I have known a many of Persons I Use to Know and still do know- including myself - who do believe in the positive contributions to beneficial health in constructive or creative actions made possible only through the avenues of achieving, maintaining and possessing the internal and external desires to simply laugh.
Create laugh. Produce laugh. Grow community strengths in laughter and decrease stresses of problems by easing the difficulties with vocal harmonies given by sharing laughter.
The joys of productivity in sharing daily laughter as a primary objective can become the very thread that cements all relationships together or economical profit growths for all businesses, employers and for each employee to labor through another day. Laughter is still the best medicine to ease symptoms of life's daily doses of uncertainty.
I am not exempt from this laughter and do hope I never get so caught up in the serious that I forget to lean on laughter when I need it. The Person I Use to Know - in each of us - should never forget when personally evolving forward that they actually begin to regress laughter.
It's the saddest aspect to witness and the worst of extremes that any one can do to their self and to those who use to know them as a fun, loving, and cheerful silly person or wittiness that makes a person truly unforgettable.
To accomplish any goals in life - one must have the serious effectiveness to set wise goals, establish course of action and follow through. But to keep that success or accomplished goals, one must only secure laughter as their first resort and as a side kick.
Life in laughter will not only supplement the success you are able to achieve and goals be met - but it will also work as a great stress reliever to you and all those around you when the going gets tough.
The weekly focus of my emotional learning and the new practices to: Observe, Describe and Participation of engaging my own personal 5 senses in a new skillful environment has been truly more beneficial, enlightening and fulfilling that I could ever imagine. The laughter and peace I have gained have made it seem not like work at all. As if this nature of myself had been there all along and never having the tools before to experience it and wisely project - until now.
If our emotions were as a solar system, then mine would have been under attack constantly by the meteorites that I would unconsciously with a whispering internal dialogue subject myself too.
It was my behaviors of internal and external engaging that I had always done and for a very long time - it appeared and benefited effectively for me --- never restricting or limiting my life that I could not handle or so I thought. After you keep watching the shooting stars of unison bliss in other's for so long whose stability of their solar system in emotions - is balanced - you become quick to realize and even question yourself about the tools and skills you have been using.
You start asking yourself at points of your life in high stresses, extreme difficulties or unexpected shocks; these questions - as I have myself or those of similar content ---- Am I really healthy? Do I feel healthy with my emotions? Do I even really like my emotions? Do I hate all my emotions? Why do I always feel this way or act out this way? Why do I always do this or do that based upon what I am feeling? Why can't I stop this emotional solar system meteor attack upon myself? These are my tears, but why can I not dry them up? Why does this place do this to me? Why does that visual make me feel like this? Why do those scents disturb me so? Why do these nightmares come after I hear that range of vocal pitch, tone or words?
All these questions and many more are quite appropriate to ask in any situation when one is feeling extremely exhausted because of life's circumstances or situations that repeatedly occur. But what can one do about emotional imbalance or do with our emotions when we feel they are more than we can safely handle, cope through or work through anymore? What do you do when you face that end of the line and have no where else to turn emotionally?
For these above answers, one can only ask and answer for their self. For as --- the physical appearance of our genetics are beyond our control - our emotional internal is one that perhaps, can be mended to function to one's desires or at least have a resolution ineffective solutions that works beneficially for each individual.
The tools and skills are out there to gain emotional desires, wants and needs for each their own to engage in - when self admittance and self acceptance is warranted by circumstances or to gain a more in-depth experience with one's self.
Learning about the emotions is the equivalent of taking a vitamin that helps the physical or mental health or a supplement that helps the body feel good. Learning about the emotions and what you want your emotions to do for you or what you do not want them to do to you anymore is clearly your adventure to embark upon as you see fit and how you see a healthy fit.
I am literally having such a blast with my own objective setting goals to accomplish with my 5 senses and emotional healthy reconstruction that I only wish I could go back in time --- now to apply these new tools I am gaining daily to A Person I Use to Know in myself.
But if I could do that, it would entirely alter my life that was never meant to be changed. I would not do that- even if it science made it possible.
For there is only today and each daily gift to be valued for the treasure it is and the lesson that the day teaches us to be gathered and the joys we consciously produce from it.
Applying a new we seek to gain every day - where life will never be boring, alone, sorrowful, grieving or captivating us to our own emotions internally that silently attack us taking away each ticking second. To each their own approaches and values to be sought in the daily but these tools of writing, learning, applying and enjoying has become an asset to my daily life of who I use to be and what I am healthy and beneficially becoming now.
The emotion of Sadness has been my focus of emotional word this week and about 30 of its accomplices. The symptoms, causes, effects and how the 5 senses respond to sadness. The applications to Sadness: Observe, Describe and Participate with out judging one's self or another is harder to do than one thinks. Especially, when most are already embedded and fully rely upon the emotional core of their individuality.
I was tired of my emotions. I wanted to be numb of them. I did not want my emotions to spike up my Bipolar hypomania anymore or keep myself in an impulsive and fast speed state of emotional mind anymore.
I got so worn out with the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder triggers that avoidance did not work - isolation did not work - productivity did not work and medication was not an option I could safely consider due to past mishaps. My continual lows and constant reminders of even the celebration moments of my life would not get stable in me ---- so I could do the simplest of tasks or even enjoy life that PTSD triggers didn't rob my sleep and consume me in nightmares.
