Daily live to have fun sounds too hard to accomplish on an already full daily timing, does it not?
For most, fun and time; are two things that every one has in common and really share in the language of the way we live our lives.
For those with money, have no time to have fun. For those with money do have time but no money to help them have fun. For fun to be had it mostly has consisted of having money in our current day culture to be able to go out, eat, shop, socialize, travel and even having electronic luxuries or any hobby of fun usually does take an initial investment for a hobby to be had of fun even if it is only buying a pen and paper to write or paint and canvas to paint. Not including the more expensive hobbies that produce a recurrent expense like video games or online subscriptions of fun.
We have excelled the culture of today in to boredom because no one has the money to invest in self nor do they really have time. For what use to be spent outdoors inventing games that children used to do has now been replaced with electronic devices, more household messes indoors and unhealthier children who lack muscle tone unless they pay for a gym membership.
Daily fun sounds like an ancient or even foreign ritual that our ancestors did because they lacked the means to do any better. They lived and survived by the rising and setting of the sun. If they couldn't get their home tasks, work and fun done before dark - it would not happen.
In today's luxuries of comforts and conveniences we have - this has also increased our chances that we gain idle mind, idle time, and idle hands. We feel we must text immediately back who ever texts us. That the phone can not ring without running to see who it is and then sitting to talk. That we can not use the options not to chat online but we can do simple Hellos or emails to stay in touch.
A Person I Used to Know always had fun of focus on her thoughts, emotions, actions and in her life. Every day, there would be something that she promised that she would do for her self to make her life happy, fun, content, and increase her own betterment in the process. For television is a nice hobby but the stationary aspects of being a TV addict were not her vibe. Computers add a nice verbal release in writing and sharing pertinent information from her own living experiences to perhaps, help assists others. For writing is her passion too. Then there is learning a guitar, sewing quilts and enjoy the facial visits of those who visit her home. But talking on the phone unless it is for important matters - never was her thing. For she saw her 24 hours a day as getting a slice of her pie. This does make it hard for her to balance sometimes and for others to accept her. For she can be very social but she loves her time to be introvert for herself too. Children are usually the teachers and leaders of managing time better than adults can. For they make their fun. This person I speak of is me and still is.
Looking at all my hobbies, I realize that none would have ever been possible without that grand old dollar bill to make the initial investment into my happiness. For computers, pen, paper, guitar, sewing machines and even the wood fire that I hobby myself with in the winter time to produce heat - takes an initial investment with chain saw and gas to cut my own wood or pay some one else to deliver it for me.
So with that said, investment control and managing is the issue along with the money to produce daily happiness. Every budget in America does have more pennies that can be pinched or better spent elsewhere. Even in my budget, I do see where pennies could be pinched but when sharing a living environment with family, it takes equal contributions from every one and not just one person to do it. But as a team effort, even in living with others; pennies can be earned by taking away from one thing that does not produce daily joy for you to place it elsewhere to achieve daily joy.
Many times, unhappy people see nothing and feel nothing but the unhappiness. They never see that unhappiness does and will pass. By what one thinks, feels, or sees, or hears does has alot to do with how personally fast unhappiness passes. Most of the time we dream of unobtainable goals or materials we want that we produce our own unhappiness, worry, anxiety and frustrations. Instead of focusing on what is today; we let it slip by until each individual day because years gone that we can not get back.
So in your busy life examine your finances. Think of an obtainable hobby that you can do daily and budget to invest into it. Many mothers and women are the hardest to convince to spend time and investment money on one's self. For females tend to be internally programmed to mother every one and take care of others before self that she forgets nor does not place importance of taking care of her self and her wants and needs.
Males are viewed as weak if they generally cry or show their loving side. Females are viewed as mean, cruel, selfish and even wrong for stopping and making time for her self. But we all need and deserve a daily recharging of introversion for our self. For this internal refueling whether by meditation, exercise, silence or a hobby one enjoys helps produce good endorphins in the brain that helps relieves the stress and anxieties and hectic life that one can feel. But in working your life to view it as a daily fun or happiness for you - will not only help you to stay centered to who you are but when you are with others; you will appreciate their presence more and can be there for them. For you won't be in front of some one talking or listening to them and really thinking of the next 100 things that you have to do.
Of all that time and our culture has taught us, the one thing I fear that it is teaching our society is for people to forget how to be an iindividual. Individuality is a key factor in the progressions of humanity. Without producing individuals that break stereotypes, labels, and idle hands and idle minds - we will end up in a time and place where our ancestors will be rolling into the grave and burning the history books in which we learn from. For knowledge and education to be valuable, it must be applied in daily individual lives to progress from and if we progress social tools and regress individual people then we have learned nothing at all no matter what we read or learn. So commit to daily individual fun for yourself. The rest will adapt and accept or they won't. But if they can not give you a little daily time for your needs then is your life really a sharing happy or content experience anyways? Only you can answer and find for your self.
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