News headlines occasionally strike emotions up in me over one ignorant fact or another. But today's newest corporation movement headlines makes me angry by their discrimination to not sale my legal addiction choice of tobacco. Not that I purchased from this store; but if one store can do it - watch out for others will too. To discriminate against one addict without offending them all who make poor health choices is hypocrisy of service to all customers! So what are the real facts for CVS Pharmacy banning tobacco?
CVS Pharmacy announces they will be banning all tobacco retail products from their stores this year. CNN reports an in depth article of CVS Pharmacy plan to stop selling tobacco products. They claim this is to promote "health" to their customers by limiting access to purchase tobacco.
But what about the other dangerous unhealthy items they sale? Tobacco is only a portion of the major health issues produced by a consumer's choice to purchase what they want contributing to their poor or ill health.
What is the real story behind their decision to ban tobacco and lose millions in revenue? Could it have something to do with greater financial benefits of hidden tax credits, health care deductions and health care incentives to their corporation hidden in the pages of Obama care? What business would give up millions of dollars in revenue if they were not going to profit in a larger margin? Think about it.
As a person who chooses to uses legal tobacco instead of other unhealthy addictions as my choice; I can tell you in my rural area of subjection and professional experience of working with others and being around a rainbow of people who had unhealthy addictions and made poor choices in their health care - that tobacco is only one slice of a very large pie of the unhealthy addictions that people do.
Tobacco products and their users are publicly demonstrating their unhealthiness. They know they are considered unhealthy and publicly critized and boldly do not care what onlookers view them as. For we are real and factual that we enjoy the unhealthy product! But it's an easy visual target to debate, dispute and verbally down or judge another human being for their choice to use tobacco. Calling one addict bad or unhealthy does not pardon your own unhealthiness either! Some of us just visually do not care to legally use tobacco as our unhealthy consumer choice!
Publicly tobacco use is becoming less accepted with rude looks and snarled noses of how bad a tobacco user is when they light up in public or spit out a wad of tobacco in a spit toon or on the ground. Tobacco users are legally proud people because they are not ashamed of their unhealthy legal choice to use tobacco.
Unlike the many alcohol abusers who have diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines, withdrawals, large bellies and obese weight issues that they carefully try to keep hidden behind the peering eyes of the viewing public by being closet drinkers or are addicts of alcohol to cope in their life.
What about the individuals who use food or soda as comforting addiction foods or who purge and gorge them self in unhealthy food choices that creates a very visual unhealthy Body Mass Index size where their mid-section or formerly known as waist used to be?
How much does it cost to treat anorexia or bulimia? What about the prescription medication addicts who take so many pills that they never know if they are truthfully feel high or low because their medication isn't balanced to tell them? What about the psychotropic prescription pill users who consume caffeine or alcohol that adds insult to medical injury and increases their unhealthy side effects with their medical treatment plans? What about the "health" retail items that are not even FDA approved?
If you want to discriminate against smokers CVS Pharmacy then go right ahead - but for me; I will continue to pay my higher rate of health care insurance and legally light up and if other corporations choose to quit selling tobacco to stop a smoker from smoking; I will grow my own natural tobacco!
A Person I Used to Know never would contradict nor boldly state the obvious of getting into public debate about anything of political or current news topics. For this person believed, their voice and their experience could never be validated nor even valued by no one but self.
For the close critics she knew as family was more rejection than she could take to allow anyone else in to trust them to be open and honest with them. She would not share her opinions or her views and inquiries for along time. Not until she met people who believed in her and motivated her and encouraged her was she able to trust others and trust her intuition of self to share her experiences. This person used to be me.
I felt like I had no voice for myself. I had no right to have an opinion. I had no right to raise questions or raise inquiries about anything that went on this world - even if it affected me personally. I had no right to get involved, unless I was asked too and then it was only to the wishes of the person asking for something to be done specifically to their catering. Not anymore.
For if anything, in all the years of my former silence - this had taught me that I deserved to be spoken to as a human being but I also deserve to be heard, just like anyone else does with issues that affect them.
I speak, even though, I am not extremely educated nor am I in a wealthy social status or even that I am smart in any particular subject; but I still deserve to speak and be heard because I have a voice and my views matter too. Just like every one else who enacts their legal right to use their Freedom of Speech in America!
My personal experience of who I used to be and who I am now - has taught me that using your voice will not only help you and contribute to others as well. It is because of our shared experiences and nothing more that we give and receive the greatest assets of being humans progressing together. A wonderful asset of humanity that can be found no other way than sharing experiences.
The price of speaking up or talking about anything of conflict can produce hurt, but when your motives are true and you want to enlighten another to think outside their comfort zone - speaking of personal experience is the only way to go.
You learn as much about your self in your own values and the mistakes needed to be corrected as you do to guide another.
Isn't that taking the most valuable asset we have in our experiences and sharing it with others to give awareness, prevention, and problem solving a whole new meaning to produce effective solutions that is fair and equal for every one?
Not many would agree, as they are more comfortable as problem creators in their homes, families, jobs and in their personal health issues than they are problem solvers.
I do not ever like calling out any specific people for how they live their life as long as they are law abiding and moral people.
