A birthday is a celebration of life for the individual entity we each are. This date of reminder is a staple of everything we do and hope to become in life. The journeys we have made. The people who have entered or exited our lives or are no longer with us will each carry a candle with them. The candle we have given them to burn or scorch them or to light their way with. We are their candle. They are our candle.
There is no other day like the day of birthday on the calendar. There is nothing as personal as that date of our birth. There will never be a right or wrong way to celebrate this date or silence this day and reject it's validity too.
But one thing is almost certain - whether spoken or not spoken - is how a birthday will try to force reflection upon a Person You Use to Know - as your prior self and the years of experiences you have endured to reach that special day of birth annually upon a calendar.
I have spoken with many about birthdays in general and celebrated many birthdays with others. My consensus is this - somehow, memory lane will find you on your birthday - even if - you try to disregard this path long gone. Memory Lane will still track down each on that day they entered life - even if - only to leave a second of stain, curse, blessings, thankfulness or nothingness.
A Person I Use to Know never felt important, celebrated nor even appreciated when that day of birth popped up on a calendar. Sure ---- there might have been a cake baked, a few cards given, or even a few material gifts but in celebrating the personal interpretation of what a birthday means to an individual - eluded me. Escaped me. That Person I Use to Know knew that it was a day I should have been grateful for and even in the smiling, loving and good intentions that others tried to give me - it wasn't felt nor real to me. It was a date that was shared with another family member and nothing of my own celebration. A nice gesture of the family to always share this birthday of two siblings but it never allowed me to find my own meaning, designation or validation to my own date of birth of which caused me as many fulfilling blessings as it had complicated and conflicting curses in my life.
It had taken me literally most of my adult life with many helpful, supportive, and unconditionally loving people for me to finally anticipate and find joy in this day of my birth. Even when alone on a day I was destined to be born upon- I learned acceptance of appreciation for my own thankfulness that I have about my life and to my life and those directly responsible for my being here too.
It took one special loving person to teach me how a birthday should feel and how wonderful it could be. It was through this first experience of feeling the value of my birthday that I came to embrace it for myself and celebrate all the beautiful roller coaster my life has pitched me through. The recollections of the many valleys I have stalled in -- but never stayed permanently. I always wanted nothing but the mountain top view. I did not want to stand above anyone or to be above no one or to be difficult or competitive - but I wanted the mountain top view so I could breath in peace. I could share in the beauty of life that many embraced while many more are denied - while never taking away my own sense of peace upon the mountain.
To sit upon the top of mountain where the air is thinner, somehow, it is extremely soulfully fulfilling that even - the lungs can not comprehend. The crisp sound of nature's life and evolution of new birth waiting to be born -- below is a constant reminder of one's own internal four seasons that life imposes upon each of us. The rock hard foundation of a mountain is ironically soft and yet cushioned with grass and soil beneath one's bottom --- that can only be stated as ironic.
For the appearance of the ground is deceiving of comfort to gaze upon --- until one takes a plop into gravity upon it. To be as close to nature as one can get in sharing in the peaceful, serene yet noisy life production going on around a person is astounding and simply beautiful as it gets. The same said of people too. Nature is one of the greatest teachers that we as humans have and probably the least listened too among other things.
A Person I Use to Know in myself was a nature fan but one who never really learned the lessons given. I'd take bits of pieces of Mother Nature as I'd go -- but never sitting still long enough to admire the lesson of all of her glory. My whole life was as this.
Listening but not Hearing - Seeing but having no Vision - Smelling but not Sensing - Tasting yet nothing Tasteful - Touching but never Feeling.
From the experiences I lived and all those who shared with me - I can only say there is one person that I began to learn and adhere to that gave me the beginning of positive changes of my life. I am still learning how to gain this on my own and for myself. Even more so, opening myself up to the possibilities to share this with others - as it was shared with me - so perhaps, it could enlighten and give a fulfilling completion to the core of others too.
Life is not granted to any of us on a specific timeline nor conventional clock. We can only daily fulfill our purposes and what every second of our life means to us or how we value it. A Person I Use to Know reminders will continually come along in life and through dates on a calendar.
One can reject it. One can accept it. Neither will be right. Neither will be wrong either.
If nothing else in life and the circumstances or experiences we encounter - Each will choose. Each will faces choices. Each will face accountability to these choices and how they choose. We will each become as contributors to those every where we go and in everything we do. I can not guide nor instruct any one to do anything without their consent - no more than - anyone can guide me or instruct me without my consent.
Imagine if life were simple in these possibilities. Accepting each for the different, unique and valuable asset each of us truly are as contributors to the cycle of life that we immediately know? How happier could life be to each of us? How more positive and effective would our attempts be when we felt a lasting effect of our efforts we made? How much more could it make a difference to every individual if each felt like --- they were someone special and someone to be accepted just as they are? Imagine.
Every one deserves to know and realize the value that each of us are as contributors to the cycle of life around us. Every one should know that they deserve to feel a Happy Birthday celebration in their self too.
Even if alone and celebrating solo - your day of birth is something for you to be proud of. Every one has more positives than negatives about them. But half the problem is that most have too many negative assumptions - derogatory speculations and allow others to lead or guide them to a life they want while failing to know personally that in which they seek to be. It's easy to do and allow to happen before one realizes this has occurred.
Heritage, history and social cultures do complicate this process of choice and self-worth or self-acceptance and value. The hardest reality is to admit this to one's own self. Nature and nurture have longed been scientifically and medically debated of the who, what, when, how and why of a person. Perhaps, origin may begin the journey of a life to each --- but it never has to end there.
For we are destined to be A Person I Use to Know by the things we allow and do of our own who, what, when, how and why. For each has a responsibility and accountability to know one's self in these regards to multiply your dreams and increase values of life into tangible reality.
No one is a complete expert of self. For to speak as an expert of one's self is to deny one's self the ability and potential you still have waiting to be grown, birthed and developed in enhancing, enlightening and benefiting your life greatly.
Many focus on the physical health of the human body. For this physical health is the visual appearance that one sees to represent the health you are or are not. But this is deceiving to all especially to one's self.
For physical health is very important in gaining and hoping to achieve a long uncomplicated medical life. But at the core of each individual is a processor as a computer has.
The processing of our internal health is for each to seek out our own understanding, acceptance, awareness and respect of and toward self. For in the internal processors of each individual is the core that represents the externally justifiably.
To balance the internal and external that makes up an individual is to gain a positive experience of beneficial entities that my words escape me to describe. Even if I could, it would not matter honestly nor make a persuasive difference to assist anyone to learn how to immediately benefit their life.
Reject. Deny. Accept. Learn. Research. Seek. Grow. Decline. We are each of these and entitled to what we feel effectively works for us or does not. The controller of our courses will be destined to end exactly where we steer ourselves or allow other to steers for us.
As time goes on, so does the accumulations of experiences, circumstances and internal data processing of the life we have chose to live and all the many faces and names that cross that journey with us.
I only want each to appreciate the positives you have in your life too. There will always be negatives, speculations and assumptions to be made. But when we lose or can not define the meaning and definition of what life and our life means to us personally --- then we have already lost all hope in others and deprive ourselves of a sharing we never knew that could exist for each of us.
May the new year of your birthday help you stand proudly and your own solo journeys of memory lane of the Person You Use to Know be happy.May you find your own perosonal values, purpose and meaning of this game of life that you did come to play while giving the game with all you had & all you could gain to know so when the game of life is over for you - that you rest peacefully knowing that you truly gave all to your life, every single day as the game of life ending that you choose & contribute too daily:)
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