Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do You Know Your Personality?

 If you do not know what your personality consists of - then I dare you - to take the  Jung Typology Test. 

This test assessment consists of questions that will break down the general aspects of your personality. This characteristic test created by Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myer's takes a view of your personality based upon questions that you answer. 

This knowledge can help you to better understand who you are as a person. It can help you to know what your strengths and weaknesses are to hit life full blast and how to tame the dislikable qualities too. 

The fun aspects of taking the few minutes to do this test will help you better understand vocationally what your prime careers should be and what you should avoid doing with the character personality you are. 

No shame in learning about yourself or being profiled in knowledge that can help you in your life. 

I really enjoyed the similarities of historical fiction and nonfiction individuals too. It clearly displays those of kindred common bond individuals as you are and the approaches they took in their life with the same general character profiling that you have. 

What do you have to lose but time? What do you have to gain? Humor and knowledge for starters. Not often we are granted tests in our life that offer both humor and knowledge as the result of what we are questioned ---so go for it at:

Being sick with the sinuses these last few days, I am pretty much at my own devices of entertainment and keeping myself occupied to stay out of a pit fall of ick entrapment that occurs when one feels horrible.

I found this test by accident while researching the medical use of drinking hot water and cold water effects in the body. 

This was a fun research too because it offered a 50/50 medical debate of skeptics with less of medical and science to help a person decide at what temperature to drink their water. 

But for me, I did introduce drinking hot water in my life yesterday from mere misery to keep from going to a doctor to get an antibiotic. I am still overcoming this head cold mess today but am feeling better and will do the draw tomorrow - if not better to give in & admit defeat and get an antibiotic. Today is 4 days of this personal weather afflicted illness so if I am not superwoman tomorrow - I will go the doctor & realize that my body can not conquer the Mucus Monster I have become anymore. 

My immune system does what it can. But after having a sinus problems my whole life & a septoplasty in 2009 to decrease a genetic issue of abnormally large turbinates and a bloody nose effect of nose breakage when I was 10 years old to pet my loving goat that caused me to fall and bust my nose - I give up that perhaps my sinuses need all the help I can give them and admit that surgery did not fix this problem. I was advised before the surgery that the success rate was low too but I was hoping. But wiht one more day of rest  I will decide tomorrow if I will do the draw if I am not better. One can only take medical defeat so long before they resort to extreme measures to just get well. 

In being down this week - I enjoy the Android tablet and reading as the eyes allow. Occupying myself with this personality test made my feeling bad ~ not-so-bad after all. For the knowledge I gained was not only of an intellectual perspective to apply to my life but a clear illustration of the genetic wonder amazement I am.

These characteristic tests or general profiling of individuals has been around as long as scientific advancements and medical research has. 

For someone like me - who is inclined to have a medical resume as long as my occupational resumes - I find this information enlightening, funny and a great tool that I should have years ago at my learning & desposition to do as I choose with this kind of knowledge. It may have saved me many repercussions of fouls and instead gave me more useful constructive resources to approach within. 

But I do believe that ship has sailed for me as age & circumstances of a hard knock medical life has caught up to me. Because I do my brain's challenges that call me to decrease the harmful overloads of stress that has already medically altered it so I could thrive & survive. So instead - I try to focus more on ways to increase fun or my own happiness to increase endorphins and dopamine to counteract the side effects of a hard knock life.

This interesting test and information I gained was just what a good doctor or medical professional should have ordered - but since more of the medical field look for fast solutions and quick fixes of a pop of a prescription medication - I am left to find my own resolutions of what works for me and what does not even medically.

I do believe in being one's own medical advocate 'cause let's face it. Many deny their own intuitions and instincts when it comes to what medically should be and should be done in their life. 

When a medication causes harsher side effects than the initial symptoms of a medical condition - how is that helping any patient who endures medical diagnosis? That's just my opinion based upon what I have witnessed of adversity in a patients demise instead of bettering their quality of life as well as my own experiences with my own medical conditions.

I highly recommend doing this test for anyone willing to take it upon their self and who has an open mind or open heart of the possibilities waiting to be received when you do.

A Person I Use to Know is historically found when you do this too. For what your test reveals about you will also show you the nonfictional and fictional characteristic personalities of those similar to you as well. It's intriguing to read how someone who is not DNA genetically linked to you maybe more like you in a sense, than you realize too.