But thanks to you, CVS Pharmacy for doing just that by discriminating sales to legal age smoking customers. If you are not going to be fair to remove all unhealthy items for retail sale, then leave tobacco alone or be honest of your factual motives for doing this. Consumer minds want to know the truth and facts. Health prevention and healthier consumer movements do not cut it!
I never purchased from your store and never will now. But to call out tobacco as the worst unhealthy product to buy; it will only be your profits that you will hurt. For what does go around, will come around in financial Karma business games that produce discrimination.
Here are a few facts about unhealthy consumer purchasing choices that contribute to cancer specifically by the National Cancer Institute at: These facts are for you CVS Pharmacy!
Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and heart disease.
P.S. Tobacco consumption is the most visible unhealthy product use - so it makes it the most targeted for critics and discriminators too.
Heavy or regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing cancers of the oral cavity (excluding the lips), pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), esophagus, liver, breast, colon, and rectum.The risk of developing cancer increases with the amount of alcohol a person drinks.
P.S. Alcohol consumption produces unhealthy Body Mass Index and obesity that contributes to diabetes and unhealthy weight to increase other health risk factors.
During the past several decades, the percentage of overweight and obese adults and children has increased markedly.
Obesity is associated with increased risks of cancers of the esophagus, breast (postmenopausal), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), colon and rectum, kidney, pancreas, thyroid, gallbladder, and possibly other cancer types.
Obese people are also at higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a number of other chronic diseases.
P.S. Obesity can occur from unhealthy food choices, sugar addictions, soda addictions, and unhealthy diet and lack of exercise when consuming unhealthy food products. Alcohol contributes to obesity and unhealthy Body Mass Index scores that give prelude to increased health conditions when addicted to high carb or sugars with no exercise to burn off what is digested.
Addiction facts by:
- The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
- Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance
Very few individuals in this world are not unhealthy addicts to something that can be purchased in retail stores.
Tobacco users are already discriminated against financially when reporting to their private health care insurance companies that they smoke. I know personally, for our family pays an increased $40 a year on our maximum family health care cost because I choose to be addicted to cigarettes and choose to report it to our health insurance company, so I will never be denied treatment should tobacco ever cause a severe health issue in me. It has not so far after 20 years of use. I have had more health complications and expenses produced from prescription medications that were supposed to help me and recreational alcohol use than I have ever from a cigarette. I am on no prescription medication with doctor approval and could be on anything I want if I choose to take them. Cigarettes are my safest medication of choice and a pleasurable addiction.
I do have diagnosed medical conditions but these conditions are genetic based and medical side effects produced from trauma and criminal abuse that I endured as a child.
No one is banning registered child abusers from being consumers of children's products or banning the obese people from buying a candy bar or a person that wreaks of alcohol from buying another beer - so why ban tobacco?
To call one product out that produces unhealthy risk side effects without restricting them all is discrimination and not a very wise customer service effort to produce healthy customers.
People were surviving years long before medical care coverage became a political game, as well as a profit and tax credit business.
Millions survived without seeking medical services and will continue to when push comes to shove of restricting people's choices to buy and sale as they wish. I speak from personal medical experiences of my own life and health issues.
I go to a doctor to get a diagnosis but I research what can I do to help myself and my health and medical conditions I have. Medical care is a just a GPS medical defect locator for me - but I steer the course of my health conditions. I research. I learn how to build new upon the old of my life through education and knowledge that will help me to help myself. I eat a healthy balanced diet. My healthy BMI for my height and weight prove this fact of me. Without the traumatic circumstances of my life and poorly shaped genetic feet; I'd be as healthy as anyone else and in fact, look healthier than most - with or without my legal choice to use tobacco!
For hundreds like me, that I do know personally - Mind over matter is still the most important factor to retaining a sound mind, healthy body, and productive brain - with or without a choice made to what unhealthy products a person chooses to use.
Best wishes to you CVS Pharmacy on your new "health" agenda and customer discrimination.
May your discriminating public announcement to tobacco users follow with loss of business that will leave you questioning and answering, "What is health prevention from unhealthy retail items and what are the profitable products after all?" In terms of healthy and unhealthy in all consumer products and the health risks associated with each - you have more research to do and a public speech to be made of the factual reasons of your motives of doing this.
If you think most people control or even care about their medical health - think again and research the statistics.
America is a spoiled abundant nation with many citizen addicts who increase their diabetic issues while continuing to drink soda and eat sugar food. The obese individuals that will not lose weight even with threats of heart attack, stroke, knee joint bone issues and general weight issues.
Individuals who seek medical care to get diagnosed and do not like their diagnosis so they do not change their lifestyle to produce the healthiness they need; like we all choose to do or not to do.
One individual unhealthy discrimination does not make it right to slam another. But in a health care system of America where we all will pay the ultimate cost for what each of us do - you better believe, I am going to throw out my words of my views too. What produces high medical cost for one in unhealthy choices will be financially contributed to another!
CVS Pharmacy - Do not squint so hard at one bad product to prevent sales - when you might put your own eyes and wallet out while doing it!
Complete news article at CNN:
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