These individuals were not my State Senators. But their assistance of requesting help for attentive support of a Yes vote of a pending bill by their Senate Committee - motivated me to email each of them for their assistance and request for help.
This bill is H.R. 2083 - Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act - . This bill when passed into law would provide additional enforced security to children in our American educational system that is not currently offered to children as protection or enforced legally as it should be from convicts employed by our educational systems.
Summary as follows:
Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require each state educational agency (SEA) that receives funds under that Act to: (1) require criminal background checks for each school employee that include searches of the criminal registry or repository for each state in which the employee has resided, the child abuse and neglect registries and databases of such states, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Sex Offender Registry; (2) prohibit the employment of an individual who refuses to consent to, or who makes false statements in connection with, a background check or who has been convicted of one of specified felonies or of a violent or sexual crime against a minor; (3) require an SEA or a local educational agency to report to local law enforcement whenever background check information indicates that a sexual predator has applied for employment; (4) require background checks to be repeated or updated in accordance with state law or local educational policy but not less than every five years; and (5) provide each school employee who has had a background check with a copy of, and a timely process to appeal, the results.
Allows an SEA to maintain an inventory of all the information from background checks conducted on school employees in the state.
According to: - The official Prognosis of this common sense law only has a 28% chance of being enacted. Only about 23% of bills that made it past committee in 2011–2013 were enacted.
How sad is that statistic? I know that our country has many more pressing issues on the docket that take priority and seniority of any above this law. However, when we will start investing a portion of that 28% to approval for enactment for judicial law and enforced protection for our children in this country?
I emailed the members of the Senate Committee of Health, Education, Labor & Pensions today. My email was fairly simply as I had under 10,000 characters and used a Notepad text to copy & paste my communications.
This made it a breeze to email 22 individuals of the Senate Committee as all their contact information for emailing is a simple point and click on their name and a new window opens. Hit the Contact link and plug away the standard contact information then do a copy & paste of a pretyped message and on the way to send it goes.
I can't help but to be frustrated at my attempts to contact them regarding the importance and priority of the passing of this bill.
I was sharing my survival story of child abuse as a prime reason why this law must be acted upon to protect children in the educational system. America needs to keep convicted criminals of Sexual and Violent crimes off of educational payroll to protect all children. America needs to do more for children victims of crimes and give importance to judicial and legal protection against revictimization or second offense crimes committed against children.
The auto responses I got back in email is that my mailing address is not in their district and they gave me links to contact the Senators of my own state. Talk about trying to keep a voter outside their geographical area at bay huh.
As if that wasn't disheartening enough, the 9 co-sponsors of this bill - could not receive my email either due to their Congressional restrictions from not allowing anyone outside their geographical location to contact them.
I wanted to thank them for looking out for children in this country by this HR 2083 and can not even do that. How rude the lines of communication really are about politics and voter communication in this country.
Email or writing letters are my primary forms of communication. I do not like the phone systems of our politicians in this country so I won't call them. I prefer to put my communications in print to them whether by email or USPS first class letter.
If I have something to say to our elected officials that I feel important - I will let my fingers do the walking or my pen do my talking for me. If my life could be detailed in a SPLY (same period last year) ratio as employment standards are held too - I am full of lessons I have experienced and learned from to share about not repeating certain aspects of SPLY! I am the greyest color of life I do believe from my circumstances that have left me with many triumphs and traumas as well. But I believe in the effectiveness of using communication to grow awareness, prevention, and community!
I prefer the obvious speed of email over the good old USPS first class letter servicing. I tried my best to find out the date on the calendar when this H.R. 2083 will be presented for Senate docket and to no avail.
So I guess I will just restore my faith in the USPS to sit and manually write a total of 31 United States Senators and mail them a letter and hope it makes it time to pass this law that has only a 28% chance of enacting. I do not like odds of law as this. Perhaps, citizens of this country should really be more active in communicating and holding these elected officials to a higher standard than a mere 28% approval process.
Could you image the private work sector of employees if they had an evaluation of work performance score of 23-28% ? How many would be fired for ineffective production or fired for failing to meet employment standards? How would companies or corporations exist if their primary target of scoring was a low 23-28% on anything?
