Tangible or material items that we can touch, hear, see, taste and smell are easier to accept for the brain and body as fact. You can literally describe many aspects of tangible or material possessions and even people without judging. The height, width, color, textures, hard, soft, smooth, rough, smiling, laughing, and rough are a few of factual details about people and items.
Describing emotions or the use of our 5 senses is not so easy to do, even for the most centered person of the core of self. For most - through ignorance and even culture - does teach us about the physical, mental, emotional, psychological and medical symptoms we feel first - before we tend to get to the root of the problem; even if the core problem of self is in their limited emotional perceptions and unhealthy uses of their 5 senses interpretations.
I expect most to perceive this as harsh, cruel, cold or even mean to say as this. But a person can tell you that they have butterflies in their stomach from nervousness or that they have a rapid heart beat and erratic pulse that signals a panic attack to them. Others will tell you their palms get sweaty when they are in a crowd and prefer not to be socially engaged. Others will tell you that they feel lonely, alone or even out of place - with people they have spent most of their life with, money with, and a home with too. But how many can tell you the intuitions of what they feel or think in silence that preludes the eruption of the physical reactions in the brain or body?
For they can tell you the problems that have been caused but very few can go back to the root of it or are even aware of it. But if we could learn new healthier skills to apply new perceptions or effective healthier skills about the root of what you feel or think - more than just the focus of solving the physical problems - how much more could medical or even science do to accommodate and help our lives of the many unhealthy people out there?
With human beings it is not as simple to go back to a root of anything in the human brain and body and especially the intuition a person has or their silent thoughts or silent emotions.
It is easier to focus on that problem - in the present - than to get to the root of an issue. Evidence and facts sometimes are very hard individually to extract - depending on what a person has lived or survived in their life through experience and even the nature and nurture of one's life will become the foundation they develop from. These earliest sources of information, education and subjection will become the root of a person. Many want change but very few know how to produce the change they want, need or seek in their life.
If a person internally or externally is subjected to the unhealthiness at an early age then wouldn't it be fair to say that they - perhaps do not have a medical disease or disorder - but what they actually have is a pile of symptoms that were created from an unhealthiness ignorance that has tarnished with them for so long in their way of life as they know it; that until they find that source or root of the problem - the root can not be eliminated but only the problematic symptoms to be treated without ever healing or curing the root?
Science teaches us the basic roots of chemicals properties to give structure to problem solve but also allows the ability to give creation or invention to potentially solve new problems through the Periodic Table.
Mathematics teaches a broadened horizon of math skills with the basic roots of numbers so letters can be combined to solve the most complex of math issues when a person knows the root of these numbers.
Perhaps, if we could educationally construct the same principle format that these valuable and necessary tools of math and science demonstrate to us - then medically, scientifically and morally or socially - emotions and the 5 senses could be used for as the valuable and factual information they were intended to be in our lives and as healthy data to input into our lives with simple knowledge as these educational entities of science and math have already taught most of us to do.
Loneliness is that one emotion and all of its synonyms that tag with it - can be a unhealthy or healthy resource in a person's life. Depending on their individual perceptions, facts, ignorance, and experience; this emotion will become as they believe it to be in their life.
It can either be a complex symptom that produces many unhealthy reactions in the brain, body and thoughts or loneliness that can actually be a very healthy fulfilling emotion where being alone is something to never fear or hate or be angered and bitter at again. Loneliness does not have to end up in the worst of depression unless a person fuels it and allows it from within the core of individual self.
Skeptics exist every where. Humanity and the human race were created and motivated with as much skepticism to prove others wrong as it was to give purpose, function, order and ability to problem solve in our civilization. The history pages are loaded with those who were skeptics or feared change of the unknown concepts of those who believed in something greater than what they had ever been told or ever seen with their own eyes.
If skeptics had truly won - we would never would have had electricity, indoor plumbing, automobiles, tools and know how to use those tools, computer, Internet, mobile devices, telephones, cell phones and every aspect of life - as we know it - was built upon one person who believed in a passion or idea of their own self and willing to not let skeptics or assumptions or speculations get to them to move forward with an objective and plan of focus they had. The most beneficial tools we use today were created by one person who gave no fear to skeptics, disbelievers or those who could not comprehend what they were seeking to achieve in their creations. Perhaps, if we applied more intuition into the psyche of individual development and realized that we are all imperfectly deficient in something of self - we'd all realize how equal we are beneath our exteriors.
