Friday, December 20, 2013

Take Control of Sorrow

A Person I Use to Know lived their life with a daily and weekly visitation from sorrow, grief, and an internal constant sadness that was sometimes too difficult and depressing to want to continue on. Learning how to control sorrow, grief, unhappiness, and sadness were the hardest emotional conflicts that ever endured. But she is learning. She prevails. That person was and is me.

Sorrow comes to visit each individual many times in life. On the scale of a number system to give number to the pain produced of sorrow - grief or unhappiness and sadness; it is only up to each to become aware to what these words mean to one's life; how it happened; and where to move forward or regress backward from it. Does your grief or sorrow rank a 1 out of 10? Is it a 10 out of 10? Only you can be aware and learn how to grow control of the emotions in your life.

I am learning many things about emotions that I never knew until committing to this education. Emotions are meant to be a source of information for the human brain and body.

But through heritage, history, culture, nature, nurture, individual experiences and religion - most have been accustomed to defending their emotions or offending some one's emotions.

All a person has to do inflict pain is to speak about politics, religions, sexuality, gender biased comments or condemn another for their lifestyle choices and the battle of war begins of emotional ingredients.

Perhaps, if we could seek more into emotional understanding of our self to grow a healthier sense of emotional fulfillment within - we could see, be aware of and even respect those who we disagree with - but we all could safely co-exist together in this world.

Perhaps, if education can grow our profits then why wouldn't emotional understanding help us to grow our own morality and lawfulness as well as extend the same freedom and privileges to others without condemnation too?

Discrimination is alive today in verbal emotional slavery, creating hostages and tormented people as it ever has been alive in history.  All the social advancements that we create and enjoy in luxuries or comforts can never eradicate or stop the pain that millions suffer from in their emotional individual conflicts and lack of awareness to seek and achieve healthier ways to solve their problems and ensure they do not repeat these individual problems that end up multiplying to the masses.

No one is 100% right or 100% wrong. There are no experts that reside above the core of another human being.

People of professional titles are created by individual choices they each make to create a financial lifestyle of comfort and perhaps to provide service to others. That is all.

There is never any reason to be intimidated by anyone or fearful of others. For they cry the same way you do. They laugh in the same processes as you do. They hurt, feel pain, feel agony, have worries and live an emotional life like any one else does.

When you scrap away the titles that is used socially about people -. they are as human as you or me.

It is only through our emotions that we are all equal. If you view another person, people, and yourself as an emotional contributor or destroyer - it enlightens. Gives way to understand those of emotional conflicts and why. Gives solutions to solving emotional problems. Not excuses, blame and negative emotions that has became the way to solving problems with ineffective techniques.

For the weapons of war are not as dangerous or as large a threat to the Human Race as those who seek to emotionally destroy because they emotionally suffer within. The conflicts we experience in society are due to the differences we experience in our emotions and how we react or actively retaliate upon these emotions.

I read quotes every day. Every topic imaginable - there is a quote that exists for it. Quotes have their own musical entities without a sound for their messages can be powerfully moving just as a song lyric can be or the beat of steady drum or loud guitar riff in a song. I give no priority or biased or judgments to what religion, beliefs, or political affiliation or role of a person that has written a quote and shares their quotes. Because a positive message is a positive message. Positivity makes for motivation or courage and spreads some humanity enlightenment of cheer.

Dalai Lama makes a very valid point - "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." - Do you know what your compassion to your self is? Do you practice compassion within your own thoughts, emotions and the silence that churns in you? Does your internal being feel tormented, tortured or are you at peace?
Compassion is an individual personal value that only a person can grow or learn how to produce within. Compassion to others will follow and increase in one's life - once a person obtains how to gain compassion within self.

I leave all this information of sorrow from for you to draw your own education from and perceptions about.

Compassion is a key element that can ease, release and free one from their own binding sorrow, griefs, unhappiness, and sadness within. But only if a person is willing to admit, accept and seek solutions to their emotional problems.

In life, we use tools all around us every day to entertain our self - entertain others - socialize globally through social media and even keep in the know of the celebrities or role models we have.

But how many really think of their words as tools or their emotions as tools or even weapons? How many spend more time playing or entertaining as their primary focus instead of learning how to grow their knowledge, acceptance, and compassion of self with new healthier tools?

I am not an expert. I have experienced so much diversity in my life that I only seek to enlighten others as I have been enlightened. I am an optimistic person who has applied new skills and knowledge my entire life to survive my life and enjoy living. I have never been afraid to seek and find new knowledge, tools and skills to assist my life and assist others in my journey to live. We are contributors or destroyers in this one life that we live. We are not in control of many things that occur or happen to us but the areas that we can be in control of is where we need to start questioning and answering and doing something directly hands on in our life.

I dare you to take a few minutes. Document on paper the good or healthy you have done in your life and for others. NOW - document on paper the bad or unhealthy you have done in your life and for others too.

Which list is longer? What aspects would you like to change? What do you know how to change? What do you NOT know how to change? There is your keys to controlling your life and taking control of the sorrow, grief, unhappy and sadness.

Today is all we have to ever achieve. For the past is gone. Tomorrow has not arrived and may not arrive. So make today as an every day resolution. Do something for your self to help your self to learn and grow. No one can do it for you - no matter how much love - you think you have or how much you want or need. Even love takes giving contributions as well as receiving love. Compassion does destroys sorrow and grief. Grow some compassion for your self and others today. It's never to late to start - Today.

Mental suffering or pain caused by injury, loss, or despair. See Synonyms at regret.
A source or cause of sorrow; a misfortune.
Expression of sorrow; grieving.
To feel or express sorrow. Synonyms - grieve.

the characteristic feeling of sadness, grief, or regret associated with loss, bereavement, sympathy for another's suffering, for an injury done, etc.
a particular cause or source of regret, grief, etc.
Also called sorrowing the outward expression of grief or sadness
distress caused by loss, disappointment, etc.; grief.
a cause or occasion of grief, as a misfortune.
the expression of grief: muffled sorrow.
to feel or express sorrow; grieve.

an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement; "he tried to express his sorrow at her loss"

emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being
devastating sorrow and despair; "he is recovering from a broken heart"; "a broken heart languishes here"

sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; "he drank to drown his sorrows"; "he wrote a note expressing his regret"; "to his rue, the error cost him the game"

sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation

a stimulus with undesirable consequences

intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)

state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one

experience (emotional) pain; "Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers"

"There is no greater sorrow than to recall a time of happiness in misery" [Dante Divine Comedy]

"Into each life some rain must fall" [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

"Sorrow makes us wise" [Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam]

"Sorrow is tranquillity remembered in emotion" [Dorothy Parker Here Lies]

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