Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daily Connections

Every one has their own routine or regimen of tasks, hobbies or fulfillment
of time that they do. For some, it consists mostly of television, cable, or Internet.
For others, it is doing everything but the above.

I know for those who have no Internet connection or electronic connections that
they could not imagine the hype of new electronics,
daily typing or texting addictions and the being glued to a monitor or screen some where.

While those who do this repetitively every day, could not imagine life without having
some kind of electronic tool of pleasure or social fun at their use of every minute of
every day.

I think moderation is truly key. Unplug one's focus of electronics to be active in their
community, at their home with who they reside or even getting outdoors to admire
and appreciate nature that never fails to provide a peaceful aura to us, when we stop
and take focus of the magic youthfulness presented that only nature can give.

These last few weeks, I have had more technology and computer issues that anyone could
possibly imagine. Unless you speak the language of BIOS, hardware issues, jumper cables
in a computer and power sources and internal processing that make a computer light up
and function properly.

A Person I Used to Know was as a curious watcher of anyone that would tear open
broken things to diagnosis problems. The million pieces to find that one broken piece to put it
back together with hopes of operational repair.

The individual who watched a repair person tearing up something to fix something was an excitement
that probably only children get to view. Adults complain of costs. Adults fear the expenses. Adults
think the worst of everything broken and forget the journey of taking that one broken piece laid
out in a million piece array to fix it. Adults forget to compliment their self when repairing things.
Adults forget alot of the simple joys that only children can get when things break.

This repair person that I witnessed as a child was not afraid to take apart televisions, VCRs, washers, dryers,
motors for coal furnaces, motors to vehicles, transmissions to vehicles, computers, and anything else
that had a case or a housing that needed to be removed to find the covered internal workings of an object
to fix it. Many times, it did lead to piles of discarded trash from others that this repair person felt they
could diagnose and fix cheaper than buying new again.

This person was me and still is when it comes to fixing or repairing versus buying new. The repair person
I childishly enjoyed watching fix things when curse words wasn't flying or slinging tools didn't produce fear was
my father.

He was a dark personality with a criminal silent and social soul. But his intellectual ingenuity that
did repair many items in my youth would always amazed me with his fearlessness to fix things that were broken.

He had a relentless hope to repair things even if he kept plain trash. That was his addiction to fix the
unrepairable. It was the most valuable thing he ever taught me that I still apply in my life now.
To repair what is broken if possible but avoid buying new. Somehow, that never left me including my own

Even though his actions of his life produced more negative than positives to me; I can still smile and
recall happy that my criminal dad taught me.

For his criminal ways would always produce and reflect a greater shadow on who he was and the choices he made negatively
in his life that produced ill harm upon others. But his life could have had an endless possibility of potential
had he only applied him self in a lawful and moral standard. For his intellect knew better but his dark addictions
never could allow him to get past them.

One does not have to be an expert of any specific trait, training or education to be a contributor,
but very few see it is as this in our detailed oriented
social culture of acceptance or rejections we live in.

But I learned my fearlessness of life about mechanics, learning, and ethic values of working, being productive
and even repairing many things in my life from this person I used to call my dad.

I do not speak to him anymore. Sometimes, the criminal aspects of a person's life and the safety of your own life; do play
key important factors in who you associate with now and do not anymore.

But every time, I break down a computer tower to get inside with amazement of numbers, operation factors,
and every cable; I am in as much awe as I was when I used to watch others do it and now I am doing it.

Sometimes, the greatest obstacles we must face to survive our experiences will teach us lessons that we value
even when we are surviving.

These survivals can be conflicting for others to survive or even understand. But the thing is that if you can overcome
a tragedy of loss of any kind and still smile or laugh about it when emotions settle of shock and time allows
you to reflect back with a smile or a happy  memory; take it.

Let that happy memory be what you retain and not the bad. Memories are like a processor in a computer. They do try to
over ride the logical or rational reasoning of life. Emotions can be very disabling as a virus in a computer would be.

But in changing thoughts, perceptions and how you choose to see something, instead of just constant gloom and doom;
your brain will accept the new views or visuals you give it of memories. Those bad memories will slowly be erased
and be replaced by the happier views, perceptions and thoughts that you give it now.

Reprogramming the brain and emotions
is hard to do for the human body has no reboots, no new disk drives and no internal jumper cables to try again.It takes
sheer personal and individual will power to do it.

I used to be the world's worst person and even at times still catch myself falling back into the old of my unhealthiness
of thoughts, emotions, and personal perceptions.

