Monday, November 11, 2013

The Emotional Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day is a day of memory, expressions of appreciation, and to honor those who served our freedom, liberties, and hope for peace in America. The brave men and women who gave of their time and their lives so that we can be free in our country. A day to mourn. A day to remember. A day to celebrate. A day to give Thanks to our most valuable citizens who reside in our country. This emotional holiday affects each differently. So celebrate their service with their loved ones who appreciate them. So attend Veteran's Day parades to display visual honor of those gone before us and those who are still with us. For some, it's just a day off of work with paid benefits without giving regards to the day at hand and why or how it exists.

I am emotional every Veteran's Day. Happy, sad, humble, grateful, sincere and griefs of sorrow - all in one day upon a calendar of a holiday. Veteran's Day has always produced emotional feelings in me. But the more I live, the longer I experience life around me with others that extend beyond my own family - I hear, see, listen, hug, laugh and have supported many of the faces in many different communities who give celebration and memory of those who have served us all by their labors and devotion and unconditional love with actions of bravery, courage, honor they have earned and keeping the hopeful mission of peace alive and moving forward.

However, you experience the day of Veteran's Day - please let it be for those or about those - that deserve a day of silence, prayer, celebration or memories. For their faces, their names, and their stories of survival is what allows us to live each day and continue on in what take for granted. We can never and must never neglect this day as a day for ourselves. Tomorrow can wait to get back into the normal of our perception. But today, is there day. This is my salute and Thank you for you. I commend you. Your actions of service give me hope to keep trying and fighting my own obstacles to live and see that day where peace and freedom can be obtained with out the steep sacrifices you have made for your service to us. I am grateful and thankful to you. Today is your emotional Veteran's Day to choose how to spend it. I'll never forget the heritage, history and the values of life you have by example. May all of us never forget. You are our greatest teachers of humanity, community, and how to serve others before you served yourself. God Bless You all. I share with you this song and dedication to you. Thank you to all our Veterans and their families. May we celebrate and honor those who are with us now and those who have passed on. - I dedicate this to the known and unknown of the very special Veterans who have passed on. I share this with those precious souls of service who are still with us now. May you never grieve the loss of your brothers and sisters of service alone. May you always know that others grieve with you for your siblings of service as well.

Veteran's Day is a very humble, grateful and grief-filled day for me as well as a celebration. I can only assume many feel as I do.

I am thankful that I got to go to Washington, DC years back. I went to "The Wall" - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. As I saw the names that represented the lives of those who have gave all - I tried to fight the tears as I placed my hand upon many names of the individuals of brave souls that I didn't even know. 

While quietly saying an internal prayer for each to rest in peace and for comfort and support to be granted to their families now. With a silent tearful Thank You to all that touched me upon this wall of memory. It became real and emotionally overwhelming at the grief, celebration, and sorrow that consumed me. I gained a new appreciation for life and all people that day because of those names on a wall that touched my soul.

 I came to know many more WW2 and Vietnam Veterans in my family and loved ones of friends and the ladies who stood by their family members of Vietnam and Desert Storm. Their faces, lives, and bravery will forever carry with me always and the lessons that taught and have given me along with special memories.

Seeing The Wall became very real, deep, and personally emotional to me then and even more now of the value they have given to our humanity and community of our nation. May we never forget to have daily thanks and appreciation to express our sentiments to those who served and have taught us the most precious of life's lessons. Every day -- there are many who are willing to stand up in the hopes of unity, freedom, with peace of love that one can only know through the eyes of a Veteran and those that have served. May we never become so ungrateful and neglect time to say Thank you now and always.


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