Emotional Intelligence is a very intriguing subject. But it's application is mostly used for business minded individuals or for supervisors to instruct and grow the abilities of their employee's production by learning how to emotionally fulfill a person. A happy person does make an effective productive person. But it was not enough for me to learn how to undo the invisible medical damages and broken faulty switches that my brain and body had come to process naturally instable in my 3 decades as their primary and only resources of functioning.
In learning about DBT and more about the science of the 5 primary senses in the body and how emotions do ignite or deflect emotional, mental, physical, psychological, and medical health - I created a daily routine of therapy.
I wanted to elementary style my learning of emotions. Start over. Take what I knew about my emotions and respect how they did produce accomplishments in my life but how they detrimentally destructed my life too with my own solar system meteor showers I did and learn how to begin anew. So in applying this new skillful information, I am feeling liberated and gaining peace and a new sense of life that I have never known at the core of myself.
I am finding my creativity grow in writing and learning new vocabulary words of emotions -which is always a must for any written word guru or literacy hobbyist. I am finding humor application to emotions by my own vocabulary admiration for words and their personal interpretations for me and how I choose to apply them.
I share these writings of my daily worksheet because if it can help one person not to be so sad or in a despair solo - it'll be worth it. If it helps one person to gain back their laughter or learn a new skill of how to apply laughter in their life - by even - the vocabulary they speak - then all my time writing, blogging and sharing is truly worth it.
I don't feel I have been given a gift of writing but a talent in taking an obvious and flipping it so that what once appeared to be simply - a right or wrong answer response --- will now become a question of: Is there a right? Is there a wrong? - What if an answer is truly a neither/or kind of answer? Is it OK? Will it be OK? - It's my way of paying life forward to another by sharing my experiences and perhaps, helping others to avoid what I have endured or helping someone else so they can apply help to them self. Paying It Forward.
My daily new word was Dejection. I had to look up this word dejection. I knew it meant a synonym of sadness as the 30 words of sadness that I am working on are correlated the basic of its meaning. But I needed to understand the full terms and use of dejection to apply directly in my learning worksheets.
The humor I found in my adolescent yet mature ways in finding this laughter filled opportunity was more than I anticipated. Dejection captivated me with creative impulses of hysterical vocal laughing and internal thoughts of beginning word arrangements and applying the learning in writing to be used as a skill building exercise to apply to my life directly.
For dejection does mean sadness of low spirits. Dejection also means the evacuation of the intestinal tract or defecation!
I shared my literacy learning of dejection accuracy here to only be met with verbal rejections and mature remarks denouncing my immature laughter of this new word and its factual and bizarre meaning. Who thinks of these words and link them together?
Who would have thought that the dejection emotion that defines a state of low spirits or feeling of sad rejection produced by defection could also mean the privacy action of taking a bowel movement?
Could this dejection about sadness really be excreted out of the intestines when having a bowel movement of defecation? Could sadness really be that easy to get over and even laugh about? Could the Emotional Mind process these low spirits while the Reasonable Mind has internally digested today's waste for both to be shed together from the anal orifice producing not only a body function of stomach relief but also a Wise Mind release of sadness and not one of the unhealthy harboring the Emotional Mind of constipation is use to doing to itself or one's own self sabotage of hijacking the Emotional Mind? Could sadness be that hilariously simple to release and get over?
I found this reading of new learning quite hilarious. My personal interpretations of everything especially words - are like no other. Joy in sadness. Laughter about sadness. Who thought it could be possible? Ironic isn't it?
Believing in learning skills - motivating one's self to find the effective skill and then applying them in direct actions of new knowledge gained will make anything beneficially possible for those who dare to care about one's self and to work to achieve a healthier life! What learning do we allow the daily time to elude from us and those hidden benefits that are waiting upon us --- when we dare to be different to learn all we can about self and share with others.
In my learning, I am taking my new skills and applying them in sentences of engaging the 5 senses while enacting the ODP that DBT calls for. This new sentencing and word application are my skills I use to read, retain and apply new information that I need.
I needed this emotional new skillful learning. But in working today -- I shared the above of humor and now I give the final paragraph of my daily progress of 5 senses application and the value of lesson I gained about Sadness today that will be beneficially activated with laughter from this moment forth in my life.
I didn't create the word Dejection nor it's meanings but now in my life this will not only help me to achieve my medical goals of conquering this PTSD and decreasing the Bipolar symptoms -- but it will also allow me an appreciation -- for even the darkest of human emotions we have as sadness, grief, despair, and desperation presents to each of us too.
Become A Person You Use to Know by creating that person today. It is never too late. Make it so where time will be your friend, your emotions a skillful partner, and learning how to grow and develop an unconditional love for yourself in health and success with a new toolkit - that only you can do. Take the laughter. Make the laughter. Create the laughter. Success will be your solution when you are done.
Dejection in my ODP of 5 senses engagement in written exercise without actually doing this activity physically --- Example Only:
Sitting on the room temperature toilet.Visions of dark are all I see - as the light was off and no daylight peering in the window from night's fall. I taste the salty supper of garlic spaghetti filling in my mouth as I listen to the grumbles of my stomach internally processing this defecation I am physically consumed in. The unattractive smells of successful bowel dejection have been gravitationally pulled into the bottom of the toilet with a cold, wet splash on my bare derriere and a thud sound as it crashes to destination awaiting to be wiped and flushed.
Now remember - Dejection as your word for Sadness expunging in laughter too! It can't be stupid, if it works!
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