I will manually write 9 Congressional leaders to say Thank You to them for introducing such an important common sense law. Then I will write the 22 Senators who are of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Senate Committee to seek their assistance and help to push this HR 2083 to the front of the line so this bill will be one of the very few of the 23% - 28% that gets enacted approval to law. Washington, DC overload of letters - here I come! Increase job security of USPS first class mail another day. Thank goodness I keep a supply of Forever stamps on reserve!
The homework I have did in researching and learning about legal law now in place by states of educational employees is that they are not secure as this measure of law would create to ensure safety for children at school.
It's scary to know that convicted criminals of felonies, sexual and violent predators can be employed to work in our educational system.
The horror of reading about the examples and statistics used by Congress leaders who supported HR 2083 is grotesque and unreal. To think that internal crimes exist in our educational school systems against children should motivate anyone who reads these links I have shared - to get motivated and contact the officials that can make or break this law.
Criminals who target children as victims will never stop at the social manipulation they do to gain and retain supporters. They will manipulate others with verbal coercions so that the innocent who genuinely want to help and be equal toward all - will be turned around by these smooth tongue master minds of vocabulary manipulation to make any innocent person feel guilty or any lawful person a criminal to ensure their opportunities to access more victims exist.
Would you hire a convicted Sexual or Violent criminal to babysit your children or loved ones of minor age? Would you hire a convicted Sexual or Violent criminal to sit your loving pets while you are away on vacation? Would you hire a convicted Sexual or Violent criminal to clean your office or have access to your personal information? Then why would anyone stand by and not voice your concerns to support and seek voting approval in the Senate for this H.R. 2083 - Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act.
I know many from the experiences I have had in my life want nothing to do with the political door of processes that goes on past elections. Perhaps, if more citizens, got involved with communications to the leaders of our country - then we could see those 23-28% of approval rise to the level of what we want from our country and expect from our leaders as citizens.
I have written my personal state officials many, many times about political matters that directly affect the citizens of our state. But to me - the community of politics extend beyond the geographical boundaries of West Virginia. I do not care if a politician is in my state or sitting in session in Washington, DC.
Where there is Internet - there is a way. Where there is a USPS delivery truck - there is a way. Where there is phone dial tone (if you can afford it) - there is a way.
There is really no excuse for any of us as citizens to sit back quietly and go with the whatever flow that our leaders publish to us in our media. There is no excuse for any citizen to feel beneath the superiors of our land or that they are out of touch to us.
That is their job - to serve us. The People by the People. I guess until America believes in the community we really are - nothing major will change. The bad get worse. The guilty go free. The innocent stay silent as hostages. It's sad really.
We all have experiences, stories, and witnessed life as experts in our own geography defined by the rights and wrongs we have lived or survived.
To correct any wrong we must first admit and accept the wrong occurred. Then we must be verbally unafraid, bold with conviction to what we believe, and vocally courageous to speak to be heard using whatever means we can to make it happen. The only real communication issues we have in America is that we use electronic telecommunications to speak more and the value of our words decrease less as time goes on.
The potential and possibilities to live an American dream are not dead. They never were. It's just many are more concerned with complaining about things daily that they dislike than stepping up to speak to do something about it.
We can always enhance the rights of life to make something good into something better. We can also seek ways to make human wrongs into human rights. Good can only thrive and survive when a person is willing to take a chance on a good they can not see and believing in the focus of what they want.
To deny children an opportunity to dream in a safe and protected country as America is to create the problems of tomorrow that we can not solve and leave a history behind that taught us nothing.
Please considering taking a few minutes to email your state Senator to promote support and passing of law of H.R.2083 - Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act. You can find your state Senator to email at:
I have simplified the writing message process for you - please feel free to copy and paste the text below into the message portion of your state Senator contact.
My writing concerns consist of legislative importance concerning H.R. 2083 - Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act.
I seek your assistance as a United States Senator to promote the priority of this bill. I hope to seek your support with an approval vote of Yes for the passing of H.R. 2083 - Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act.
I am aware that this bill has only a 23%-28% lawful enactment chance according to the website.
I voice my support and personal priority to see that H.R. 2083 is passed by the Senate this term and be sent to the President for his signature of law.
I write to ask that you will do what you can to see that this bill is a term priority and passed to increase children's safety and protection in our educational system.
Children can not legally speak up for their political rights so I write to speak support for them. I would like to see that our American children could have a political portion of the 23%-28% enactment of law this term. This law will act upon their best interest by preventing crimes committed against children by ensuring convicted Sexual and Violent criminals will not be employed in their school systems. Thank you.
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