I have opened discussion many times about emotions and the 5 senses with others since starting my DBT therapy and even reflecting back into the Person I Use to Know in self like my own history of learning to supplement anything of research that I could learn from others. For this self-evaluation is as important to the healthier change I want to gain - as well as it is to merely expecting another to do for me, what I can only do and achieve for myself.
For the experience, survival and living that a person does with their actions and consequences of life choices holds essentially valuable information and gives lessons to draw and gain from and to learn from.
Not from what others tell you or what you been formally taught in education or from others - but a reality from within that can not come from anywhere else. Opinions and facts are nice when we need quick advice to solve problems from others but primarily, I believe, many answers to questions about life and what we have experienced or problems we have do - these answers and their roots exist within us and it is a personal responsibility to extract these answers our self.
Primarily, the emotion of loneliness is a great starter focus of that in which I share. Do you hate loneliness? Do you feel unloved, uncomfortable, unsupported or have dread in the time you are alone? Do you hate to feel isolated, desolate and do not know what to do with your time or your emotions when loneliness is at the spike of the feeling when you are alone and the reactions it produces within you?
Personal perception and healthiness of loneliness can be learned how to not let alone, solo or solitude give you fear, depression, or scare you anymore or leaving you in depressed state of health. But learning knowledge does takes personal motivation and an individual desire to apply what you learn for it to become beneficial or healthier in your life. In learning new skills about emotions and even a healthier approach or perceptions about the use of our 5 senses - can be achieved, but each individual has to want it. They have to be truthful about the facts of their life.
Many, including myself, have clung to the word truth as the only armor known in life to be freed or attempting to escape from internal baggage of hurtful, damaging, unhealthy and dangerous situations or relationships an abuse survivor leaves or someone in traumatic events or circumstances tries to heal from. Truth protects, defends and gives freedom. But truth is individual and personal. Truth is not always fact nor can evidence be given to prove truth so facts and truth are completely different things after all.
The facts of truth is that facts can be proven externally to others in the cause and effects of events - as in a court case that prosecutes and convicts someone guilty of a crime or proves them innocent by a jury of their peers. Not a perfect system but still one that attempts to prove facts in a case and not truth.
The facts in the case presented will supply enough evidence from two separate stories of who is trying to tell the truth of the matter versus someone who feels their truth should win. So truth in a sense is nothing more than an individual or personal perception. Just because the truth maybe evident or not to others, a person knows the core of their truth of what they touch, see, hear, smell or taste in their life.
Facts can give new informational insight in a dose of healthiness about accepting and moving forward past anything for a person who feels unhealthy or damaged by their truths. Facts and truths are really two different entities.
Though socially perceived as twins - with truth and facts - they are tangibly not. Facts give and provide the tangible. Truth can not always do that. Truth can only try to describe without judging. Facts can describe with evidence and give judgment based upon tangible entities.
Even in the worst cases of human abuse or tragedies upon the human race - logically and rationally it makes for healthier sense to view these words of truth and facts as two separate entities when dealing with human emotions, teaching about intuition and healthier individual thoughts and perceptions or interpretation of the life a person lived and survived.
Quotes to display how truth and facts are two separate words and actions. These quotes give detail to the processes of healthiness and unhealthiness produced by conflicting the definition of the words we use in facts and truth.
The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence. - A truth verifiable from experience or observation.
Pure truth, like pure gold, has been found unfit for circulation, because men have discovered that it is far more convenient to adulterate the truth than to refine themselves —Charles Caleb Colton
The truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch … you may kick it about all day, like a football, and it will be round and full at evening —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
The truth kept wandering in and out of her mind like a lost child, never pausing long enough to be identified —Margaret Millar
Truth, like a gentle shower, soaks through the ears and moistens the intellect —Anon
Truth, like a suit of armor, stubbornly resists all attempts to penetrate it —Robert Traver
All the durable truths that have come into the world within historic times have been opposed as bitterly as if they were so many waves of smallpox —H. L. Mencken
Many times, individuals want someone to put a blanket on their loneliness.
For their individual truth of their perceptions, speculations or assumptions have nothing to do with others in their views because they become accustomed to just accepting the familiar, similar and hurtful road or unhealthy habits with thoughts and emotional individual engagement as they know it.
They find it easier and quicker to want someone to put comfort or support or encouragement to them based upon the truths of their lives of never receiving this or perhaps, to lash out at others who do appear to have what they do.
