Monday, October 28, 2013

Political Motivation

Probably the most fun I have had in any written form of expression I have ever done is that of Political Motivation! Writing the elected officials over important topics, matters, bills, and topics that affect every day lives. Sometimes, even just the simple writing to vent my disgust helps alot too.

Working with my associates years back on political matters that directly affected our employment was the most fun I had in helping to coordinate public information, sharing useful resources, and contact information. Learning about my own geography of my home state and how it's broken down politically was as much as  a numerical voyage for me as it is was closing the complex gap of understanding the bizarre of political mayhem.

I have said for years that I hate politics. I do not hate what the basic function of politics is suppose to be in its simplicity. I embrace the positive and potential that politics gives America. But I do hate the selfish motives of personal agenda that politics appears to become for many elected officials once they gain those seats of office.

For every politician that exists you will find those die hard fans of those who stand behind their incompetent choices or law passages. Many supporters of a politician would not even know where to begin to find the Yeah or Nay vote that their politician casts. Many would not even know that they have internet access to all the behind the scenes and on the floor invitation to view, read, research and learn of what makes democracy in America and who is truly working as Pro-America and who is against America just by the votes they do - the bills they sponsor and what they reject.

It's sad really. Having political motivation not only empowers us as citizens to reach logically or emotionally eye-to-eye with an elected official but it gives us an avenue to speak and be heard. Though all of our concerns may never be answered, changed or may not create a resolution in which we seek - we can still walk away knowing that we reached out to the highest powers of our lands to be heard the same.

Back in the day, when my favorite webmaster was posting and updating the work affiliated website we did with bill information and contact information - it was the most intellect fun I had.The community of learners we gained proved positive in the support we gained to pass the bill we sought.

I have never quite lost that positive bug to reach out and keep contacting my elected officials. I still promote this type of political education on my own personal posts of Facebook too.

Ironic isn't it? Politics fun? Politics positive? Politics hopeful? Who knows as we each can only choose to get actively involved in politics of our country or simply do nothing and complain the whole way.

I always felt the social hierachy of our country failed to prioritize a system of citizen structure. For if every law or motion gave first thought to our elderly, our Veterans and their families and all who serve, our disabled and our children - when they acted upon anything - it would surely create a positive forward motion that would ripple effect for all of us.

But if you deprive the elderly of their basic needs and neccessities after they have worked and earned their years - we create the hardships they endure and their will to get involved actively anymore & honestly who could blame them? When their prior years of financial, economical, personal, and profressional survivals are based upon lessons that consistently get repeated instead of corrected and prevented.

But if we fail to understand the personal and profressional costs that Veterans, their families and all of service endure to provide our freedom then we fail them and fail to provide them the neccessities of prevention, awarness, social and public support and the basics of life they need in order to function and live a life outside of service. A dedicated term of Veterans service should not have to be paid for with a life or a lifetime taken from them because of the hardships their survivals and our freedom costed them.

Our children in this country should never fear life. When a child fears, their brains and body become medically altered when their fear of life consumes their growing and developing brains and bodies with internal processings that chemically alter what should be normal development. If family, friends, churches or legal law fails to protect and prevent abuse to children - a child will never know that feeling of a safe, equal and protected world. When the line and order of family becomes unfunctional due to abuse - it is up to society to enact and create protection and prevention to children. A child never become a first time victim but when it happens - all measures must be taken to ensure that revictimization does not occur in any child's life. In America, our children are the only financial and economical investment we truly have. We impact today but what becomes of tomorrow is for our children to correct and fix that we messed up or faultered in. Until we learn to value each child for the true entity they are in our society, our tomorrow will fail before it begins because we failed the children.

Our disabled individuals in this country are probably the most socially stigmatized class of individuals we have that reside in America.The lack of education to understand anyone medically defined as disabled enables the stigma to grow and continue. The individuals who are truly disabled do not choose to be this way neither do those who become disabled by circumstances beyond their control. But who is responsible for these individuals when they can help them self? Who cares for these individuals when they are not financially able to hold a job to take care of themself?

Disabled individuals are a two fold topic as children are. Would you allow a child to starve to death because their parents will not feed them? Would you allow a child to be homeless because their parents failed them? Why would you allow someone who is sick and disabled to be without food or without shelter? They do not choose this way of life. They do not choose to be limited or restricted in life. Perhaps, more research could be done with earlier intervention upon our youth to catch medical disorders before they escalate to adult permanent disability could be one avenue to help our disabled. But more than anything, understanding the medical aspects of a person's life goes along way in acceptance.

I feel that if we viewed changes, laws, and policies with regards to our elderly, our Veterans and their family and all who serve, our children, and our disabled then we could create the exact America we dream of. That land were freedom, liberties, and civil rights are given and granted to the truly innocent while protecting our most vulnerable of citizens. By denying to meet their needs and neccessities - we are truly denied our own as well. When we forget to value the heritage of where we come and those that gave us our present lessons and fail to protect those of tomorrow for the potential they have yet to gain - we find ourself exactly where we are today - repeating mistakes of yesterday, learning nothing of today, and being limited where we don't have to be of tomorrow.

So what will you do to get your political motivation groove on. I shared with you my prime interests for humanity and my political motivations. What will yours be?

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