get actively involved. Contributions of our thoughts, ideas, or suggestions or complaints by electronic communications is the greatest assets we as Americans have at our fingertips to help assist our America to become the country we want it to be. But without being active; it is wasted words without evidence or facts and isn't that what most of our politicians and their policies are doing anyways? Create change. Be the change. It starts with each individual in this country.


I would like to Thank You for the job you do to provide service to help Americans. However, some of the controversial Yes & No voting you have done has created hypocrisy about the support you truly represent & factually give in voting on financial matters for our Veterans, elderly, children & disabled individuals in this country along with the Middle Class of Americans who work every day & contribute to paying taxes.

I have a few questions & enlightening financial matter to share with you about taxes in this country.

I seek no resolution or feedback. But I do strongly request a tax structure change to help our economy & benefit those who do work every day to keep the wheels of this country moving round & round. We need tax structure change to move our country forward. We have stalled financially long enough in this high debt to tax payers contributions ratio.

Our children & future generations should not have to solve our math problems that we failed to be aware of or neglected to fix today. They should not have to be the ones to work humanely, maturely & equally together in financial matters because we failed them by denying these financial problems & failing to give effective corrections to these math problems today. If we can not teach them how to be mature, equal, humane and financially responsible today - then how will they learn tomorrow? Who solves America's financial woes? Who is accountable?

Who is this tax paying system really benefiting & doing a favor?  

The way I view taxes, from where I live, is that we as taxpayers are financing a government loan program financed by tax payers with no interest on these loans to benefit the borrower. 

The standard deductions and exemptions do nothing to help American workers who are raising families who are living under $100,000 income a year.

For every $20 dollars an American employee pays out in their Gross wages to taxes - that's $20 less dollar of Net income these individuals will not have to put food on their table now. $20 dollar less of Net income to have to save to cover their medical care expenses of cash co-pays or expensive cash deductibles. $20 in Net pay they do not have to even reward their child for a good score on their report card. Tax deductions from Gross pay does directly impact the Net lifestyle of working class Americans! This does matter.

The cost of living in America increases faster than the rates that standard deductions & exemptions give  beneficial relief to working class Americans when paying government taxes to financially survive in America! The families and employees of this country feel this Net to Gross monthly burdens. Our government does not.

The down side to paying taxes & working is a dilemma for some working individuals from what others have shared with me. 

It appears that it would be financially wiser for some - these days to give up a full-time career employment position to take a part-time job or minimum wage job to get government benefits - to supplement their neccessity costs of living - than it is to seek a higher paying job that will deduct more from their Net pay than the Gross pay allows an employee to take home!

Net & Gross incomes comes down to filling financial necessities. Housing, electrical, water, medical, & food. This type of dilemma is not what Americans employees should have to consider. If the system was equally & fairly set by law in tax structure than it would give justice for the citizens who try, contribute & want to supply the necessities for their life. But in this unfair, unequal taxation system that we have - what would you choose to do if you were facing these same options about your financial situation for your home and meeting your financial neccessity needs?

America needs a new effective & equal tax structure overhaul to benefit our wealthiest but more importantly to benefit those who do contribute every day in working & lawfully paying their taxes who survive on the crumbs of financial survival that the government gives us.

Many employees sacrifice their time to achieve the financial comfort they want in life. This works for them.

But Middle Class Americans prefer a more stable balance of not seeking fortune or fame but value their time to be with their families to keep family & communities alive & thriving. But without benefits to survive on financially - they can not do this & the very foundation of this country crumbles with it by the disappearing of the Middle Class Americans who can not financially afford to survive. Their time becomes deprived to create a financial survival instead of a financial living with their families.

What would happen if our American government would stop taking Gross tax deductions from employee paychecks and instead allow employees to file their annual taxes with an invoice to pay their taxes in 30 days from date of filing?

Imagine if our government would stop being financed by every working individual in each payday they receive & had to wait upon us to pay them - as we wait upon them with our refunds? Imagine what our government would do then - if they got nothing until the end of the year filing time by the taxpayers?

Do you think that this would pinch their Net & Gross income pockets of their spending --- as it does the American taxpayers who frown upon their Net take home pay versus their Gross pay? I would call this financial equality in America, if it could be done.

Do you think this could solve the wasting of tax dollars in this country if the USA Governmnet had to wait upon the taxpayers - instead of the taxpayers waiting on our government to repay us for the taxes they borrow from us?

Poverty & working class should never mesh in lifestyle neccesity equality - for when it does - as it has been the last few decades - something positive needs to be effectively changed or our government will be creating more government dependants by the programs these employees have to use to supplement their food, medical and necessity needs.

Why can't taxpayers charge our American government interest on the money they take out of our Gross income that they do not use? Isn't that what any smart or wise business person would do in any loaning program?