Many people in our current human race - I believe - do seek out in others that of which they can not find, fulfill, heal or cure the root of the problem in self. Criminals are primarily the individuals who can not healthy solve their problems so they retaliate by seeking hurt or harm upon those individuals who do appear to be better problem solvers than they.
Even in solving problems, envy and jealously can be as much as unhealthy contributors to social disorder as much as anything personally an individual endures too. Skeptics and those who are comfortable or ignorant in their culture or lifestyle do not like any one or anything that rocks the boat of comfortable balance they have.
But if a person can not find the root of their own problems, they can never solve them either, now can they? Admitting one's own emotional, mental, logical, rational, psychological, and educational limitations will be the hardest feat for anyone to admit, accept and work to overcome the unhealthiness in their self to accomplish a healthier life. For the deficiencies we all carry in our lack of knowledge, perceptions, assumptions, speculations, ignorance and views does limit the healthy we could learn to obtain and promotes and prolongs our own unhealthiness.
We can allow others to blanket our loneliness or other emotions that distraught or hurt us. But we must never seek so long in the journey of our lives to find in others - that what we can not learn to fulfill in our self first by seeking out to not only the problem but the root of that problem, even if that source of root, is primarily self.
Generation after generation carries so much baggage and creates and brings the problems of yesterday with it.
It's human nature. It's human nurture. It's geography. It's economy. It's community. It's familiar. It's foreign. It's strange. It is ironic is what it is.
Because we all tend to focus on the problems of our lives than seeking the root of our individual problems that have increased problems with others in our lives and then we wonder why individuals are becoming more unhealthy, more chaotic, less social functioning and escalating into people who can not get along humanely in a safe and healthy environment for us all.
A root exists in all life and every tangible and intangible item, material, or human being. The Earth has a root. The ground has a root. The clouds have a root in the sky. Humans have a root.
But until we view social order, social function and the way we treat human beings and individuals and take awareness of accountability for rooting deficiencies too - we will continue to be generation after generation where history repeats itself.
Unhealthiness will continue to increase and healthiness will only be something future generations will read about. You can not give vaccinations to emotions. You can not use the 5 senses, brain or body to stop the unhealthy effects that events and circumstances of traumas produce in a person but you can be your own vaccine and medication to your 5 senses after trauma or unhealthy events in your life by learning healthier focus and effective education to apply directly to the core of yourself.
Each individual can choose to learn how to not focus on the symptoms of the problem but instead go back to the root of that problem. To gain a new healthier perspective. New knowledge that could be beneficial in undoing damage from others but also the damage one does to self as well.
Not all medical conditions can be solved and fixed or healed and cured because of the tangible evidence of the facts of cancer, diabetes, organ failures and other conditions that give to mechanical failure of the brain and body.
But in many conditions, the prelude that begins the symptoms that are experienced begins internally with silent thought, emotions, and what a person does those few seconds before their symptoms occur.
Even with healthier education, it may not completely release a person from all their unhealthiness within depending on their medical conditions and the symptoms they will experience but it will logically and rationally create a more stable environment of healthiness for the individual brain and body to reside in.
Very few people will sit down with their children to teach them how to deal, cope and work through their emotions in a healthier manner. Why is this? Well, now recall upon self - who sit down with you as a child and talked to you about your own emotions or the use of your 5 senses too?
The humanity we seek to build with our tools, knowledge, skills and foundation of life that creates society to sit upon as a foundation is commendable indeed with the luxuries and necessities we have today in our homes and our communities.
But until we view people as individuals before harmful classifications and as quick solutions to problem solving or medical condition fixes - we will only to continue to decline in morality and the human race will continue following the problems, putting a band-aid on the problem and never realizing the effectiveness of root extraction that we can do and achieve through learning healthier skills to take care of the source of our problem. If factual educational learning of root could be applied to psyche of human understanding and individuality development, where could we excel our human race too? What kind of humanity of equality could we really achieve? What more could we develop in our economics, science, math and profits when we realize the importance of root extractions in individual human beings?
Perhaps, this is my wishing concept and my beliefs as a hope to achieve if only in my own dreams. But anything that plants a seed to potentially grow a new root of a healthier or beneficial way of life for others - is still worth it for me to attempt, share, and keep on dreaming.
Many hurt, solo, and lonely people are out there unhappy in the silence of their self. But options and choices can grow through education, learning and applying healthier skills. Mind over matter is still the most unused resource we each have to apply to our lives and our healthiness and multiply in our human race.
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