I agree 100% with my test results. For occupationally and personally - my results were spot on. 
 Even those similar to my personality traits were eye opening to me as well. For I am learning how they choose to use their strengths or weaknesses and the mark they left on society & humanity. 

That's speaks volumes for someone who has been more of an orphan all of her life - more than anyone could know - unless you have been there too. I have been detested and even outcast by choice & by family members choices because I never did fit in nor did I want to belong to their defining dysfunctions of what they called truth, trust, loyalty, and honor versus what I call these same things.What they called as their positives were nothing but detriment negatives for me. But that's what trauma, abuse and criminals give you.

So to read the strengths and weaknesses of others before me who are generally characterized and labeled as human beings in the same category - I find it healing and funny. 

I find it inspiring and motivating for myself. I find it as intellectually stimulating as I do emotionally fulfilling. I am in many ways just a child betrayed by an adult body with an adult brain and adult life of responsibilities and accountabilities to be met daily --- but at the core of me is a child dreamer where every one can be friends with an imagination that never quits the creating processes & where hope leads my way every day with a dose of faith that is truly unrelatable by most -- but never denied by me that keeps me going.

I am an ENFJ by my results. I am:
Extravert(33%)  iNtuitive(31%)  Feeling(50%)  Judging(11%)

    You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%)
    You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (31%)
    You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
    You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)

Anyone who has ever personally known me in my entire life would probably agree 100% that this is me spot on. My desire to follow intuition and to feel life has always been a wonderful aspect of who I am but it has caused many impulsive and hurtful consequences too. 

I try to always have good intentions in anything I do but sometimes those good intentions do back fire because you can not force anything upon anyone - even if you give them the tools to help them - you can not force them to use them to do the right thing. These are hardest of my life to admit of what I have ever learned & am still learning from. 

I was amazed at the rainbow of diversity that my kindred characteristics had before me too. A Person I Use to Know could be applied here~

David the King of Israel from the Bible - Abraham Lincoln - Ronald Reagan - Barack Obama - Ross Perot, Sean Connery - Oprah Winfrey - Elizabeth Dole - Andy Griffith - Dick Van Dyke -Matthew McConaughey (character in The Wedding Planner) 

Famous Personalities Sharing Your Type

    Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States
    Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1997 to 2007
    Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross
    Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States

By reading this & even the occupation lists of what I would be best categorized for and  pretty much have been in my life's employment occupations too was fun. Knowing by nature or nurture or genetics of how they categorize personality traits - I find comfort in knowing that these traits were not just some absurd reactions of life's circumstances. 

These are my traits and what I choose to do with them and still use to enhance my daily life. 

Reading of these icons before me and even their strongest strengths and the good they have done or their resilient boldness to be them self against all odds restores me to a sense of belonging even when technically by social standards - I belong to no one or any thing especially of family linkage. 

There is something to be said and gained from the understanding of what it means to be a humane person above all. Regardless of a test or a medical condition or anything else that can be used to define us and categorize or label us or to produce stigmas - we must first accept ourselves and never quit learning about ourselves as much as we do others too.

Life can be a good thing. Tools and skills should never be forgotten in our lives to keep on learning. To keep on growing to obtain understanding. To keep on being the answer we want in life and applying that knowledge to the kind of life we want to have or don't want to have.

I will enjoy these upcoming winter months to grow my own joys and learning of these individuals who have kindred personality traits in common with me. 

I have gained so much grief in my life and sorrow with the loss of my family and friends who support them - that I will never have a family due to the truth and trust issues of my own DNA complexities. 

Unless one has been there - they can not understand it personally, intellectually or emotionally without seeking to learn about it. To learn about human experience one must open their self up to validating other's experiences as a student would learn. But without it and every one generally feeling as experts in who they are - misunderstanding and labels increase while stigmas keep up divided and separated.

I am not the only one who knows these sorrows, griefs, and losses. For there are many more broken souls in this world than they are happy, fulfilled and whole. Yes, that's my general consensus of my experiences with many people diversities of individuals made up from all geographies, economical, and educational backgrounds. Very few are truly happy with who they are or affirmed with who they are.

For me, learning about these truly inspirational and motivated individuals restores to me something I never knew or had with my own upbringing and what I have yet to learn about myself as an adult now. 

