Thursday, November 7, 2013

What Money Can & Can Not Do

Money is the universal topic and language that every one knows and understands or is affiliated with. But many do not grasp what money can or what money can not do. I am still learning what money can and can not do for me so do not feel bad. Money forever changes as one ages and with each new year of passing in age so does the value of money importance to decrease or increase of priority in our life.

This is southern rural lessons about money that I share. I am not an expert of money. I have made as many financial mistakes as I had positive successes surrounding the use and application of money in my own life. I share these lessons just the same for prevention for some or awareness to others.

I view money as a relationship. Unique concept I know. But think about the entities that make a relationship with another positive or negative. The attributes of human emotions that we enjoy about others or the negativity of emotions that we allow them to produce in us.

Money can fulfill you life. Money when used wisely establishes a trust and truth found from no other object we will possess. Money will security, safety, and can work to benefit us when used wisely. Money can buy luxuries or neccessities. Money can buy us trips, event attendance, social gatherings and even social acceptance with anyone if the price to belong is high enough to reach the financial standards of others. Money is a manipulator, liar, and a thief when used as a weapon of hurtful motives too. 

Who do you blame when money problems? Who do you curse when someone uses your money fortunes when you gift or share with others who leave you when the money is gone? Who do you value in your life that have money? Now who do you value in your life that has no money? Think about it carefully. Money is a relationship builder and can be a relationship breaker too. So when two are involved in the giving, receiving, and sharing of money then who is really at fault? One. Both?

Money can buy you neccessities to sustain you in life set by the budget you create. Being identified in the money choices you create, make and want is the first step to making money work for you. Not making the money you need to accomodate your lifestyle? Get another a job or skillful training to help promote yourself to reap the financial life you do want. If that is not option, what is wrong with acceptance? Accepting that one has limited financial means with the basic neccessities of life is not a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks and the same to be said of money - about money and what we choose to do with that money.

Money can buy you materials. Money can buy you relationships. Money can buy you seniority and respect. Politicians prove this theory:) Money can buy you a beautiful house in a wonderful gated community with entities to spoil anyone. Money can buy you a specific social class of friends and associates too.

But what can money NOT do? Money can buy you a house but not make it home. Money can buy you a relationship but not a family. Money can buy you wonderful entities of spoiling but once that spoiling is gone, is there anyone there with you to celebrate without the money being tossed to and fro? Money can buy you medical tests and medical resolutions to a degree but money can not buy you positive, serene, peaceful and thankful life. Money can not fill your heart with the best of life's offerings though it can financially help you not to struggle as much when money in abundance can be a coping skill or escaping the reality that awaits when the money is gone.

I have lived the flip side of both of the coins of money. One in abundance. One in limited supply but sufficient enough to survive, live comfortably and happily. 

Money taught me that the problems I do have in my life are plentiful enough that no amount of money can fix. Only I can fix my perceptions, views and gain the skills I need. That if I have no respect for money can and control about the life I do want - then I am better off not having money at all.

I lost many friends when my money dried up. If I reached out to hug them financially of going here or there or doing for them in money - they were there. But as soon as my opportunities decreased because of my financial limitations, so did their willingness or want to reach out to me.

I suppose it has always been this way in the social hierachy of financial matters and where money was the motivator or weapon of destruction. That those who had money were some body special and those who had no money were nobody. 

I never understand that about social interactions, social acceptance and social cultures as this where money is the centerpiece of entertainment and every one dances around it as fools going broke into deep debts of which they could never afford anyways.

America has become a financial joke. National debt is the political headlines as the only issue to be solved. But if you calculated 1 dollar for every problem that America has we would realize that the money matters are and should be the least of our worries.

Money can not build a better America or class of citizens no matter how much is invested or is spent. The better of America is within each individual to contribute, communicate and organize as a community unity. For each experience and lesson one has to share and give about money matters not only brings resolution to a complex topic but also restores emotional fulfillment and educational opportunities to help grow the individuals in this country.

Money was only meant to be a tool in our life - but never our whole life. Money was never meant to be as a weapon or an intimidator to no one. Most Americans assets of their values far exceed their financial ability to pay for these debts. Their income and savings ratio is well below their expenses they pay. The lifestyles they maintain above their limits are credit card debts- get quick items on high interest payments at stores that extend this conveinance to those who truly can not afford it. It keeps others in business temporarily but usually it will end in bankruptcy for credit card companies and businesses who function on high interest loaning for material possessions.

Money is never something to be fearful of or even to obsess about. Because if you clearly define the purpose, function and control of your money - you have nothing to be afraid. Because your relationship with your money is wise. You know that you can not afford something, so you will not do it. You know that you can not buy love, so you have no one to impress with your money. You have no reasons to compete with anyone financially so you simply say No. You respect your money and your money respects me because your primary objectives with money have been set and you will follow it.

Took me along time to not hate money, be afraid of money and to quit obsessing about what money can or can not do and how I wished I did have more. I learned to respect the pennies I have and make the most of them. Others who truly appreciate me for who I am still friend me even though, I have nothing financially to give. My medical conditions would have benefited the most of all with medical treatments but I can't say after 20 years of running to and fro; that they could give me any more helpful resources than those I find for myself in new skills anyways.

So you see, Money Can Help your life and solve some of your problems. But Money can not give you life. That must come from only within. If you do not trust your own relationship with money then how can you trust anyone else?

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