A Person I Used to Know never feared introductions from meeting new people. The opportunity to meet new people was always a welcome one into her life. I do not know if was because they were that bold or had the tenacity to call every one a potential friend. But I guess she really figured that until she was proven wrong she had nothing to lose anyways and maybe some one else to gain in her life instead. She never feared any one she met nor would she disregard any one based upon the opinions of others either. For she always figured that she had been hurt the most in her life by those closest to her whom swore they loved her and never hurt her but they did on traumatic levels. With the fear of surviving her trauma she figured strangers would surely be nicer to her than what she had already survived anyways. She did not have anything else to lose in any giving any person a fair chance.
This person was me and still is to this day. I smile when I meet strangers in public. I can strike up a conversation with anyone.
I am the vehicle that stops at a red light and allows those in a parking lot trying to get out to get into the center turning lane because they are going opposite their line of travel. While those behind me look at me with a mean face in my rear view mirror like one vehicle and a stop light would go any faster anyways.
If I am in a store and have a buggy full or dozen so of items; I'll let the person behind me go in front of me that has fewer items than I do.
You would think that people have forgotten how to be humane to one another. My opinion from my experience honestly is that most never learned how too nor matured up to produce the humanity they want the world to be.
Even if I can only do one act of kindness with a smiling face of an action to ease some one's day when I am out and about; I do it. It is not an option to me.
Time is not that much in hurry for me and even when it was; I'd rather arrive late and be alive safely on arrival than to hurry and die or kill some one innocent who is trying to get through their day as I am.
I feel it is time now for all my readers to officially be introduced to me. For many reasons, I kept this blog anonymous. Mostly for my own piece of mind because words can not be really held accountable to you if they are given in secrecy, right? Wrong.
For everything we post, send, and electronically share online whether it by blog, text, email, social networking or anything we browse online we have one thing that follows us that tells dozens where we are. Yes, you are tracked and traced online even when you delete your cookies. If they need to find you, they will. Whether it be for honest finding or a criminal's attempt to steal identity; you are traceable as I am.
All electronic devices have an IP address or similar code stamped to where it came from. That IP address on even mobile devices can locate to where you printed or sent something from. I would say every content go through a dozen eyes at least to reach its destination and maybe even more them that depending on what you send and share online.
Most businesses and social sites and even blogs, do everything they can to cater to all clients account settings by their wishes and account management, but even then; it is not fool proof.
So with this said; just be careful. The biggest way I can introduce myself to you is in a YouTube video.
Besides my hobbies of learning, writing, sewing,sharing and making fun with my time with these hobbies I enjoy; I also play an acoustic guitar. This guitar and I have been progressing for a few years now. We still have a long way to go to ever achieving that goal I want of making tolerable sound with musical perfection.
I am not talking profits of any kind. Merely matching my vocals to the pitch of the chords and notes I am playing and being able to play music in time.
In having Bipolar, I disregarded it for many years. I accepted only what I wanted to hear of these symptoms and nothing that catered to self-management, self-learning, self-help and even constructive medical advice for a long time.
I finally gave in a few years ago to learning about Bipolar. To really dissecting the symptoms that applied to my medical condition and how severe my hypo mania was at times that created such horrible sleep deprivation in my life and made me a workaholic and a manic in many ways. Over extending myself where I should not have been and not taking care of myself like I could have.
I found that my symptoms had immature overtones to them. Impulsiveness - Fast speech ( like a little kid who was dying to be heard) - Racing thoughts of all kinds of ideas that I would never be able to materialize and an extreme obsession to people and things. There are many more but I think you catch the drift of it.
But with DBT therapy, I have learned to control my internal and slow a long way down. This has even impacted my guitar playing and learning because I do not always sound like a hamster on a wheel anymore.
Though still not perfect, it has helped my Bipolar too. It has helped me to slow down in my singing. To feel the annunciations of words in my throat long before they come out of my mouth. Muscle memory is what singers who do it for profit would call it.
But for me, it is becoming one with something that it is teaching me something about myself more than any other creative instrument I have ever used could teach me to gain from it including helping me with my medical conditions.
I will continue to blog as time and health allows. But I felt it was time to share the introductions of myself.
For I have shared many deep, crazy and sometimes, even insane notions in my blog but that is what makes blogging so much fun. To have a written release that feels good when exercising the fingers on the keyboard as well as a personal mind massage. I have an outlet to share my experiences that could potentially be used to help another enduring difficulties in their life too.
Believe you me, there have been thousands through the years of many different topics, formats, books, and media content that I have shared personally and professionally.
I share my YouTube channel with you of one of my favorite country classic songs. I have many. But there was always something about this song, Help Me Hold On, by Travis Tritt that I always felt needed a woman's perspective.
For we females are a stronger, devoted, loyal, and stuck on glue kind of species to our goals, families, friends, and offspring more than the male gender could ever really know. But even we, as super females, do get tired, weak, and need something or some one to help us to hold on too.
I was barely a prepubescent when this song came out. But even as a pre-teen enduring the trauma of my life back then; I knew that to be a female adult and responsible mother and good human being that I would have to some how find that something I would need always to do that.
This song always got me through and still does. For sometimes, actually many times, solo is all a person has to depend on to keep picking one's self up. Others will try but no one can have the strength to give you what you need but you to make life as you wish.
The facts of introductions are as follows:
- The act or process of introducing or the state of being introduced.
- A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
- Something recently introduced; an innovation
- Something spoken, written, or otherwise presented in beginning or introducing something, especially:
From now on when you fear introductions or have butterflies in your stomach, do not. The person you feel apprehension toward probably has the same feelings meeting you as you do them. Some really do just hide it better.
a. A preface, as to a book.
b. Music A short preliminary passage in a larger movement or work.
So if you would like to know me - Cynthia Cox, the West Virginia blogger, writer, seamstress, guitar player, music learner, karaoke addict, poet, advocate, public speaker and a lady who has more medical issues in her one life than most will experience in their entire family then I recommend my personal YouTube channel and my song that always works for me: Help Me Hold On; acoustic cover at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahRtMjyHk6w&list=UUeGZcllUynxwIVdoSI13v0A&feature=share&index=6
Thank you for making time to let me introduce myself. May you write an email one day to share your introduction with me also :) May you never be afraid to say hello to a stranger again and the butterflies never make you sick at your stomach from meeting some one new, ever again too!