Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Fear Factors of Isolation

Today's word, Isolation, is my new word of the day. These DBT sessions of learning Mindfulness and being Present daily with Observe, Describe without Judging, and active Participation give my every day a joyful focus and objectives to set, tasks to meet and a healthier way to accomplish my daily.

Each day, while doing these 30-60 minutes sessions - I am gaining effective skills of learning how to apply my 5 senses in a different view of engagement. I call this learning a new approach to reprogram my unhealthy 5 senses produced by PTSD into learning a new healthier perception of them and how to activate them.  I am also enhancing a healthier literal emotional understanding with this new education that does proves to be like an "Awe Ha!" moment every day. It grows my own awareness but also toward others too without being this ball of roller coasting emotions that could set off fireworks, as I have done in time past from not knowing better.

This is why I share. Perhaps, hoping to provide a little new insight upon words, emotions, and to those who suffer with their 5 senses in survival struggles that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can produce upon a person.

A Person I Use to Know, primarily in self, while learning new skills is like casting off my own personal bad behaviors, negative or hurtful thoughts to self and emotional roller coaster by finding a healthier liberation and relief of my medical symptoms.

The mind is truly more powerful and healing over matter - than probably medical or science can clearly answer. Perhaps, it is having a personal belief in doing something like this of what one feels or is logical reasoning that makes an effective difference today too.

In the word of isolation - I found the vast and wide factual dictionary meaning of this word. The application of cause and effect or actions from productions of isolation - is more extensive than this blog will allow me to document. So I will summarize the best I can. In sharing of new words or my experience - I am learning from my own unique destination techniques to obtain a healthier life, mind, brain, emotions and my 5 senses. I only wish the same for others to find the tools, skills or assistance they need to overcome their own medical complications or personal issues in their life as well.

Isolation can occur every where at any given time of the day, where a person is at, whatever they are doing or speaking - and one does not even know it - without conscious awareness and logical reasoning that isolation is breathing and living.

Isolation and avoidance usually goes hand-in-hand with PTSD - depending on the severity of the PTSD and what an expert rationalizes as the safest and most effective treatment for patients and the general public.

It's hard to use avoidance actively for patients of PTSD without patients feeling at times, of isolation. Especially when the "expert", appears to know best what a patient needs. It's all in good advisement to protect the patient from becoming too stressed or increasing the 5 senses triggers that contribute to nightmares, flashbacks and other side effects. But in a complex disorder that PTSD can be - it makes it difficult for those who knew a person before PTSD and to know them after the diagnosis and course of treatment. PTSD can make a stranger out of one's closest loved one or family or associate - but it doesn't have too entirely. Patient choice. Medical effective treatment and sometimes, it takes a patients own desire to learn what PTSD is and how it directly impacts their life and why and where to proceed in healing from this disorder.

For decades, I have personally researched, advocated and been on my own personal mission of every medical diagnosis I have - along with the circumstances and genetics that have contributed to my conditions to learn how to effectively manage, treat, and function in life with these items of my life that I can not deny. For me, this is my normal and I have no shame nor should I feel isolated anymore because others do not understand. I have always found that more will understand when we get over our own fears of speaking about difficult topics than saying nothing at all. My life has benefited more in talking about the difficult topics than the fear of saying nothing at all. People are more equal in the basics of our human entities - than we expand our beliefs to accept.

It was through my own research that I have gained and learned the valuable skills - I needed to be productive in life, when I was able, and to safely care for myself knowing my boundaries of healthy and unhealthiness - I have had but also to never fear in keep learning to help myself.

Even when at times, many times - through my life; the misunderstandings, perceptions and interpretations of others about my behaviors, actions or choices has left me feeling very isolated or on a path by myself; I move forward in progress.

Every day, I am a work in progress. Most do not function as this and I understand this and respect them for that. For their stability, order, routine, function and consistency is something that I do not have. I have not had it since my first seizure back in 1995. But I acceptance this. I always figured with my health that it doesn't matter what others believe or even with the best of intentions of doctors, therapists or my medical resume of seeking help that I have compiled in my life - if it works safely for me - it's only stupid, if it does not work.

I'd never been able to accomplish and got to live all I have - without the efforts I have made of my own research. In this DBT tweaking of focus on 5 senses healthy reprogramming and emotional learning - I am gaining a new healthier daily application to my emotions and overall general health.

Many symptoms of medical, psychological, emotional, and general healthiness or unhealthiness - all stem from an origin - of our own silent thoughts, internal processings of those things we feel or say secretly to self when no one is around. This center of core that lives in each of us will become the actions and exterior appearance of who we are, what we do in life and how we live our life. But there is so much more to it beneath our skin, than I fear most, would care to indulge and learn about.

The dread, fear, anxiety, worries, frustrations, hurt, pain, and scars we carry as unhealthy baggage are a ripple effect of the knowledge, logic, reasoning, and understanding of acceptance we have about our self image, reflection, and the secrets of our lives and survivals we carry.