For I have never perfected myself nor have I fully affirmed who or what I am due to so many conflicting issues and people directly involved in my life. But by being able to understand myself beyond the science of medicine or my own personal experiences - I hope to broaden my own horizon in a whole new leap of faith and knowledgeable direction that I have never taken before. I hope to gain new skills that will allow me to create my dreams, fulfill my dreams and to help others find new skills, tools, and knowledge to apply to their life as well.

I use to be the kind of submissive person that would seek to emotionally solve a problem or crisis - without thought of the outcome or even contributions from the person seeking help. Meaning I'd do my part & their part & expect a positive result when it fact - I was using the tools for them & not allowing them to meet in the middle to use the tools them self. 

If someone needed a roof over their head - my door was open. If someone needed to borrow my vehicle - the keys were right there. If someone needed food - I would feed them catering to whatever was in the cabinet with creative magic I could do so that every one would be full when the meal was eaten.

I never had money to loan so that was never an issue. But it was the other good intuition things I sought to do to serve others that would end up in burnt bridges. I learned alot from this too & share so perhaps, my mistakes won't become yours too.

I was hard core on being the tools for others - instead of showing them how to tool life them self or giving them a chance to try. It's a protective instinct in me but it is also a personal fault for myself and those I tried to help of these good intentions too.

Now  I am becoming more of a person that says if "I help you do this - then you must do this for  yourself and me too." Never have I been like that before.

But the last several weeks of my life have become positive outcomes to very negative situations than I could ever imagine - because now I speak up - with this - "I will help you but you have to do this for yourself and for me too" approach now.

I give them the skills they need & leave the hard stuff to them & my gratification comes from knowing that I was honest, even if it hurt, and that the solution reached will not only be applied short term to their problem but using a long term foresight too. That's alot of new for me to venture too from my old ways but learning about one's self helps all aspects of a person's life. 

If a person needs help or assistance from you, help them earn it. Help them by seeking the tools they need and give them back pride in their self to accomplish a positive goal that every one wants. 

There will always be difficult people that come and go from our life. That's just human nature that comes from interacting with others. But until we learn how to be forgiving and sharing the tools we use in our life to give to others to use for them self too - it'll all end in naught - if we do not learn to keep trying of the potential of what works or won't work outcomes will be.

I don't say my door is open to every one anymore. I say the following instead. If you need shelter - I want to know what is going on of why you are homeless. I want to know your contributions to the error you found yourself in to be homeless or what others may have done to you - if you are minor age - that left you homeless. I want to give you personal goals for you to reach and meet if I give you shelter. But you must do these things for yourself and you must do these things for me too. It's 50/50. 

You want to borrow my car - well you will have to go through my 50 questions to fix this short term problem to reach a long term solution. You want a hot meal, well those dishes will not clean them self! See how that works more effectively:)

A Hand Out in life does the hammering and aligning the nail for another's persons benefit. It's usually only a short term solution to a long term problem when Hand Outs are given.

But a Hand Up teaches a person how to hold that hammer. Where to hit that nail on the end and how to hit it perfectly into the foundation of what they want to achieve or be in their life.

America has been giving Hands Outs so long that we have created citizens dependant on government that most have forgot how to pick up that hammer ourselves to build the exact foundations we want. 

Most have never been taught the skills or fail to learn how to gain a positive outcome to a Hand Up situation. 

Until we start learning to trust each other and setting aside our own reservations or fears of using the hammer our self - I am afraid we are constantly going to be creating in society that in which we enabled, catered too, and did for others --- because we didn't teach them how to do it because  it was just simpler to do it for them.

A Person I Use to Know is what we all will become. What we do with this prior knowledge before and after that day of personal analyzing has occurred - is left to each of independently to decide. 

If I can strike an intellectual nerve or emotional response to motivate you to do something differently that contributes to your life or those around you --- then my mission as a self-proclaimed writer, poet, author and blogger is successful.

Consider doing this Jung Typology Test not because a blogger told you about it but because you want the adventure to learn more about yourself and how you can use that hammer in your own life to build the exact foundation that you want so when your day arrives of that Person You Use to Know - you can smile, be happy and be fulfilled because you never quit trying and the adventure of your life was truly worth it!

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