Just several thoughts, ideas, and suggestions I have for you to ponder when doing your job and dealing with American finances, budgets and tax payer money.

Politics is employment secured by the American people. Please never forget who you work for and be wiser, braver, courageous and humane with maturity to deal with difficult politicians around you to do the right thing for the people of this country who depend on you to do the right thing for them.

There are some of us as citizens -  who do care about our politicians, pray for our country leaders & who do voice our concerns of enlightenment to you. We contribute to the process in our American lives to better our selves but also give hope to assist others in our political process.

Thank you for your time and attention. No feedback is required. Just sharing thoughts about a financial problem that does exist in this country known as our taxes and financial corruption and lack of political accountability.

 I reserve my right to use the tools of the Internet as a resource to try to voice my contributions to living an American dream about a system that I still believe in and those who work to make it possible. Thank you for your time & consideration to these concerns.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Are you Maturely Informed or Immaturely Opinionated?

A Person I Used to Know was not balanced in the individuality of her self. For she was maturely informed on many topics and subjects of life but very immaturely opinionated too.

The emotional bearings upon her life from her immature opinions based upon her emotions, feelings, thoughts and shared verbal ideas were as an eagle flying one second and as an ant barely moving the next.
For the mature information she obtained through experience and knowledge helped her achieve the goals in her life that helped her feel like an eagle flying. But the immaturity of her opinions of defending her emotions, feelings, thoughts, and actions became a roller coaster of erratic behavior, moods, and emotional instability to stall her at the speed of an ant.

For she felt that the survival of her life experiences as a victim and moving on past survival was something that she should be proud of and no one could tell her what she could be maturely informed about anything or what she could not be immaturely opinionated about. For her traumatic experiences were an accomplishment she did achieve because she survived. If she had not done all she could learn of how to survive and how to live - she would not be alive.

But no one could nor would nor should - excuse her immaturity - not even the traumatic circumstances she endured that she leaned on as an adolescent strength with her opinions of her life and the lives of others.
For accountability and responsibility of consequences must be maturely dealt with no matter what her life experiences done to her or what happened to her. For without accountability and responsibility to the consequences she choose - she was no more advanced or healthy than those who hurt her because she would be hurting others in her immature actions, words, and verbal vomit too.

This immature defense mechanism or survival skill was to protect her self from others. For she learned the unhealthy immaturity through the nature and nurture of her upbringing of traumatic circumstances. But the more she matured and gained healthy and mature knowledge; she realized that she did not have anything to defend or explain about herself anymore.

For every topic she shared or discussed with others, was her choice to do. For a long time she felt compelled to always explain her self with paragraphs when asked questions versus the simple statements of: Yes or No - that every one else did.

She did gain through her experiences knowledge of being as a teacher, mentor and inspirational state of mind that consumed her to help others to become aware about child abuse; help survivors to get help and use their stories to help others; and to support victims who were still struggling with the after effects of their childhood abuse. But she was an imperfect, immature, and destructive whirlwind at times too because of her internal mature and immature battles.

But she began to learn  how to effectively contribute to any mission, objectives, or focus of assisting others by becoming maturely informed and not use her own immature opinions anymore.

For life was not about her anymore when she reached legal age of consent. But it was about what she could do for others and still contribute to the progress of learning for her self. It was not an easy journey. It was the hardest learning lessons that she endured - but I can say this person is doing better today in balance, stability, and medical health than she has her prior  life by the new healthier and mature learning she is gaining and applying in her life. This person was who I used to be and will never be again. For every day - I have a focus to learn something new for myself to help me mature, be informed and not opinionated anymore.

A Person I Used to Know is a personal evaluation of self. To see where a person was 1 year ago - 5 years ago - 10 years ago and where a person is now. To be honest, truthful, loyal, and kind to internal self with thoughts, emotions and what you think and feel. To not be afraid to see the mistakes you made in your former self and seek to find ways to change the negatives or unhealthy or immaturity to produce more positivity, healthiness, and maturity in your life. To feel accomplished while feeling the humble sting of humility that makes us human in admitting and correcting our mistakes. Shame is only produced in a person when we see a problem and fail to solve or admit the problem exists. Shame is what we all carry because we know the mistakes, we see the problems, we know our deficiencies and our weaknesses but yet we seek nothing to change it to produce maturity, positivity and increase our health quality of life.

We become as lazy comfort takers instead of focused contributions to the family of humanity.

Many people are not informed today. For opinions have taken control of how a person should feel, think, act, and react in life. The associations we form and bond with of our earliest experiences will produce a cause and effect upon our adult life. For many adults will make choices based upon what they endured from their adolescent days. College and career choices are usually the idea or pronounced course of action that comes directly from of a parent or guardian and not the student. To graduate high school or not graduate high school becomes either a focus of importance to have in life or not viewed as important by what the adults did to secure education in a youth's life. Marriage or relationships that a person chooses in their adult life will either be by personal choice without opinions or it will be as an escape, way out or even to create a foundation of life that a person never received in their minor aged of being "home" - where ever and whom ever that home was with.

