What is liberating blunt? Is it the legalization of
marijuana? Is it the freeing of emotions, finances, or lifestyle? Could it really
only be in having the bluntness to be bold to tell someone the truth of how you
feel even if it may hurt them or their response hurts you? How can pain be
liberating and good for you or any one else?
Liberating Blunt is a statement I thought of for today’s
blog content. In my experiences through the years, individuals I have known
have dodged the truth or would not even talk about telling the truth to some
one they know or knew to keep from hurting them.
When in reality, it was by not telling the truth or talking
about the difficult topics that created and prolonged the hurt even worse than
being blunt to create liberation from pain and not enabling pain in silence.
Legalizing marijuana to liberate the blunt is not what this
topic is about.
So to Mary Jane toasters I do apologize but this content of
topic goes a little deeper than the sweet inhale of something so relaxing yet
quite illegal in most 50 states of America.
So if you choose to tote, do it within misdemeanor limits and get involved in
your state to make legalization happen.
Now for the rest of you that stick around of learning how to
give liberating blunt in your life; let’s look at few of the literal facts from
a dictionary about the words: liberate and blunt.
Liberate – set (someone) free from a situation esp.
imprisonment or slavery, in which liberty is severely restricted.
Free, release, let out, let go, set/let loose, save, rescue
Blunt – uncompromisingly forthright.
Straight forward, frank, plain-spoken, candid, direct,
forthright, unequivocal
Both of these words can be used as actions together. To be
blunt with someone you must consider what will happen if you tell them the
truth. Could it be a liberating experience for them? Could it possibly help
them? Could it benefit you and them? Could it be a positive sharing experience
for both of you if you share the truth or blunt thing you need to tell them?
Once you weigh out on paper or in your mind of the positive
and negative that could come from the blunting truth you wish to tell or what is
asked of you – then decide to move forward with the liberating action you need
But only after you have made an educated choice to tell or
not to tell the blunt of what you feel or what has been asked to tell.
Blunt and being truthful always takes more courage to do
than simply lying or dodging the facts. Respect can never be given nor received
completely when all facts are not shared in any situation that occurs in life.
When you have one person in a two person relationship
whether they are family or friend, blunt and truth is all you have when it
comes down to the value you give and receive in any relationship. Without respect
to be blunt and truthful, it’s just a game and has no real value to either
If you can not be honest and blunt, especially when asked a
specific question; then liberation to grow and increase the value of the
relationship will never happen.
Respect is the most valuable asset that we could give and
extend to each other in any human contact. Even if we disagree, respect can
still be achieved by being honest.
Be honest about a person if you do not like them and why to
them personally.
Be honest with a person why you have changed or you feel
they have changed that affects your relationship with them. Be honest to
yourself of what you value in your daily life and why you enjoy the company of
Being blunt will always be more liberating to every
individual and the company they keep then dodging the hard stuff.
If history of evolution had been built by individuals who
dodged the truth and failed to share their truths they witnessed with slavery,
racial matters, gender issues, and human hostage, and abuses of these natures of
all kind; we would have never received and achieved the freedom of liberation
we do have today especially here in America.
We still have a long way to go mind you; but it could always be worse without
the contributions of the blunt speakers who stood up to create liberation that
could have never came any other way than their ability to just be blunt.
For the pain of their words to the few it caused discord
with produced a greater benefit to society by their liberating efforts to be
bold and blunt. Had they never achieved this; you would not be reading my own
freedom of speech either.
It is almost ironic that the truth that you try to reserve
and hide will eventually come out in the end anyways. Especially, if this truth
is about those who are the closest to us or those we feel like we know the
A confirmation or an affirmation is what we seek by being
blunt, so we can keep the respect we have with someone by asking them what we
feel to be true in our heart.
We fear more not knowing the answers we seek in them than to
asking what we need to know. It is still better to ask than to keep going in
life with them as a lie or an emotional anchor we reserve about them. If only
we would ask then we may get the liberating release of pain we self-assume
within. The pain stops not grows.
Human conflicts and unresolved issues occur every day. As we
age or mature, we build walls or shelter around our self depending on what we
have been through. Any survivor or victim of life is notorious for doing this.
If you have experienced the detrimental unpleasant or criminal
violations then this maybe the only way to protect yourself from further
emotional, psychological or sexual harm.
