The saying: "If you can not beat them; you might as well join them", is probably a fact of life and gives justification to every action a person does.
For criminals do happen every where. Whether created in birth, in the name of love, to obtain money, or to even secure personal satisfactions to do things that are illegal or immoral; each their own reason for doing it.
It is simple yet complicated human nature I do believe - that we all possess enough good in us to appear normally acceptable while being secretive in the desires of our souls that makes us criminals by the things we do illegally or
So what makes one crime of passion or one breaking of the law worse than another? Association by those you mingle with will make it illegal or not.
The written law and social order of judicial justice is merely an ancient system that has more faults and failures than any other employable occupation. It does not mean that we should not try to uphold the law and be respectable when we can and seek to be morally humane people. But the fact is that if you do want to be a good person and strive to be; the loneliness or
individual deprivations you feel in your self from doing the right things in the wrong world we live in, can be devastating.
Human relationships can be the hardest thing to maintain in life. To keep the emotions feeling good. To ease the feelings of frustrations that come from relentless, effort, and sheer work it takes to be an effective communicator with those closest to you every day.
From spouses, partners, children, work associates and extended family members or even friends; people are work in nature when trying to have any kind of humane relationship with.
For some, they make it almost impossible to be close, near or involved
in their lives. For others, you couldn't make them lose or forget your number if you paid them a million dollars! People can be just that difficult at times.
A Person I Used to Know swore to herself as a child that one day, she would take the wrong, illegal and immoral experiences done to her to flip it. Take all the negative productions of others who hurt harmed her to make sure she wouldn't do the same things to others. Well guess what, this person was me and still is to a degree.
But through learning and maturing and living good experiences of my life, as well as moving past all that bad; I realize I got my own demons too. I got my own immoral, unlawful, and negative aspects too.
I do not strive to be perfect anymore. I do not strive to put on a show for no one. I do not seek to create understanding as I once did about my life or to defend or offend the truth by the facts of my own life's experiences. I started using my new skillfulness to enjoy my life that I have gained through self-therapy of learning DBT and enhancing the good of me while trying to decrease the negative of myself.
The TV series, Breaking Bad, is a perfect indicator of the good versus evil dilemma that each individual human endures. It's extreme in the storyline and believable characters of Walt and Jesse plots to produce meth.
The entanglement that comes from their individual desires to be wealthy and for Walt to provide for his family as well as his own personal passion for the chemistry behind making meth is a show that leaves ones questioning their own self. The moral. The lawful. The positive. The negative. Family. Friends.Employment. Love. Hate.
I have been consumed into Breaking Bad on Netflix. The sorrow and grief I am feeling to see the series ends breaks my heart. As if I have been having a secret love affair of this show's explosive, realistic and soulful doses of truth and facts.
It's only estrogen's interpretation I suppose or the fact that I get overly obsessed and consumed whole heartedly in what I do or view of my favorite shows and movies.
But on this Valentine's Day, the show Breaking Bad comes to mind for it is a "Damned if you. Damned if you do not." Kind of life
that each of us has felt, survived, thrived and lived to enjoy through.
Being individually who you are and accepting your dark shadows and your brightest lights you have to share and offer is a personal journey that each of us can only truly travel alone anyways.
Sharing with others is wonderful when time and opportunity allow us to enjoy the presence of those we enjoy the greatest. But even as we are birthed solo in this world; we will journey solo to meet our death too.
Do not regret or beat yourself up so bad over the things you have did in your past. Leave them there. Learn and move on on to continue and enjoy. As long as you are not hurting another intentionally, you deserve to live your life by the standards you
accept about yourself. It has taken me almost my whole life to believe this in myself too. To stand up and say take me or leave me but my life will go on by the directions I choose. To feel good about every Yes or No I speak and share. To be affirmed in my choices and the consequences of my actions.
I think that's kindly the whole summary of the Breaking Bad series. If you live life by the "Damned if you do" or "Damned if you do not" by the standards set by others for you; then you have already lost out on living life by being with the
wrong company the whole time.
Sacrifices are meant to be made in every relationship we have; but when you find yourself
giving more resources or being the sole problem solver to other's problem creations; it's time for a change.
My favorite Breakfast Club quote from the 80s gives perfect example of how to give individual acceptance to self as a enlightening view too.
"Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us.
In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...and an athlete......and a basket case......a princess...and a criminal...Does that answer your question?... Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club."
To each generation their own discoveries of who they are but for me, somewhere between the Breaking Bad at the Breakfast Club; I accept all that I am! Good. Bad. Negative. Positive. Perfect. Imperfect. Moral. Immoral. Lawful. Unlawful.
Take me or leave me but I will always be your loss is my motto!
Television shows and movies has a way to creep in our emotional veins and to make addicts of us. Leaving us to the silent thoughts of our individual self. What we do with this information that we gain from the media we enjoy is entirely up to each of us.
I admit that I am a brain, athlete, basket case, princess, criminal, Danger & a Yo Bitch!!!!!
So, what truths or facts do you admit about your self, your life, and the relationships you have current in your life?
No one can tell you what love should or should not be for you. No one can tell you that are you miserable unless you choose to believe what they say about yourself.
For me, every day is a grain of sand sliding through an hourglass. What I do with those
sands of glass are up to me. I can spend time in grief, loss, sorrow, or regret counting each sand as a constant reminder of the mistakes and hurt done to me or I can pick that sand up daily to make the biggest, largest and finest creation of sand castles that wants to be built! I choose to build new sand of time every day that I am granted to live and hope I have others who share the same excitement of living daily life with too. For good company of the best stuff in life is the sweetest aroma, taste, and sensations a person could give and receive in.
Traditions and dates on a calendar of history is only a sharing lesson and nothing more. To be respectful of any holiday is to live it truly as you feel you need and want to do to produce your own happiness and perhaps, even enlighten some one else in their holiday. But to each their own defining and meaning.
For if Valentine's Day is a thorn in your side today or always was; ask yourself, What are you doing to remove the thorns? What are you doing to grow your own roses for yourself? Why are you wasting time by not being the bloom you want to be?
Company of people we keep will either be a reminder of thorns we have or be the blooms we need to enjoy life. Even in opposite attractions of relationships that produce negativity; it can be positively used to motivate a liberal from the conservative. Or in perfect soul mate love, it can be an undeniable experience that carries you through all sands of time to keep you moving proudly in who you truly are and having that one special person to share time with.
Time is too short to let another define you or to share company with anyone that takes more than they give. Humble yourself. Say thank you. Wear your emotions proudly and smile and share laughter every where. Time will always be too short in retrospect and we only have today to make sure those we love know it and those who do not love us back are let go of.
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