In a few hours and already occurring in parts of the world - depending on the time - Happy New Year celebrations will ring out of a united humane hope of 2014's new birth upon each of us. Another year to say good bye permanently too and a new beginning occurs.
For New Years means individual defining. Personal goal setting. Personal hopes to achieve. Personal and individual wishes that are shared or silently held in.
Hoping that better, happier, healthier and fulfilling lives will occur in 2014 that 2013 did not fulfill to happen. Millions will come together to celebrate a welcome of a New Year or to weep the passing of 2013 or honestly - do both.
Holidays, celebrations and even in the birth of a New Year - we each are our own emotional creators and emotional human beings above anything else that we are.
But thanks to 2014 - we each have a clean slate to draw and emotional quests to fill. Now is every person's time to make it happen! We each are filled with no regrets and only hopeful wishes. Dreams will hold us hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm as the New Year strikes midnight to announce 2014 is finally here!
I enjoyed my break from blogging and did miss it. But the fun hobbies of quilting, sewing, and giving my creations to materialization have allowed me a wonderful holiday season and participating and spending time with the family was nice too.
But time to get back at it now. For my fingers do enjoy releasing my thoughts, discoveries, and sharing the journey of my life with others. Not that I am any expert or professional of any craft but the diversity I have gained through my experiences can help others - so I share. Years past of my life still remind me how my efforts to share will keep paying life forward for others out there.
Someone I Used to Know was secretive, seclusive, and though entertaining and sharing with others was always this person's objective when socializing with family, friends and even strangers - inside - this person was about as mixed up, confused, emotionally living on an internal overload, and internal stresses of a hard knock life that left this person alone, many times, even in a crowd of smiling and laughing faces.
For creativity, individuality, and being one's own person was the hardest accepting factor this person had to overcome. And she did. And she is still learning how. To let go of all the bad, unhealthy, and complicated issues of health, family, friends, and let the past go to enjoy each and every new day.
For the new skills she is learning is helping her to undo all the internal unhealthiness she was taught, subjected too, hostage in, and contributed to of herself with a very dysfunctional, unhealthy, abusive family and moving on past all those experiences to gain a new healthier for herself from learning how and admitting to her self that though, she was not bad or a criminal person - she still had lots to learn. That person was me.
For decades, every New Year was my time to get it right. In this individual and personal mission to literally and actively make myself better than the person I use to be from a year ago - with each passing year - I am finally maturing and appreciating all that make who I am and changing what I can of those things that I thought and felt was once unobtainable for me.
For decades, medical complications were the primary focus of survival I had to acknowledge with my troubling symptoms, seeking medical professionals to cope or control these symptoms and then some how wrestle these symptoms around my daily life.
It was difficult for so many years. For I always felt like for every ounce of discovery I would make - there would be another medical obstacle of diagnosis that would reveal itself making it that much harder to make some kind of tolerable sense out of to manage my active life.
For years, it was like I would introduce myself in name and then start the detailing of the seizure disorders I had. A hard factual teaching of my life to others for my prevention and their actions to do in case I had an unconscious convulsion seizure. But many I shared with had already became biased, bigots or just plain ignorant about the medical facts and medical prevention of seizures. The discomfort of my topics about seizures and medical prevention was my normal and did not bother me to speak about it but it did wear heavily in empathy, sympathy or ignorant irritation to many faces I shared this with.
As the years unraveled my medical diagnosis were compiled as: Epilepsy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Non epileptic Seizure Disorder, Bipolar, Trichiasis, and as a medical icing about my feet unhealthiness were bone bunions and bone spurs in both feet along with the top of my feet that suffered from nerve damage from years of excessive walking in improper shoes, heels and going barefoot. I will miss going barefoot more than all of the above!
Feet surgery, more frequent eye exams and even possible lash plucking, a roulette of prescription medications, hours of talk therapy, hours of alternative therapy, and more extensive brain testing to find out the origin of where my seizures come from not including prevention to all of the above what I already had but the preventative maintenance to these piles of medical disorders that I never asked for or choose - was at times - more than I wanted to contend with.
For it was not just education about seizures anymore I would have to share but a medical dictionary - it seemed at times - especially when employed. But I have found out through my medical experiences that there are as many supporters, others who endured what I had and found a whole new family based only upon the medical diagnosis and experiences of surviving and living that we all done and did with our medical conditions.
When we get over the fear of other's feedback, input and their rejections or acceptance - we find acceptance in our self. I have yet to ever regret or find more negative people than positive people especially when sharing medical conditions.
Medical health is a fact of life that touches each of us differently as a contributor or deprave of our daily lives and when we all learn to mature up about these things as acceptable topics of conversations - then we each can learn a little more about each other and our self too. Humanity can be found and maybe even restored at a more civil level when we first get over our self and our experience of feedback to actually listen to another first.