Many times when I worked in a profressional environment in time past - I discussed many issues of life with many associates who were friends. Their personal lives were hidden in chaos versus the profressional I witnessed doing a great, productive community service every day.

The hidden addictions of harmful alcoholism, domestic violence, child abuse survivors, religious affiliations, political party, illegal marijuana use, prescription pill abuse and even just unhappy marriages were all many aspects of private conversations that others would share with me.

For being a lady of so much experience of survival and living life - I can not say I am wiser beyond my years - but I can emphathize with others and do make an effective listener, I always have.

Because there isn't too much any one can do or say to me - that I haven't already witnessed or survived or lived it. I have no shock factors of people and the actions they do either. Experience is a teacher and what we do with the lessons we are given can contribute to our overall healthiness or unhealthiness too.

But in working and through the years that I did not work outside the home and even now - isolation plays a daily role in the background of many lives. I speculate that many are not even aware of it. If they truly were aware of it; then this word would be dialectically spoken more.

The fear or anxieties and worries that people do because they are afraid of what others will say or how they will be publically perceived is a threat to be prevented about in some regards - but not one a person should exhaust self in over emotions or silent thoughts of self-dialogue that it causes one to lose focus of their goals in the moment now or to wasted resources of worrying about in a cause and effect that has not happened nor chances ever will.

Our fears of isolation or being alone or outcast because of the facts of our choices has probably threatened and damaged many in their lives or even events or circumstances that occurred to them.
Stresses of fear in pending lay-offs, getting fired, terminated, demoted, cast from social or religious organizations or even social scenes or associations of family and friends are all factual elements of life that can create momentary chaos and produce isolation in a person's life.

Anything that threatens or silences a person because of fear that produces an action of withdrawal, in cases, of isolation whether by personal choice or having no other option to protect one self's but through isolation - can be life altering and changing. Medical issues can be the biggest reasons why a person would feel isolated or extra cautious when changing their life from the Person They Use to Know and who others knew in them to the person they are today.

Just as laws, politics, and social or economical factors do not change as fast as the crimes increase, social desires financiallly escalate, hobbies or even to increase financial gains or recoupe financial losses - so do most individuals - do not change unless something makes them or forces change upon them.

We do excel in a fast paced world around us that is globally linked; but in each individual person - we are almost stationary in who we are internally and externally. Our beliefs, our experiences, our lifestyles, our geography, our emotional witnessing, formal education versus the school of hard knock life culture survivals, and everything we choose or how we choose to live all play a factor in what we will do, won't choose to do, and what we allow others into view of our life.

I have never gave regards to other's assumptions or speculations or opinions about me. For this is my life, and we only live it and survive once. I feel that by constantly learning, I am gaining. Even if the only accomplishment I receive is a healthier state of mind, emotions and overall general health internally or externally - I do this for my medical life to survive it with hopes to achieve the best quality of healthier life for me.

The rotation of the Earth travels around the sun every day at a faster pace of speed than most humans ever will to be open too or optimistic of, or self-seekers, self-motivators and self-helpers. For it is easier to be stationary in everything we do as witnesses - then actually be out there in it or contributing to it or even changing our own ways to achieve a healthier perception, interpretation and increase our options in life.

Isolation is a daily contributing factor of millions of lives. Survivors or victims know this word personally and the hardship of isolation's survival. The trauma or event of circumstances will change a person. Any medical diagnosis can and will produce unhealthy results in a person's mind, body and even with emotions. I can not say that we can ever stop the pain of isolation or the hinderance this nasty side effect can be in a person's life after enduring something terrifying, medically, profressionally, educationally of life alteraction or horrific circumstances. But it can not hurt to try to achieve healthy past factually reality of change.

No one should ever feel isolated by their own choices they made or their medical conditions or financial status and any other reason that causes them to feel less than adequate or out of place or alone.

But it does happen every single day of every single second. But in learning how to be aware that isolation does exist, does live, and survive upon the faces of probably every one we meet or talk too - it kindly gives a new compassion upon others I would think. It should also help a person to realize that they are not the only one enduring the feelings of loneliness, a secret, a bad mistake or harmful choice.

Humanity has alot to learn in interacting with others who are different than they. For it is easy to teach a child to grow up, be a good person, go to college, and achieve a healthy financial status with responsibility as a contributor to society. But the humanity can be lost as time, history and family unit heritages prove over and over again - that the factual truths of humanity and general healthiness of people come not from the comfort or conveinance of one's lifestyle but that in which we do or experience that is different. Many will use differences against a person as a controlling or manipulation tool and even to bully others that they simply fail or do not care to understand. This occurs every day in the work force. But it also happens in every corner of our communities too.

Learning how to be friends or at least respectful with those who are completely different than we are in biological age, gender, financial status, geography, religions, political parties, and even race or sexual orientation. It is through our ability to change, progress, and move forward in a different life than those before us that we create, grow, and enhance a healthier social environment that we all do live and share  in and will lead to contributions to one another.