For one thing today would go wrong and it was automatically the fault
of something that occurred almost 20 years ago.

Painful trauma does have an invisible way to keep producing
unhealthiness inside a person that churns like a hurricane until you learn new skills to help you to step out away
from the hurricane.

To accept that mild storms and things beyond your control or even things you did that were in your control;
can be changed. It is never easy to change. For it is so much easier to tell others how to live instead of
focusing on changing self.

The daily is a present gift that is meant to be lived in the moment. My daily addiction is this blog, along with music, working
with my hands whether it is typing, learning to strum a guitar, sewing, reading, singing karaoke and for me; electronics add value to myself
to help me feel good.

I feel productive when I am doing all the above.These are not the only things I accomplish every
day for myself but they are my top happy day producers. Getting on Facebook to give my friends and family a cheerful
hello or a quote that might help their day or sharing laughter that only the insiders of the joke who shared with me will get.

But unplugging one's self with moderation is the only way to balance it too. Too much of a good thing can lead to being a bad
thing. Just ask someone in jail!

I should feel shame to admit to strangers on my blog that
I am an addict of this daily electronic happiness known as my computer and Internet socializing and learning; but this
works for me. No one else has to understand it. They only need to accept it or not. That's their choice.

For my happiness in me, comes from within deep and I only wish to share that.

For the tragedies, traumas, and unexpected life's surprises are out there every day waiting to rock some one's world
upside down and inside out in some types of personal, individual or family issue. If we can not share the rainbows
we feel; even when going through our own hurricane; then what is living life all about anyways?

I came across this quote and feel compelled to share today. Basically all I am doing is touching bases today and hopefully
now that I am electronically stable again after many hours spent on this computer problem solved; I'll be back at the
factual learning curve I am on and sharing facts of life in a whole new view that covers many topics.

"There is no wifi in the forest, but we promise you'll find a better connection." - Unknown

Moderation is key to every thing to build, gain, achieve and produce consistency. If you must be a criminal,
do it in moderation and make sure that you will be only hurting yourself in the worst case of scenarios or
present the facts to your life of what you are doing. Be affirmed in what you choose to do for yourself.

People have been confusing, using ineffective communication and telling others what they should or should not do
for as long as the first human beings spoke upon this Earth.

So live life by your comforts. Live life to move past
your discomforts. Seek no acceptance or understanding from another human being. Seek only to share and keep moving
forward. For to do otherwise, is not only to decrease your own happiness and validation in your self that others
simply can not and will not give you. They are not the living, breathing soul that you are and you are not they.

Adults can be so selfish, centered, stubborn, rude, immature, mean, cruel and quite manipulative and vindictive.
How well you get along with others of these worst character traits is entirely up to you to be as they are and participate
in their shadows by allowing them to become your own or simply moving forward to step into the sun and appreciate
all the beautiful warmth, bright, and feel good you choose with out this shadowing darkness upon you.

We all must find that daily joy that adds to our self and our life. We are no more responsible for assisting others
to find their joys than they are for us.

I am thankful that I do have wonderful, caring, sharing, enlightening and positive
people in my life. Though, their roles in my life is not as daily absorbing as I would like to share with them
due to distance, time, space, and finances - we still do the best we can to know we still care enough to reach out to
appreciate each other. That's all we could ever ask from another.

To make time to share laughter. To share smiles. To create those happy memories that are waiting upon us
and even when they pass as life continues on; to appreciate the emotional values that they happened and learn to
move forward from.

Life can either be lived in reverse with regrets or to keep moving forward. Regrets are in the past and do not need
any more time in the present than what you consent to give them. Nothing should ever be avoided in life because honestly,
you can change your perceptions, views and emotions toward anything or anyone that you want too.

If you want change, you can make it happen even if you have to learn new skills and seek the ability
in yourself to become fearless and try.

If you already feel like you failed then what do you have to lose by getting right back up and keep trying to
move forward.

If we waited for others to keep picking us up; we'd never walk and never have a life anyways.

Anyone can do it when they want too. So every day become the moderation person you wanted to always be.

Forget fears. Forget rejections. Forget strange or stupid comments.

Be yourself and be the happiest that you want to be, even if doing it solo. You may have never been in control of the
genetics of your composition or those early years of your life. But the you that you are today and every
day forward; you do control. You can change what you want to be, feel, think and become in life.

No one can ever take away the core of your internal but you.They
can try. But they will never win, no matter what they do; unless you consent to their beliefs and never establish your

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