A Person I Used to Know can ask and answer their own questions they have about their life and the experiences they endured. But very few value the importance of self-evaluation; self-analysing and do not take it literally in actions to become a better, healthier or more humane person today than they were yesterday.

The medical complications of my life have taught me to evaluate and never fear to analyze my self. For the effectiveness of my healthiness or unhealthiness and my contributors or catastrophic of my health - help me to understand where I was at in my symptoms yesterday and where I am today. This medical progression and evaluation of self has probably saved my life many times because I am just as busying helping myself to become better than I was yesterday as I try to still reach out to help others who need it too; even if only sharing a blog of provoking others to think and do for their self.

We spend our whole lives allowing others to define, detail, describe, and give adjectives to who we are. Our parents or adult guardians, teachers, professors, professionals, medical, science, and even the employers who score us. But when we fail to realize the evaluation of our self - we become as every one else. We do what every one wants us to do. We become as they choose for us. Self-evaluation is the only way to ensure that you are and can be the person you want to be.

Think about the math of life. For the first 18 years (or until legal age of adult consent)- you are under the control, care, and responsibility and accountability of another. For the next 60 years after that - ( average adult life) - you are in control. You are the problem solver or problem creator. You are the primary source of your accomplishments, happiness, education, growing and maturing to be who you want to be.

For 60 years will be your years to choose to do how you want and how you wish. The accountability, care, control, and responsibility of your life fall solo upon you. You can never start new but you can learn how to build new upon the old to help yourself.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and Mother Nature disasters has been destroying lives and homes for years. But what do people do upon the old when destroyed? They rebuild new again. You must find the new you need to rebuild healthier, happier, and a mature focus than what the world done for you. It is the only way to promote and progress effective changes in your life. Don't we all deserve that?

For decades, since the evolution of Social Media and the Internet has became a household familiar asset - conversations have decreased from paragraphs to one line or two line statements with printed shortcuts of acronyms. Full sentences and paragraphs or clear messages of effective communication are not embraced nor shared anymore - especially online!

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and text are not about the quality you share but the limited quantity. What a deprivation of communication we truly have while engaging in these conflicting, limited and useless content of opinionated laziness of our social media we do that lacks validity to the maturity of words we use anymore. We become more opinionated and less informed as this social culture continues.

The more we forget to value and promote effective communication with information versus opinions - the more our humanity toward one another regresses and will continue too. The problems increase faster than effective solutions can be given to stop them. The more we produce this type of ineffectiveness of our communication for the potentials we could be and create in life - the more our generation suffers and those after us. Who is cleaning up whose messes if we all cast off tomorrow's problems instead of solving them today?

We have two choices in life to apply to our direct life. We can learn how to become informed with facts and stop spreading the opinions that damage. Or we continue with our immature opinions and disregard the facts of being informed. We become exactly our own unhealthiness, continued immaturity and sail in life that will never be nothing but trying to escape over a wall that each individual built or to try to escape out of a box that we chose to stay in.

Education never dies - it only becomes forgotten and is treated as invalid with each generation. Education can not be beneficial to anyone's health, finances, economy or geography with out embracing it to learn information versus invalid opinions.

Do not forget to learn how to grow the Mature Information in your life to help you. Only each individual can truly help their self. For to deny self, the ability to learn, grow, and mature is to become as the social majority of immaturity and deprivations they say you should have. No one should ever do that to their self or allow others to do this to you. For every individual is a human being and deserves to be treated as such. But to treat others as a human being; we must first learn maturely how - beginning with self.

Notice the positive, healthy, and motivating words that informed produces.
INFORMED: Possessing, displaying, or based on reliable information; Knowledgeable; educated; possessing an education; having knowledge and spiritual insight.

INFORMED ADJECTIVE: knowledgeable, up to date, enlightened, learned, primed, posted, expert, briefed, familiar, versed, acquainted, in the picture, plugged-in (slang), up, abreast, in the know (informal), erudite, well-read, conversant, au fait (French), in the loop, genned up (Brit. informal), au courant (French). -

Notice how negative, unhealthy, selfish, and discouraging that opinionated is.
OPINIONATED: Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions.

OPINIONATED ADJECTIVE: dogmatic, prejudiced, biased, arrogant, adamant, stubborn, assertive, uncompromising, single-minded, inflexible, bigoted, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, obstinate, doctrinaire, obdurate, cocksure, pig-headed, self-assertive, bull-headed. -

Are you going to learn how to get informed? Are you going to continue to be opinionated as an ignorant or inhumane person would be?