I knew the medical and scientific mechanics of my body issues through years of research and could accept those to cope. But the internal of my Fight or Flight Response system, the unhealthiness of my 5 senses, Central Nervous System and Autonomic Systems in my brain and body were extremely stressed, tired, exhausted with medical symptoms and emotional instabilities.
So what can a person do when your medical resume increases beyond anything you ever done constructively or in a professional resume of productivity while employed? You change. You learn how to change. You never give up in a hope that one day, you will find the tools or the new healthier skills that you need to help yourself - as only you can. You validate who you are and affirm to accept what the symptoms and medical conditions reveal about you and then you get active to help your self - not only to live a healthier life but a more satisfying state of medical health too.
For Dialectal Behavior Therapy with emotional intelligence and emotional understanding from a novice perspective was the best gift I could have ever choose to embark upon and learn for myself.
To admit that I was taught so many unhealthy ways that had became my own through the years was the hardest admittance of facts of medical, experiences, and circumstances that I would endure to do. But it was what I needed. I worried more about others and helping others than I did for the internal of me. For years, I was able to assist productively but when I wore down and thin by my own thoughts and unhealthy emotional dialogues that were within - I became paralyzed externally in tears, verbal ramblings, and a pile of insanity for others to witness who could not begin to understand the long journey I had made through life just to share time and conversation or emotions with them at that point.
For a child is to be birthed into this world where every one that a child comes in contact with becomes their teacher, educator, mentor, lawyer, medical professional, judge, lawyer, defender, offender, protector, safe keeper, and motivator of encouragement or an unhealthiness of detriment to a child's life.
Very few realize the impact that one's presence can make in a life of a child and others. A person should never take it lightly in lacking skills to manifest healthy productions in another or as a contributor to the unhealthiness multiplications that exist that we each are responsible for in doing to self and to others.
After all - we are all factual imperfect human beings prone to errors, mistakes, and imperfections that will not only hurt our own lives by the individual choices, actions and words we use - but when a child is around to see, witness, learn as gain or becomes deprived of - they become the unhealthy imperfections we teach them or the healthier perfections we illustrate to them in our own actions.
Oh! The wounded adults in our current day society that exist due to those chilling years of learning, hating, anger, bitterness, deprivations or happiness that began long ago and still entrap some of us today - even if in only in medical symptoms and diagnosis.
I am learning how to break the unhealthy symptoms of my own medical diagnosis from my experiences to unravel the medical devastation of ignorance, bigotry, biased, unprotected and criminal crimes done to me that left me with medical repercussions. But only each can find in their self to undo their own damage.
Only each individual can seek the unhealthiness of their own medical conditions of symptoms. Help is always out there waiting to be found for each - when each first admit their problems to self and seek with resilient and persistence to never give up in admitting, accepting, and believing in your self of who you want to be and make it happen.
This New Year we all get a new lease on life. Another year of blank pages waiting for us to write in potentially the best year we have yet waiting to be experienced for us.
In this New Year, I urge you to evaluate the Person You Used to Be too. To admit, accept and be honest with yourself. Admit what you like. Accept what you do not like. Then seek the individual change within yourself to make it happen. Find tools, skills and healthier learning to help you.
It has taken me almost 3 and a half decades of my life to find the peace internally with these new skills I needed to help myself to silence my symptoms for good.
Does that mean that I will be as a perfect healthy person - No. For anyone to believe that good health will always be your perfect friend or will occur in your life is a fool. To disregard that medical complications will never come in your life or that another person's diagnosis will not become your own is to believe as ignorant would.
But to admit and accept that of which makes sense to you and work to change it or accept and cope in a healthy manner of what you must face is all any of us can do and wish for.
For life is never guaranteed and there is no perfect attempts only endless efforts to keep trying.
Try to attempt and complete a daily resolution in 2014 for each day. Every day with hopes to accomplish. Every day of dreams to learn and advance to fulfill what you want.
Inside each of us is a Peter Principle. Never deny that a Peter Principle exists in each of us. To disregard that we each are a Peter Principle is to take away the humanity you owe to your self to find and learn to grow in new skills and deprives those closest to you that will remove all doubt of how ignorant your ways, closed circuit your thoughts or unhealthy your emotions are, and the unhealthiness of your actions, words, or choices to produce more pain in you and in others closest to you than it already has. It maybe too late to undo whatever bad or unhealthy that has occurred but it's never too late to begin to change and begin healthy anew.
For as the New Year gives us all a new year - it introduces a new birth of self again! So one can take ever day and make it brand new to use as you choose!
Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year in health, wealth, contentment, happiness, and completion that you deserve to know internally and to share and explore to grow externally! May humanity to each individual be restored by learning how too and may our society that we share witness the efforts of personal individuality productions too!
“If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.” - Unknown
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.” - C.K. Chesterton
“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” — Walt Disney
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