For individuals retired or disabled are some of our greatest teachers that we invalidate. They have their own specific experiences or knowledge to share. They have lived a life that could detail the differences of their generations like no other class of people.

Their history of experiences is our present and our tomorrow. Their teachings offer input of where we truly have been, what they have witnessed, survived, endured and how they live. Their medical input, feedback and experinces personally can guide us to the future in many ways we live life. These individuals possess diverse knowledge produced by the experiences they live. If experience is not treasured as valuable lessons to be shared by others - then I do not know why any one would bother to teach from outdated scripted lessons when we have present teachers in our society that we tend to isolate and invalidate. These unproductive thoughts and generalizations of discreditation to others different than us or simply ignoring their valuable entities is why our civilization will always be two generations behind morally than the humanity we could have.

Our Veterans and members of military and their families have valuable insight into the destructions and the new creations that War, training, discipline, loyalty and preservance has taught them through resilience. They are our teachers of primary examples of the healthy or unhealthy produced by the freedom we are granted in America. Their genius is from their experiences. They have a greater teacher quality and potential to help our humanity and effectively enhance the human race more than any class of citizens. For their sacrifices to serve us still represent a community of their own that give way to how the rest of us could function, survive and thrive to live too with one another. Their isolations produced by the cause and effects of their experiences to serve us could teach us in a healthier way of life of how to prevent, stop and become aware of the prices we pay for the luxury and neccessities we share because of their sacrifices they made for us. Their experiences of where we have been can guide us into the presnet and future of where we should not go again nor should have too. They are our prime examples of a humanity to become.

Our children are our primary investments into the future. Many times, I have heard many parents, teachers, and adults quote, "I have learned more from them, than I could ever teach them." I would have to agree and factually say it is true.

For in every generation of children and teenagers that pass us by - these individuals are presented a new changing culture, social practices and acceptances and financial world they see while geography doesn't really play that much a part of it as much as the sense of community, home, and the people they are directly involved with on a daily basis. Their insight into our adult lives can teach us and guide us and direct us to the humanity that we tend to lose focus on or become unaware of because adults do tend to get caught up in building a life and one day, they wake up and realize - it is gone and passed them by. Children and teens feel our direct changes in society quicker than any adults do. I suppose it is has always been that way. For their courses of learning, social challenges, and daily impact to progress and stressful motivations done to them by parents who seek over achievers in them - it is hard for anyone to clearly define the stresses that children and teenagers endure because we are usually ill-equipped and unhealthy in our parenting roles or adult experiences to help them.

I guess more than anything, just being aware and learn. Never fear. Never become anxious by your own doings. Never lose time or focus worrying about anything. Deal with it only when  it comes. Being aware means to know that something could adversely occur but not losing a second thought about it or a good night of potential sleep from it.

Prevention can be given to all aspects of our lives to keep us safe, protected, and free from harm. But over analyzing and worrying about things that chances are - will never happen - is not healthy to do but it produces unhealthy side effects in the body, brain, emotions, Central Nervous System and Autonomic System and many more underlying processes of the mechanical and chemical productions in the body. Do not do that to your self or others.

We'll never be a perfect society where Peace is on Earth nor a humane place to be without fear of terrorism or criminal activity or some kind of circumstance that will occassionally rock our boat.

But in dedicated learning of even the smallest of healthier efforts we can do for our self and in our immediate lives to mend our selves from the survival and living of our lives - we can gain acceptance of our self, achieve greater understanding of others who are completely different than us and in the end, hopefully all achieve a civil existence with one another that will make us all more healthier and less unhealthy toward each other and a lot less stressed too.

Just as we have only one life to live - we all only have one Earth to reside up. Your land is my land. My land is your land. Your damaging of Earth will affect my life just as mine will yours. Your choices will impact me just as mine will impact yours. Even if all of this is only evident to fact in our children's lives or the retirees of tomorrow - impact from you or me - occurs just the same.

When we assume and presume to know others - without factually getting to really know them - we can never solve the problems that affect each generation. Our issues continue to increase, our social division continue to increase, our future becomes as bleak and dark as the history pages we try to progress from.

Isolation is nothing to fear but will take understanding, conscious awareness, and learning to respect the healthy aspects isolation can teach us to stop the unhealthiness that this emotion can do to a person, people, and our population as we know it. Be aware of isolation and even when you do it to yourself. But never inflict isolation upon another. For the pain of one's own survival maybe more of a burden than they can medically or safely cope with as it is. To promote pain from isolation through words, actions or ignorance is truly the worst attributes of human behaviors when we fail to become aware, learn and work to prevent the moral damage we have allowed to be done and continue to do. Try. That's all any of us can do. Keep trying to move forward. Admit. Accept. But keep right on moving by taking a healthier travel and working to make it less unhealthy for your self and others too.

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