But a Person I Used to Know was very good at doing this to protect her self. It
may have been a wall built from a survivor or to prevent hurt or permanent
goodbyes. But people became as a fishing line game to her.
This person did this to many others. A very unhealthy
approach to others and self because of the lack of mature entities this person
did lack in their life by examples and through harsh experiences. It was easy
to reel people in for her own benefit and cast them back out when purpose was
served than being loyal to her self or anyone. She felt it would decrease her
pain or from getting hurt when she began to realize that this was disrespectful
to them and her self too.
She would pull people closer to her when she needed someone.
Then she would invent a positive and negative list that would cast them off at
a distance again. It was easier to focus on their negatives that to embrace
their positives. She could always take an angel and turn them into a devil.
She would do this vicious imbalanced game of reeling them in
and casting them far from her because she did not need anyone to see or feel her
despair and unresolved issues or conflicts in her life.
For she could handle being strong and fronting as fun but if
she ever let them in close enough to see her weaknesses then couldn’t handle that
they may disregard her permanently first.
So she would reel and cast at her choice. Force her self to
see their negatives versus their positive and cast them off before they could
her. It was her defense mechanism that was not fair to her or to those who
really did care about her and those she really cared about too.
This person was me. I fight every day not to be like that
anymore. This behavior is not balanced. This view was not mature and it is not
respectful to myself nor to any one else in my life.
It is so easy to get caught up in the fairy tales we make
about people in our minds and emotions about them. For we cast off more people
like this than we respectfully give them a chance to be active in the here and
now of our lives. No one deserves our inattentiveness to focus on the daily and
to keep pushing them away; especially if they done nothing wrong.
But many do focus more on the illusions of what-will-never-be
or what-might-have-been. We only fail ourselves to enjoy our lives in the right-here
and right-now in the moment and those who do share our company with us here in
the moment.
Life is complicated and complex. People are stresses but
deserve to be treated as a human being just as we do. They will only become a
thorn or a rose by how we perceive them from what we first peer at them from
I do not want any one to be a thorn in my life. I commit
every day to try to never be a thorn in some one’s life either. For life is too
short to play in the weeds of others who we know elude the blunt or truthful.
For if there is no respect to give truth equally then these
people are no good for us and we are not good for them. No one should play in
the thorns unless you like getting pricked and giving pricks instead of being
real. But some people do thrive on the weeds more than naught.
Unless you can find a tolerable and respectful blunt
liberation with another who agrees with you to discard the thorns you maybe in
each other’s side; then you can never smell the roses together again. It just
won’t work.
Sometimes, the best solution is to walk away. To appreciate
the garden of roses you once grew together and admired of the same focus is the
only way to go. Try and not be grief filled to bid sweet sorrow to the
experiences gone. Because it happened and you were lucky to share it but as you
learn to move forward realize the value you gained from it.
To cherish the roses that have grown when life was good and
to walk away from them when the thorns take over is still better to do than to
keep playing and creating more thorns that overshadow the roses anyways.
Life with people will never be a perfect science or a
perfect art that mimic lives. Emotions, feelings, psychological changes and
hormone changes all will play a key factor in every life out there. For all
will keep changing, evolving and it does take a mature forward progression to
stop the deep regression of backward living.
Be maturely smart and brave enough to always be blunt.
For even if others do not get your need to ask or respect your
bluntness in return; it will not matter. For you owe life to yourself to keep
growing your own roses just as they are in control over their own thorns or
roses. Not every one wants a rose garden and not every one appreciates one when
it comes along.
Even in the immature and mature ways of my life that have
taught me many valuable experiences; I know when to keep trying to walk closer
and when to walk away from someone. I always have.
But for every one person that criminally gives me a reason
to walk; there are many more who do walk in my life who treat me as I should be
treated and I maturely learn to extend the same respectful courtesy to them.
Now I am able to realize the errors of my own ways and
appreciate the here and now of what is in front of me.
The past is only made up of two things. The shadows that we
can never escape but can only learn to grow into light to produce the beautiful
roses we want them to be. The future will be created by these same shadows or
beautiful roses that we cater to grow in the here and now of the present. Never
waste so much time on a shadow that you fail to see the potential of beautiful
roses in your self and those around you.
Respect is all we have in our self to find. Respect is all
we have to extend in courtesy to another. To deny respect is to produce only
thorns and shadows and every one deserves more than that.